WESTERN JMAUU THURSDAY, JUJTE 9, 1881, SECOND EDITION. (Xn ARCH I "n00n Wn nmr r- a Cardiff mas in trouble Swansea. town council. the AT THE CAFE; All'ia now quiet, but th police srepatrnlHngtiie A monthly meeting of the fiwansaa Corporation PRIMITIVE METHODIST CONFERENCE. MEETING AT IIULL.
Warmer Urn. Omat Ut IRELAND. I DISTRICT NEWS. CARDIFF. TxsSvxbat Closixo Bill.
Wc understand that th Cardiff supporters of th Sunday Closing BUI intend taking sups to obtain furtiur signatures to thsir petition in favour nf dw massura, and the licensed victuallers, on th other hand, proposo sending another deputation to London to strengthen the opposition to the Bill no rosso Cornu Rklikt Ktatio. The oom-relttee mrawiiited tn-theOirdiff Kart ef Guardian at their fast meetiog to enaadnr this question met on Wednesday to discuss the matter. The majority seemed tu be in favour of the proposal to provide a central relief stutknuuxl they appointed sub-committee to ea into details, and to report to them at an esriy diue. Tkx Rxv. tt.
TElsKOKAlII LEfB DESTROYED. Parliament. The conroKdntion of wji: pr- vdly had to a reduction in the -erf Inters ft" i nd j.nduiv a a-vine of rww 3JX)0 a yiur. "tll tlv term for the mjaymont of in unimMt jkffktuc may lie cs- til 60. or even K.
an i Mr. lilusbpvk in a ifii-utli such i-i'it os munii-ipisl institutiro, in r.r-'.y Ik ini in cMsn.il chamber. -e that all ii.tious iff the iv tlw letting of had, J. i1'1' i5'. i-is'i -hnukl bo iiiiiH-wdt'ot tliiiiw.ejdng itilyt one transaction in -c incorotyj.
Tin1 inu-mt of i's l.iiiil qnesti'in i a Lm; i-. jii i P.nnil togitimite one. It i-o nee to the until wan rircwni at th' commit we riir 'rms'iili-in wi re arranged. i wfen it wa vuilirnn -i i f-viinl nny in' r.fa-r ff the council io lmld up 1 1. i v.
li-n is risfan a t.iVeu. LATEST GENERAL NEWS. Mr. RraiUnughacMn-eNda crowded nsec ting at lli syu Luff niglit. and a moiuviun wua paused con-doming iila (xiiu-v'ii.
There war a considerable diMurbnncr. Ihifait Thntre Royal, which wae eceetod in 1871 at c*nt of 25,000. nr totally destroyed by fire yiwtenlay. togvilicr with tin stage property of cnmidorable Talue. The origin of tho fire it un-known.
An i-xtnnriw firn raging hat night at" Hie lVinc stonucf Meiur. IVuraaiui Cork, P.irt.mouth-Rouse bund ml UirrcU of wi ne and a)iirii wore du-atrpyed. It was bind the innM srnuld extend widely owing to the high winds, but the danger waa averted. Tho Co-oiierative Congrens at Leeds resumed ill sittings yostetdav, Mr. Jhiuks Crabtree, of Ileck-naindwike, presiding.
Mr. J. lles worth read i p.iper on Co-operative lri ihiot which hr On Wednradity the Primitive Methodist Confo-renca was opened in Clowe Chanel, Jqrriilt stisst. HuB. During ths foemntteu of tns conference the choir was occupied by the Rev.
Colin CLMKechnfat tlw retiring president There are nearly 200 dels' gates, repreienting tiw various district in the United Kingdom, ths Austrokuian Colon! ths Canadian Conforenre. th variooa insttoutiona of the Oonnexlon, and also twelve legal repreoenta-tivss known os of tho Deed Poll," and four Connexional officers who wen appointed by tiw cnnfaroncs held at Grimsby last year. After tha usual devotional exercises, tlw conference proceeded to eleet ftameridanto Oonskkrsble interest wsa shown in the slection, four genttomen bring nominated of them, however, two tlw Kev. W. Oottt and Mr.
Thomas Bateman declined, and the aonforenai wu asked to vote between tho Rev. Dr. Antliff and tha Her. Charts KesdalL Upon tiw Iwlioc bring token, it wns Fouad that the latter gentleman whs elected by a large majority. Ho, therefore took the choir, and the ex-Preeident congratulated Idm upon tlw high dirtinetfain conferred upon him, sad handed over to him the insignia of oilier, a copy of tiw Holy 8 tuna.
Dw appointment of a vxs-p dent was equally oxciting when five, genttomen were Humiliated the Kara W. Ostte, B. Atkineon, Thomu Whitriirad, J. Touleon, and Joseph Wood, MA. In th firet balloting tiw voting wm very clumaa in tiw second; but in the third ft appvire that Mr.
Wood was in tiw assendency, und he. upon tha motion of the Rev. John Atkinson, was appointed as vies-presidant. A cordial vote of thanks was oocnrdsd to tha retiring president, moved by the Rev. W.
Antliff, D.iX, and a similar vats wu socontod to the secretary, moved hy the Rev. John Venn, snd tho Ollier oftcors of th conference. BRUTAL OUTRAGE ON APR0CESS was hsUot tiwGmldhall on Wednesday. The mayor (Aidennan Jankiii) presided, and there were preseat bssidee Aktsrewn Davto Thomas, Fori and Dudel; and Councillor J. Cody, J.
Levns, T. Freeman, C. TuSoah, W. Sichsnto, Daaiet Trow, (X H. Gbaeodhte, J.
Mira, fi Bsth, W. J. Kces, J. Gissfarook, fi. D.
Buraia, E. H. Bath, and K. Smith. lira btxmiu club.
Alderman Davloa, in sseendlng the adoption of the minute of tli watch committee (wiiich hod been moved by the mayor), mid he wu told thu if rnprentntiop me to tiie Hira nmiU Club wtr made to tha Ho me Secretary or tho Chief of the Excise, end if it could be proved that tiw tiling wm carried on in the vnrait to carried on it could be stopped. Tlw Town-dark laid iw should have a report on tiw matter to bring before tha next masting, snd tlw subject dropped. oatxi aw waix-koous. kxuxia acaosi tbs xivxx. Mr.
Gtoaoodine moved that the minute af ths jmoperty and general purposes committee be adopted. Dw minutes contained ths following paragraphs Thle earn uiItteaensMewdBwqnaeHnn iff oimstmnHng aiming bridge cunneullng tin bio. Barrow Wharf with the sew Hu Doakjeml the ttaimu was iwpwstvff to muuttlaequraUmiBtUMBcst meeting of tiw boriwer untt. Ths T'lwn-elnk rspnrttd that tha action with regard to go. 8, BomHvat-plaee Ourpumtlon v.
Ihilite-lus Iwsn Anally evtiled ln fitvow of the eoroacstliw. An apfUcolteo te til sole afretnahawoeeu Uwsalaakhi Kirk, from Mrs. Oebantr. wss fWTinI In tlm Imniseh eurvcyiw, and htt we isuatA to Mnrt mqwHy tluMin, nml nUo as to nruvUInu a nffrcslirasnl (tail iirynnilUFtfk. Dr.
T. D. Hrlffitiw, MV. Hbsiwser Dsrles, slid Mr. DauM FbiUtps.
ths pennoun of a oampany lor tlio snttioaof puhlia bsths and tsandriw, wtoiMtoil llii. couuulttoe rNpectiiige rite ou die St. Hdenk Field, which they wns deeiroue uf ireuring. Tide eummittee rrawnnoiiiisihatsiiaoreof grenud miuting8t. Hrlrns-nwd be let to the ootuisuiy upon leoee for 78 jmn st rental of 30 par smiiui, to lung oa ths pound I uriHeed fur tlw puruuw husodedi but la tie event ot tlu nteind bring dllted lie Blur utlwr puraaea, Uwa Uau jpnundeout as (he rate of St.
Sd. pwlhut fnmteae he paiora dw gneind revert to the corporation. The elnvution at thr proposed building to Iw eppruved Ira tlw bumugh surveyur, and publio diye when cJwspbathi alii bo avaiiauio ti 1 hr ipuami puliUo to be smingod by lb, ourporaliuu and umupany, and tiw town denim SERVER. THE MAX FATALLY INJURED. fiilv expo -l tint co-operators and trades WIIAT IRELAND WAS U00 YEARS A110.
I r- i NEW FORT. Before Messrs. K. V. Woolletfc W.
b. Cartwright, and K. (i. Culluia.) Jire.v uud i J.vvph Krruiwaid (his twvntieth op fearanoei was charged wuh being drunk and die. orderiy in CunmicniflLstrsel on Tuanhy afrera t.
He had piccu of thick gims in his iuind, with wnUdi hs srruck piaqilo is lu paMvd. brn litte! to S3 days' hard toiaair. John James wa ehargbd with bring Ertmk and diaooluriv cn Monday (Tuning. DolfaecnitaUs Dutolnw was sent far tu the Queens Hotel, prlsoifr wi dioordorly, n.l h-rt tumi nut, wiii ho mure excited still, ittsaulted Dukslow. tk-r-gkont Kvana was kL-ke ihre times hy tlm priiv.
nsr. A rtafir of ilismttif wa preferred iigainsi liiiz'i Miles, a woman wik insulted James. Knc w.is tha iff a crowd assembling; James anil Mil-- Isc.l some words, at.ii Miles stopped liis face. Tiffs wu Miles srvnndaiqicaraEccinc'iiri. Jaiurs wm fined 20 and 10.
ousts, or a month; Mitoa or seven dare. Ulllkim Ijoutv Itovies wns cirs.d wiili being drunk and disorderlv. ou Frida- nlti-rnoou, in Rwins'sivsuuntnt. Mr. winssaidhewM drank, and lw would not kt him have any drink.
beranw wry abusivt-. and tore the irail uf Mr. til. Bryan, and ftiro Mr. Kwins's.
Defendant had paid wMvreign to Mr. lirvan for hi exit. Fined 10. A Wild IriUttuit in tkr Rtt. Miclnol Iicgnn, fHra Cbrk, was charged wirii breaking into th hnitH- cf Kiclurd Ifiirfitt, at 2.50 a.ni.
on ILm-riy. Tbonu rani lw was in Dock-i reet at tit tim nstntd. and liSArd a eroic knocking in 1'i'luhiii-srruer. On reaching tlio spot lie saw the prisoner forcibly break open tiw door. Die family was from tamo at tiufumo.
Prisoner i-akl In did nt know what lie wa tfoir.g. Die Bench sniliwj iirisoiier to fourteen uats laird tobour fur being thero far nn unlawful purpose. AURROAVEXXY. 'Ikff'iw Mr. James Hum phrev, chairman, Mr.
M-iniry A-liwiii, and Major fhatics Morgan.) Juanlt Cate. Thnsiaa Holland. Net tonal tie! no! masrer, Abergavenny, WMchsrgid by James Luughuian. engine drivis-mi (he Great Western Railway, witli hitting hi child on Tuesday, tlw 31st ult. Tha ifaneh dio-utotad th ea ee.
Sriotl Low. Wikiam BoStoy, Lsk View-cut lagrs. Abergavenny, wm choreed with neglect i nr to send hto child to sehooL After hearing rhe svldenee of Mr. Lewis, school at tendance officer, tlio defendant wm fined So, including costa. JirtiAtuett.
Daniel Molhoewr, Tuffnr-strevt. was brought up in custody, oral charged with being drunk and riotous oa tiw 6tii inss. mik-c-cnnstabJ Coles proved the cm. Prisoner was fined 10s. and costs or fourteen days.
A fortnight allowed to pay. George Dsvtas wu charev-d witli bring drunk wiiiln in charge nf an cnri.v iviree, in Lien-street Ahnicavenny, on tic: Slat. ole. ttofemhiil wiis fined tli- nil penalty of 40s. aiul costs, nr one defendant wont to gaol, rfskiof Cwi-Tboa is Jenkins, GsrnHicj Jenkins, and Kmfly Jsnkins mn charged with au uaaait upon Mary Watkins, all of LiontNewi, committed cm tlii; 4th Die Bunch discliarg.vl Tlvnm J-rkins and Emilv nkirs.
hut fined the defendant CaPline Jenkins Zf. fid. and costs. Tnrtfrr. A temporary transfer was applied for and granted ro the Albert Inn, Princess street, from William Davies to Thomas H-we.
Th Caps Mail steamship Garth Gastte arrived at Plymouth oa Wednesday. On Kay 10, at the Magistrate1 Court, Caps Town, William Henry Paarecn Fries, 2L of Cardiff, who aaivad at Cteps Town on tbs pssesdinf day from Dsrtawuth, wns smnfncd by Hr. T. W. H.
Husoouw, on a charge of forgory, Jonathan Smith Spancar stated: I am a Wesleyan minister, and rcsids in Orarback-sqasre. 1 know ttwprteour. arrivad bats oo tends night foocn Engtond with totters of introduction to me, by th maiL Prisoner told ms ha wanted 5 to tiusgraph hto arrival to hu friend at hom*o, and thorsupon I gave Mm a cheque for 5 on the Tinian Bank, Cape Town. It a tho cheque now produced, marked but it Isjiot In the i state a I gave it to Mm. Th word Fifty placed before tlw snd thus 5 to altered into 55.
I did not writs the word fifty," nor alter th figure 5 into 55, nor did 1 uuthortoa anyone to do Arthur Btcnhouse said: I am a tiler at ths Union Bonk. Fri sonar presented the otequa produced, morksri A to me yutterday at the bank, it wae unendorsed whan he presented it. 1 told him, can out pay ths money, a tbs chequn bos bora altered. He raid the cheque wax in tlw same state as he lad recrivad it from Kr. Bpenoor.
lie united me to give him tilt 430 p.m, until be had can Mr. Spencer, and I told him I would not be there then, as ths bank closed at three p.m. The cashier then coma in, and tiw prisoner waa banded over to the police. Prisoner wu then committed for trial, when he made the following statement I on mo In yesterday afternoon and had soma Chpe wine, and I attribute my conduct to that I wu excited ut ths time, otherwise I should not hive thought of doing so. I fed its great deal, snd am very sorry for it doubly so, if my parents heard of it, feeling sure it would break their hearts; and if 1 could be allowed to return to would lnava at once.
DR. PRICE AND THE PONTYPRIDD RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. At Pontypridd polioe-oourt on Wednnsdav, tlw praceedinn tnetitutod by the Fonlj-priddBuralAmitary Autiurity, against Dr. William Frio, for tlw recovisry of 10 Etiwcmtof meting a privy on Iff mute ut Usntrixant, eomo on for hearing. Mr.
Walter Morgan appeared for the board, ft will ha romemborvd tisit tiw rural mnkvy authority ordered Dr. Mco to supply wivy socummodatioafor Ms houses at Uaatrtoant, ut hs negiratad to do so. Dura instructed ths surveyor to Invo the closets built. He hod them erected on Und belonging to Dr. Price, situate on the other side of tho road ftwi the house, and they now sought to recover the money expended.
Fries contended that they had no right to erect the doorts on that land at all, because he had not purchased it nt th some time the land upon which the houses were built, It being a different-hokfing altoeetlier. He farther said no would sue the tmoni for damages for trespass. At tlw firet hearing tlw caso wneadjonrnsd for the attendance of a witness. Further evidence having now been taken, tiie Bench ordered the doctor tn pay tlw amount claimed. Ur.
i n.i whfi his nJi'ii, lJ' fsthi-r-ii ti r. i-t its Ii Tied that, only 70 district were still h'l'l 1 (. hd 1 1.X Ait 1 urn gisti-mL of which 44 wore hiking slspt fr.r hs Idrth of UMst 1.110 r.iilwuy-,." TIiS ivunt i intfu Imf I Oh unviirffrcsl. Purina prftvelmiji Hir (mm w-a iiUrk'Uiuvtl, aiul lirJly tul- A teJ nuu cRvv)itheiiifiiraiufn Wsst Oerk line, fearing a renewal of th afteaopts to upset tha trains. A nridnight talegnm from Sehull anneuneea gunboat a haring arrived hi Scfaull Harbour.
Two teat were out fnm her, tho occupant of which wen discharging firearm. A named Annie Hsriihy, who was standing ou a cliff overlooking tbehorboar, received a wound in th head from a bullet. Die dreumstance has again causod tbo wildest excitement amongst tha inljoWtants. Matthew Healy, a small farmer, of Ballvndarney, County Cork, Ins been arrested chafed with being concerned an attack on a dwelling-house. Die tail of a number of cattle belonging to farmer named Hennas hsn been cut off while Ihoy were gnsing on a firm near YoughaL from which a tenant was recently evicted, and tho animal otherwise mutilated.
MOVEMENT OF THOOFA Dm Central News" Dublin comspondent tele gnpli licit a detachment of in fas try from tiie Dublin district, consisting of two officers and fifty non-commissloiied officers and nuin, was despatchsd on Wednesday to Huskey, County Roscommon, to rid tho civil power, returning to quarters whan no longer nipiin-rl. A gunboat at Cork Harbour, on tiie 10th inst, will embark a party of Royal Marine Light Infantry, consisting of three officers and eighty men, for conveyance to Cabivmen, when they will remain under canvas until further enUir. SPENSER ON IRK LAND 3U0 YEARS AfiO. reprint below Ilia opening passagva from Edmund ftyenserh Immortal Review of the Mtale ut IrcLod," which waa wriltea In dialogue fora during the time the author of the Fherfo Queene" resided in that cxwitiy os oecrtfaiy to Lord Grey of IViltoo, just about tlireo hundred years ago. It is to this work tiiat tha Protector Cromwell alludes in a Isttsr to his Gouncil in Irriand in favour of William Spenser, grandson of the poet, from whom an estate or lands In tin barony of Kenney, in County Cork; descended on him.
Dm value of the extract will be appreciated by ail who have studied the modem history of Irriand, or -who are interested in tlw prospects of that distressful country." We preserve in our extract the quint spelling of the original ml or. Kutyf that countwy of Irahnd, whence you lately came, be sue gnndly acid commodioua a suvle, a yn I woii.Iit tiiat noe course is1 tnltvn for tho lournins tlierof to good usee, and reducing of that savauge nation to better govem-meut and rivilitye. Jim. Marrv, there hare beene divers good plottos devised, and wire couawlis cost allrsady alhiut mfoniwtiun or that rerime; but they lav, it is the fatall ilestniy of that land, tiiat noe purposes, whatsoever are meant far lier good, will prosper or take good effect, which, whrwer it pro-ivede friim tlw very liratiw of the soyJe, or ialta-I'licc nf tiie stirrss. or lint Allmlghty tied hath not vet appointed the time for Iter reformation, or tint lie rtwervetii her in this unquieU slow still for sonic secrett srounlgvi which shall hr her mm unto Knghiid, it to lard to be knowim, but yet much to lv faired.
AW-jj-. Surely I sniniose tills hut a vuyne conceit of sinipiu lui-n. which ju.ig hinge by tiieyre not Iiv tlieyricausM; fur I will ratliee lir.oke the cause of till cvilL wiiich hangetli upon thalcuuntri-y. to procsedo rather of the unsnund-ness of tiie counn-Ils, und pintles, which yuu suy Ilivc beene ofUintime liiycil for the reformation, or of fayntnuss in follnwing and effecting the suniu, hen of auy sueli falaii i-uuis or appoyctment of Hod, asyouintodeome: but it to the manner of men, that when they are fallen into any absurdity, or theyr actions succoede not as they would, they rrodrslIw-iycK to impute the Name therof rare unto tfxR tothVfiluf of SsOOO Imvt bi'n cniwunnl. KViUiaftiy I rir I lie famili: wh Inr tin tuA, 'fin fin wiw (iucsi hy whh rvKivww nnw, Tito Lnui- TSHie.wn hi lvon fit- SHIPWRECKED MAROTERS ROYAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY.
The forty-seooud onnivsrtsry of the Kotioual Fiaiwrawn and Marinem'AM HOciety was held at tlw City Terminus Hotei, Cannon street, Jwadon, oa Weamasday, tiw 1st his Grao the Duke a Marlborough, K.U., president of the socle ty, in tiw choir. The report, read ty tiw decretory, Mr. W. H. Buck, stated that the past year had been a memorable one in ttu annals of the societys work, ths very calamitous storms which occurred therein havingwrongiit most disastrous results amongst our seafaring population.
Amongst tbs societys otlior benevolent operations, tha report alluded to tiw med.il, bsslde various testimonials, given within ths ymr si rewords far saving life, raising tiw numbers already awarded to 38 gold and 278 tl Ivor medals respectively, sad the total number of lives saved, for which recognition had been accorded by the society, to 7,107 in all. During the post year, too. tiie important national duty of relieving and repatriating distressed colonial seamen hau been finally entrusted to the society by Government, under defined ertanee' nientx as to ropaymunt of the cost involved in Mdl Instance; and some cate of great need had already been satisfactorily dealt with hi accordance witli the functions thus authoritatively devolving upon tlw fneirfy. The sndetyS income fur the year reached tiie sum nf 33.1 io Bs. 10dH representing an ina-aiso ot upwards of 2,100 over tiw receipts of ths previous year.
This augaiMitstiun or the wvielyli resnutoes, however, wm more tiwu ahsuiFed by tho urgent demands of so xceptinnIly dlsnirous a year, resulting in a total issu of relief, for tiw enure year, exceeding by 3Q0 that for 1879, and the unexampled pressure at one particular period becoming so great as to necessitate tiw society funded property being immediately drawn upon, to tiw detriment ot other objects embraced in th eocietyi beneficent cope. Thn report a read was nnaniinouxly adopted, the cfaim of tiw sneiety, the one National Fishcnncn and Mariners' Aid Society, bring warmly advocated by ssvsnl msaksre. Ckptahi Fraser, the dockmaster at Cardiff, is tiw hcttcrory focal spent far the society. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. I.
iiunHah'iurM woild i A oiu'ral l-y sircly burnt II cr.ni-,- err -L Um. or York thff T-wmw f-rtson it wi.I 1-- towm suack ywk M.mday for '-h Two tlsnuwuidiuon are tints thrown r-. S.1MU! of Six olnhircn of TOpkl1lfm. ao, 150 i 'I i Ziiacs (Xmstaiitinoplo c.ir respondent tin, death of rlio Arclihishiip uf Valladolid, i A vtry tuccvsstul an, 1 brilliaul bill took place in mi Monday for the beiu-fn of tiie i lnritabii. I'lliid.
put i jl( rtniihxjiimcp of tlKMUii-iusion of tho A shunter in Itt-rdin tnsgishipRi-nsiiis Irta been onli-ml to fsjui C.vjt and trill withdraw the extra i i. a thv. i-' 'r 'i t- day. iind sit the ago if 14 foh- in Ids work -dnit tic a 15. tr-- gur.
and Ktmvs sent tlre when war with Arh.iii'.Lii w.is anticiputi-d. i Tin Uanibuwr Ctumlvror lias aii- i.t is w.is oms-, Jn-l a to tlu House of liur- 11 Vl'. -i- jn is announced to preach at the Booth-read Weskyon Charnel this tveofng at aovan and wc havu no doubt the spacinu edifice will be crowded. A collection will be madeat tlw cIom of tiw service in aid of the trust fund. fivnooL ATramuteK Cox ii itt ks.
Tbe monthly meeting of tiw Cardiff Union School Attendance (Committee was held on Wednesday, tiw Kev. F. W. Kraus in ths choir. A long correspondence wm rood between the committee and the Education Deportment with respect to the non-attendance of children at Dinas Fowls and other school.
The committee nod a report from their newlv-appointed attendance officer, stating wlmt he hod dons sines his appointment, and what course be intended pursuing. Ho wm empowered to issue summonses against tiw parents of children, and to want otliers. Woks or Aar A -wry choice and valuable collection ot modem painting, selected with great oira, know on view forssieat tiw Koval Hotel, Cardiff. Tlw collection smbncea example of the work of several well-known artist, and eon, nnisceur and collectors will do wisely to inspect them. Accident.
On Wednesday evening, George ltorttolt, a Married man, residing at 64, Cecil-strsrt, was in tho act of windiag up. bv means of a crane, sons dsal plank on busrd'ths Kobo Providsnsa, now in dock, when tlw gear got out of order, and the handle revolving with great velocity truck tlw unfortunate man to the deck. His faca and head wero very much Injured. Hs wm removed to the Infirmary, whrre he regained consciousness, after having had liis wounds dressed. (lUXOlWJUIMISX and MoxxutmoaMiut In-ruuuRY asp Disfesjasy.
For tiw weekending June 5 Ksmsining bj- toft wwk. 48; admitted since, 4 died, 0 remaining in the huusu.44; number of out -patient on thu books, 885; patienta visited at their homes, 48. Medical officers for tlia wuck commencing June. 6 Phjwiciau, Dr. Fsine surgeon.
Dr. Blwtn. House sutgrai, C. J. Watkins, M.R.CJL.
LAA. Gentle-uwnvisitw for the week Mens. GriShlis Phillips. Res Junes, W. J.
Gsskcll, J. A. Ie Boubngre', and tlw Rev. W. C.
Rrue. Grorgo T. Crirmon, stmtery. Die Secretary togs to seknowkifos, with grateful thank, the following present to the Infimsiy Pi reel of old linen and period id's from Mrs. J.
Irate, Korvrood Hmwe, FsmUkoko-temoe; bag of oranges from Mrs. Thylor, Crock-herb town. Alzxaxdm Pabx Smits: Ebratcx In nur report of tlu racing at Atooundn Fork on Wiiit-Mondsy it should bv been stated that Mr. MdrreiU's kUtt It Kittis" ran second in the trotting match. The statement wiiich appeared in Tuesday's issue with regard to another horw being second in the no wut inadvertent lyincorreii, Batvoal as Lire.
Frcke Fliotaxraplii are iml-vtnaUy acknowledged to Is- tiw Hast iu (oath Woles. toN.pRftaarimiSakMrami. tOBSL Caodift Tkavzlleks sliould purciias Denial 0wu and ABC nan Xt tales tor June. Yew rasdjr; price Oat Fenny. Ihtss Time Tablet give, in the simplest farm, particulars of fares, distances, onl arrivals and departure of all inias to aad tn st Cardiff.
Otntoaadersmsdatagtsnee. Raxbt Rtax, photognphsr, 13, Crockhsrbtown, Cardiff. Superior sorttt da visits, tat. per dostn. 0818 Tn Most Cohsuutahix TmipxKAiicx Hoon is Btlgrsw Hotel, nppnsits lbs IsOnnary.
Gas Fimwm. A chuio aad good ssieeticn cheap, atJ.Wsndmu's. 8fc WhorloMrset. Cardiff. rEXARTII.
Local Board. The monthly meeting of this board was Iwkl on Wednesday even ing, atthoir oflicea, when there wet present Mr, I. Richards (chairman Messrs. J. S.
Corbett, John Richards, II. A. Jonas, and R. H. Btrong.
It wm reported that a footpat to Comers Weil liod torn obstructed, and the work committee wss instructed to Inquire into the matter. Die collector, Mr. J. laid before thr board ids monthly srata-menti Dw twanrerti account showed a balance against the board of 24L The public work committee recommended that an acre of land betaken for the purpose of forming a public yard and erecting stables for tha board. The recommendation wu adopted.
There wm no other business. NEWPORT. Sad Accidrxt at ths Alkxaxdra Does. On Tuesday evening there wm a breakage in the mu-ehinerr of ooa of the coal hoists at ths stove dock, and John Fiannagan wm very seriously injured in hfe beck and kg. He wo removed to tiw infirmary.
Dwre Is but. little hope of bis recovery. He is 40 years of age, and has a wife and seven children. IxFinuBY axd Disprxarj Humber of patient attended at the dispensary during ths week ending June 4, 473 number of visits paid to patient at tluiir own horns during tlw week. 118; number of patient in tiw infirmary during the week 15.
fmmaon for tiw wtek, Dr. Brt-wer. R. H. Dowwl Jfik, bouse surgeon, flautiwm District.
ZTumtor cf patients auring tiw week ending June 4. 58; number nf visit puMto i at lent during thu week. 133. R. Cook, MJt.rS.
Lond, vi siting surgeon, southern TRADE REPORTS. rntnt cun own bkpo arses, tvaok connrsrov-mCVTS, TH ''SSKSS ASSOC1ATIOX' nftCRtmiAL Xtars, Axn OTHga socbcks. CARDIFF RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Tho nwntlily meeting of this authority was held on Wednesday, Mr. fi.
O. Jones in tiie chair. Cul. Hill attended and naked to bo oxempted from con nactiug some of liisuottago at LUndoff with the aewsjm works on the ground thattiw cottages ware provided with good rempouls. TIh Inspector iff Xutosnosa was directed to sao whether the eeea-pnols were watertight, and report to tho authority at its next niivung.
Tlw Medical Officer iff Health, Dr. Granger, reported tint a lad had died from diphtheria at fit Mellon', and tiiat ths water supply (loin which the lad family drank woe eun-tamlnated from some souroo. Ini nstructione ware The Central Xowa special correspondeat at Skibbereen telegraph tltat intense excitement continues at BehuII. Tlw place is still iu tiie hands of an angry mob. A large force of police arriveii on Tumaioy at Skiiiix'rit'ii.
ntt'l were at once sent on to linUydo-hob, iKtir ri-liuli. At SkiUv-nh-n they were hooted and stoned by the pvik tiie iMikuimlilt being severely wuundixL Fifty soliliii rrun Ibnirv arrived on at Kallydeln.il. wlu-n- weru fiercely attacked iiv the mub with stone and oilier weapon. A cliarge was tiie crowd temporarily c-iiv way, scvi-ral of (iiem hiving received inure ar lee suvere injuries. Tlu-y lullicd, liowuver, mid muoinimced tin- attack.
Host uccimni stats tint tin soidiers were still holding tln-ir gnmuA AiMiull tiki muli IhuI ir all their own wav, ovt-rpuwored the continued tiie work of wrecking houses anil stoue throwing without Interruption. Four hundred soldisra, nudsr Colonel EldrlUge, arrived ut Fkibbersen oarly Wsdneaday morning, and surtvd foe Hi seem- of the rwult. A Cork correspondent telegraphs that a tardly attempt mode Tuesday night to upset tiie train Cuuveying troop to quell the revolt ut SJiull. Hwivy stones were placvd along the line, and in antriiw ptacu the rails were tom up. Fortunately the driver of tile train saw the danger in lim to draw up.
Tin read was repaired, and tho train urrived in Cork after an hour and a half delay. Fifty pvUceunm have gene down the Thsri-ting ins rxretul.il lo Skibbcreen, where tit, pivmisra of tiie Muiuili- Rank liuvc been wni-kwl. Tik lemses of Mr. Hinrnrs, soliritnr, and Mr. rn -tlkiriM, car owner, havu also been wrecked.
Our 0rk telegraplis hit or; It is not cxpectiil i hit i. icgniplt communitation witli West Cork inn twi nwuiuod for many liours, tiie wins liavlng Ikmii dcstroyul along tlis whoio Rue to Croukfluvcn. later Arconrr. Dio Central News" late last night Autlientic information of th ebringa In ll'cst Cork lave ut last readied Cork. Fatlwr Murphy was not In tiie first place arrested, though some busvbndy spread the intelligence that lie was aiuut Pi 1a and tills had die same effect upon the lupuLiro as it 1m ixtd Hlrwid- been taken into custody, and the whole rose to resist tiie nt-hicipt sliould it be made, have responded to tin tolling of chapel bells and sounding of hqras.
Ana six tliuusand nsseinblod to protect their parish priest from molestation, and notwirlistanit-ing that his reference informed them tiut the rumour was unfounded tiie crowd could nut lie persuade. 1 tint there waa no tnuh in it Dh inopportune arrival of a small force of jsiiiec inflirinlM tiie people, andthupolicatluuglit it prudent in seek the protection of the parish priest. TU-ir nor ament toward his lmiue with tins ul.Jiit cunfinned the rumour wantonly and Intenrified the tm-y of tiie populace. In min tlu1 Hev. Mr.
Alurpiiv assured tlm vast muititudi! id the pcwA-aUe objoet of th? police, and they refused to return hoin. Al inlilnicM tVy paraded tlia st-nreis, and first attueked ar.d diimolislual tiie p-ilice barnu-ks, having it a cmqJete ruin. Th--- neat aitaciuxl tlu I anise of James Sullivan, and naally du-ton-cd his dwelling, and threw his carts and utlkr property into the sea. Kis oifetieo sir s.ipti,,n tin- treaty for lur. uw i liiHiiburg with the Zollvorin, "iTi l'PTesing cunfi.icneii iii.tr lit ilovclopnipnt nf tlie tr.insntlnutic wlu l-siU tmd- international com- M-onoinjf aml industries wili thus be v-yi'suitir menuinp 1 wstol'- liis tnnrvoilous energy i it tis hra that lie iloi attended a night I i.
thus the ru-iiments of liis! f-r c.ati! he wa quite grnwn up lie AYOOH K11AN TKOOIS DEFEATED. ilMtrnro, and uiuibk- to A Vkvroy' telegram to tlio India Oukh. dated Juno eft. Js'lin telegraph thata letter hu In 1802 l.o went IVillington bn rrerived from Camlahar rejrwtln tiie defeat ujsv. n-ar wcast ie.
to tale ciisrgr id! the wind-! nwr 90 3'1 1,1,1 Ameoft troops, of -i-gics o. inclined plane at that place. Uis wgulw hnnu- and root, under Sirdars :r.arrisg-. To.k place iti this year with a young Mohammed liossint, Muhotnad llosMn, and r.stiH i Fanny Henderson, and in the u-1- dulh. directed to praparean agnvnwiit between the pnmaten and IhceurporvUoa acilHjdyliigthaw! cermi.oJid tn eu-mttthewnw to vliil ouunlilM at an early date.
The towwrierk woe aUu Instructed cmumuuuate with tho Umhs. Morgan, the mwiiniendHtUm of thii oomiaiUee bring suhject the lr consent. Jteeoiveil that the town-etrifc be Imtracted to tskr tiw nqiiMte legal prasMdiiua to stop tbs tipping of hsllrat on ths (era share weet acme third groin. Mr. Utoecodin sold that ths enmmtttea intended to taka can that ail ekastn nf ths oommunlty would derive bsnslkt from tiw baths and tollhouses, a a return for tlw eonosasfon mado to tha company by way of rant.
Mr. Smith ascended thq motiou. Mr. Bttrnin propoand as on amendment thattotlie resolution be added a provision that wlien tie: company 1 in a poaition to pay a dividend of 6 per cent, per annum to their ahare-hoUen a ground rent of 5. 3d.
per foot frontage shall bs paid. Mr. DL Jones seenindsd ths enwnd-mmit. Alderman Ford dial nut think it would he right to hamper the company with such provisions. The Muyorsilid the company lied already Agreed tisit Dm corpora inn slmuld name two days a wndt on which th bull's would be opened at cheap rates, and they ought to main some concretion in return fur tliiti.
Tlio amendment wae lost. Mr. Krasruan said hs had no objection to this string bridge being built, sitliougli it would cost a great deal uf mnney. But lw willed to point out tiw necessity of a bridge acroes the rrvsr (mm Ilifbd tn leuidom Ttw imimrtanre of the connection between tliose places was apparent to everyone. There were work or.
Hafoil Mupluring thot wends of nwn, and goods had tn be, hauled from one place to aoottwradistanev of four miles, where if there were a bruits the distance wuubl only ha half a Mr. Hmith Slid that if Mr. Freeman would rommuniiato tu him the poaition of this bridge, he would bring the matter before tiw next meeting of tbs property ronuniUss. Dw minutes were than adopted. uomxo.
Tha streets committee recommended that tiw mblio lamps he kept alight in the morning for one tour longer then at present. The recommtmhtion minted on ths proposition of Mr. W. RMwnto. awns am wsw wobks.
Alderman Ford moved th adoption of the minutes of the water and sewsni sna iww waterworks commi ties. Wilh regard to tiwdralnsgo of LendogHttreet-Ftarbes street. Dinas-streetiMiUtwook-streetoand part of Xeath-rosd, tiw 'Xbwn-etork was instructed to oommunicole with the clork to the rural military authority, informing him that tlw drainage won war about being prooeeded with, and enquiring if th rnral authnntY an, now prepared to bear raw half the cost of the construction of ths sewn that they will hereafter have occasion to use as in the event of their not consenting to this proposal ths drain will bo eonunioted of a sum to meet tiw requirmnont uf tho urban authority aiaus. Ths committee iweomnwnded also that Messrs. Thomas Watkins and Jenkins bs xiid 284 16s.
lid. in respect of the drafting of fMiriotta-etreot. Mr. Buraia seconded tlw motion. nut abtisaxs covxrmM.
Mr. Burnis moved tiw adoption of the minute of th artisans commirtm. The commirtss recommended that ths Ivwites Arms, High-street, bo sold to tbe present tenant, Mr. Morgan William, far L480, Mr. Williams agreeing to forego lib rbim to any compensation that may be duo under th arbitrator's award, and to pay all arrears of rent now due.
Having Inspected the several Hcsign sent in for elevations fur house insrsaKo. 4.tls nommittao rscutumended those of Progress, Fro Bono Publico, and Tout Ensemble, to the council, the one whom they eoieet to be entitled to tfm premium of SO guineas. Mr. W. J.
Hoes ssconded the motion, wiiich was carriad. Mr. FTOaman, proposed that the thirty cul ness premium be awarded to Fro Bono Puh-1100. which was Che most practice! design. Mr, H.
Bath sseouded the motion. Mr. Cady thought ths council could not pass over the plans of and lw proposed that ths premium be awarded to that design. Mr. Trew seconded tiw amendment.
Mr. W. J. IteM proposed tint tiie pramiom be dMdtd bat wren tiie two. The Movnr said th advertisem*nt offend a prize for" the best design, but if ft was possible TVoLvttRirASfwox I uox Tsade, RV dncsday.
Finished iron qiugntions maintained fast week's strength, end tne mills and forges are resuming with more order than hat Whitsun tide. Lv ce Reiit bare ranged (torn Hto, andinforior kinds tapered down to 5 15s. for common descriptions. Boosts tnnasd from 7 10. up to 9 5s.
for trri'ies. Fsw sheet firms havs less rhmi two months' work ahead. Fig were dull, and most kinds a had cosier. Common local sorts were weakened by ths MkVflrxbomugh quotations. Minimum qmntisi ranged down to 37s.
fid. ftrATTsnct pxox th Livsbpool Bill os Extky." A return of th number and touuage of ship reported eleared outwards at this port for tlw week ending June 3 shows an increase of six ehipi and 10538 tons, ts compared witli the tame period tot year. Dx-watr Tbase. Lewys Afan writes At a meeting btU at Bwinsss on Wilntnisy, it wm agreed not to accept the proposed list. The failure was announced at the London Bankruptcy Court on Wednesday of Arthur Norington, metal merchant, of 9t.
BelenMtoce, Eishoosgate. Die bs bill ties ere 73JX)0. Tt was decided by the mining engineers. on Wednesday, to commenca tlio reoaing of the Maudlin seam of the new Keaham Collie rv. 28 tfood bodies still lit entombed, on the 25th insr.
It will be remembered thr tbe bodies have lain unrecavned since ths ciisistcr of svrersi month past. Dm notices given lo und toliourereat ths ffilksLon and Dudvwrtii Coal and Iron Company, Barnsley, expired on WudnMdav, and tbe wiiuS of the mm are thrown ou; of wvk. It is not yet known whst step it is i to take. KCKFriMTKN' AVliTE 1 ANT5 lAU-PAXY OF EEHLTX. With a cnpital cf 300.050, in 5 pir ram.
fersnceshirvs, and SCOOSOin nrdi uarysli.ir,.-: The AmnWs tmopa are said to have been entirely kucoussful after four hours fighting. The loss of tiie opposing force ie nut known, 'ilie report las not vet been confirmed by the (iovenmr of Cbndaliar. the fieavt-n sue to excuse tlioir awne follyss und imiierfuctiones. Ron have 1 allsii heard It nftsn wished (etvn of some whsw create wisdoms, in my upiniun, slmuld freiue to judge more soundly ut soc wuiglity a consl duration) that all that Inna wsro a sea-pooto: wliuili kind of spesuh, to the manner rather of Unspent man fare (hi ran, to wishe th utter ruin nf that tiiey can out re-iln-gK, then of grave eounscllora, wiiich ought to tliinke nothing bard but that, through wysc-duinu, it may uo mnstnxl and subdued; sinoetlia lurtmyeth tint the wyneman Khali rale even over the much more ovsr the earth; far were it not tlw port nf drspemt phMtion to wish his diseased patient dead, rather than tospplje ths Ih-st emlii-uursof hisskil! far hi Noovnry. Hut siitre wi nm so fair entred, let us.
1 pray you, a litle devise, of tliose evills. by which that count rev lurid In this wmtchnl nor. that It cannot (as you my) he recuml. And yf it bo not aynfuu to yrai, tell what thiiigrs, during your late cun-tinununcii tlwre, you nlfsrv. to it most offensive, and nn empcachenH'nt unio the good rule and government tlwrof.
TIIE ALLEGED WIFE MURDER AT NEWPORT. EaT'F'VALE RAILWAY COMPANY AND THE TREFERIG RAILWAY. A special meeting of this company was held at their offices, (hockhertotown, Oudiif, ou Wadoaa-dav, fur the purpuiw of sanctioning on agreement to ns entered into between them snd the Treforig Railway Company for a base of tiw tast-nauwd companys lias when completed. There were present the fallowing directors Mr. H.
Britten lekrirman), GoL Gould, Masers. W. D. Bushel, 8. Tripp, K.
Wf. Butterwurth, B. Joatt, and J. H. Ifstii.
'flitro were no shareholder present. Mr. Robertson, secretary, having read tiw notice convening tiie meeting, tho chairman explained that au Act of Itorliamcat had been obtained for tiw construction of aline tube culled tlw TreteigRiBway, running through tbe TMforig Valley. That vouey had a forgo quantity of cml in it, and it wss in order to bring down tlist. coal tint a line of raiiwsv.
three miliii long, lad tn he ennstmeted by the Treferig Railway CVimiwny, whnee cnpital was 15JXXX 11uTaifVak propOMNi taking over that lino by agreement with tho uther company, working iLoni paving Th Treferig Railway Company a uivliimd of per cent. Mr. lngisdew road tiie uuiginal not of tha iwraement, dated th Sell of JunOj. 1881, wnidi provided tlist tin- Taff Yaw Railway Compaqy should bike iiwcsriim nf tlw Treferig Railway wlien completed, maintain the line, employ their own servauts and work It, and pay to tha Treferig Company dividend of 4 par cent. Dio agreement also contolnad provisions to the payment of taxes, the usual arbitration ctoums, he.
Tbs Chairman raid lw believed it would be for tha advantage nf tho TnffYals Railway Company tint tiw sgraemsnt prepared should be confirmed, snd Iw formally moved its adoption. Mr. Bnshrll seconded the resolution, and it wm unanimously agreed to, and the aeal of tlii company was ordered tn bs affixed to th agreement. IUISOXER UEF0RR THF. M.VJI3-TflATES.
given to ths dark to write to Lord Tredogarte agent asking tiiat the well should be closed or ratified. John Morgan, gardener, in the employ of dr. it. Tmwder, was appointed gardener of tiw new Uandaff Hewagn filtration works, and tlw board instructed hiiu to go to Merthyr to ss the svatom adopted there, and how it works. Mr.
tVilliains, inspeCtor of nuiianoes, reported that th ashes st Myniichty Works were still tipped into the Hiver Kanuiey. It was resolvsd to writ to tiw Local Govarament Board to state that tiW suggestions of their inspector, Dr. Angus Smith, fcidnet boon carried out by tlio Mynachty Company. Dw Chairman draw attention to tiw necessity, now that th LLmdaff sewage works wars about eoa-1 lists, for lving soma means of fauhing the drains. A cumin iliac waa appointed to rmisiiler what step could hs taken in th matter.
It waa reported that Mr tiw borough analyst, had visited tho Crown Potent Fuel Works, Ifalndy. and though no steps hod bees taken to abate tiw naiasnes caused by obnoxious vapeum, pitas ware suggested, which jesti lied th rural ssniteiy authority in deferring tne question of taking any further steps against the company. Th smell arising from the Kly Ikqwr Mills wiw said to be os bad a ever, and the inspector ut nuisance wte instructed to visit the works, aud tlw beard adjourned for a week, when the position nf matter with regard to tlw Kly Works will considered. HIE CAIiDIFF FINE ART AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. An Important mooting uf th executive com-miiti'eiiftlir Finu Art and Industrial Exhibition tn be Md at Caixlilf, took place nn Wedncethy crrninc, tindrr the presidency- of tiw mayor.
were alio present Messrs. J. P. Thompson, C. R.
Mann, Scott, J. IV. ProgiT, J. V. Thomas, and T.
K. Riches. Tlio procscdings of various sub-com-miilues were brouglit under mwi deration snd dis-cummL Fractythi ng appeared to Iw in a satisfactory state, nnd tlw prospect, nf a stuonwful exhibition certain. The tffayor nnnouneed that rhsMarquoai of Duta had kindly- consented to lend a number of hi pointing to thu committee. Die adleotlon would comprise souis tine queinau of ths old masters.
This etatsment was received with moni fm signs of appreciation. We may montinn tiiat tiw Fins Art. nnd Industrial Exhibition, held In tiie Drill-hall in 1870, resulted in a profit of about 1,200, which sum was, ws believu, invested in tilt name of Mr. IF. Alexander and Mr.
K. Fnync. os co-trustees- Dw totter named gentleman vres the secretary of tho exhibition committee, nnd subetquonUy appoint ad hon. to Cardiff Free Ulnuiy, which past he retained' far about twelve months, when he retired in favour nf Mr. T.
H. Birtwa and Mr. ff, JL Harris, Tbo exhibition was opened in August, and romahird open far six wii'ke, and Dutm is no doubt but that it had effect of grontiy tending to an improved taste among tiie pr-ipUi of tho locality far art productions. Dir livtikxunlng exhibition is to be continued fur two month, and. judging from the On Wednesday, Oc-Tgo lrice was charged (before Ktins It.
F. Wnnlhtt, It. If. Culhim. and IV.
Lr. Oirtwright) with causing the death of his wife, Kli tube tit Smart lrk-e, on tho morning r.f Tuesday la-4. Mr. Purkor opicared the prisoner. who seemed to feel the podtion in which lie stood.
lie is a man about 55 year of age, ar.d nut at all a rough-looking man. A-rgeoat ITstten was called, and said On Tuesday morning, about 10, in Io lh use of his ers I saw the prisoner's sun tunning tiuwn Claries-1 stret-t. anj from what lie tuld me I went to S3. J. iu-i-sircet, where the liveiL When I went in I saw tin- wife lying in the pssmge, at the wiu'ii arresting fbuiry O'Malnnej- under the l'ro-tcctiiHi Art nn Saturday.
Tlu- iviusu of Mis WilUiiivvi next wreeksd. because siiu staMing ani'inmodation to tiie Xetriv 80 ofBoqrs who served in the tote Afghan War dinicil together at tlw Albion. Aidetigato sirerf, Inulnn. nn Tarfdav evening, under the preaidency th5r ProPF h-v i of Owwral Sir Frederick Roberta, lottom of tiie stairs, quite d-id. A gre.it quantity of blood was fiowing from a wound at tiie twi-kiif her head.
I went upstairs, and tho pri soner ws on tlw bed, partly undresa'd. Ills son said, You have kiiied mv mother by throwing lier dowuitaira ITisoiu-r Kid bee'u drinking. Superintendent Sint-lrtir ss.itl (be inquest lad been adjourned to Monday lurxt. and lie asked tlni bench to remand the prisoner for week. Ths bencli remanded prisoner accordingly.
Mr. Parker naked that prisoner might bo allowr-l hail. Die Bench sain tha cliui-go was too serious to allow im iwing yen his dist inguUied in lioberl was L- rr In 1S34 wife died, and it was nut until I iter that he again married, fn this y.ar to llv Killingwortli Colliery, i- wiiich laainp aiterwaril the vn-o: hi first great snccuss. Hi fatiier.nnw an tiiJiuati. bt-cunii- blind, and fioorg' Stephenson hw maintain him ns well us his t5 sn.
He ncvv-rihl- e-ntinued to save nmrtl.iog fran his wages, esking himself, as lie lufteldus. 1 three following questions bt-fora fpeading nioni'y is nnytliing whatever IV I wisti; Is it w-ctii tSic money ('an 1 afford 1: Ue the most frugal life, rarely in Aihring in meat. A emit lnr was now in rtorc liirn which almost uiokehit fpiriu itirlis: time. ws drawn in billot fur the militia, and ht.1 to pan with ail hi savings to provide a lhtt hr liis -utter poverty he n- have emigrated to America, and the i-t tia worhl might law boon iHffemr.r to wh it it is through liis vm-igies Iwing Voranl into another chontu-L A it wr.s. hecun-t i.iLf tossudy met icaily every engine which canur in his wav, and soon obtained a considerable repu-utv-a ns an engine doet.ir.
la 1313 IVilSam viewer at Wylam CoHicry, made rhe are know if p.vv:-!;-. Hi- fun.l out tint the friction of the smooth rails was enough to oioain in a liditni tii-o without any resort to tiie and utlwr contrivances wiiich had n-ri-ysiy ben thought necessary. Siephenson's etsr sow commissioned liim to build them -tL-rirc. Tlii wes compietod on thr Lgh of Jrh'. 1314.
ami was to tome extent a s-jccv. but t-ffecti-J no economy in with tiie sssiftazire of lkl vi- wvr at Kiiiingworth, he inttu-ilyiiii imomvment that th? feuut of tiie Ivomiwive became assured. Engine constractsd by in 1313 were running at IV; lain ca i to within a few years ago, and p- fill carefully preserved in various I la loll was appointed ergiccer to Stuektun and Huriington Kailway, tnd fiiortiy afterwards to tli-i Minrliesler end i-ivert -x-l Hallway. It wi sftn- tin or.mpletion tliar the cclebrore-J trial of engines i -ok when Stepliensnn's Rocket ih till then unheard-of speed of 35 miles an r.i-i-U say little of lit subsequent career. is 1 kn'-wn.
He maintained throughout t.e L-i-aicv pojsjiirity and fame to which fti.m r-nch tiie utmost rectitude 'I1 ehcrict. and modi-sty of demeiuifiur. iiis iMi -ok jiliee the 12th of August. 1843, at ChtstnT.cl-l. wi'-ro he was buried, leaving i'-hir.
i him moo- personal friends ami fewer than is ufren csso at the decease of a am iso hot- raised himseit hy hi own exertions to a position of social ac-J professional grcui- each (to be issued ftiHv a announced for thv anpin-ing nf 8.1O01OCO :ii.ir feet of hod. comprising ncirly the whole frnr'tjg-i nf tbe now Koyiil Avenue (Kuiffintcndoimn). -it tho west end nf Berlin. exteraHisg ftinn tiw Zoological Garden to the Gnine-wnld Forest, fn the most improving district of th German capital a cunccsrinn of 80S actus of land fn tho GranewaM: and lummy concvf-alnna over all to the lands acquired. Sabseriptiaci ore bow invited for the pnfarenceflnrM (of which 100j000 may ba allotted in Beriini, which will bt entitled tn a cumulative dividend of 5 per cent, per annum, and will be redeemihte hy a oinking fund at 106 per cent, tiie subscriber rtcaiving with each preference share an ordinary share fully paid up, entltisd to partlciiMte in MI surpliia profits after providing for tha interest and redemption fUnd of the preference than.
Th land to be acquired ty th company-aro to bt connected with the centre nf the city hy an orer. head railway, which is to be cratrakud Hovam-bar, and by which the Boom will ba reached in twenty minutes. The Kurfftraien Avenue, which waa originally projected by tbe Emperor and laid out Ire Imperial decreo, will extend hens the meet fashiouabia quarter of that city tn tlw favourite reoert, Granewald Furret. Dw eompanv iwe tho approval of Hit Imperial and Royal Highnaes tiw Crown Prim, and a Royal CommiMioa ie to be appointed foe facilitating the operations of the company. Tha east to the company of the lend, with the uremia laid out and complete, will 757X34, of which 421807 will remain on mortgage, leaving 8335JS27 bs provided for the acquirement aaa develop, inenr of rhe tend.
A group of well-known guatie-men In agreed to ksne, on tiw completion of tho Kurfiirsfen A veiffiff, in about a year, fei't of the land, with th avenue raid tiw streets oumpli'i-iforfiSaSJXlO, including 190,000 of tiw umrtgnge. returning to the company 9SjOOO in casii. In oeusidention of what tlw dividing tlw premium he should be ghfl to do so. It wm decided that ths mayor should sm the two architects, nnd ascertain wiwther they would con-oont to the prise being divided between them. xi.ctio a xARnotm Tatnrrxs.
Th council proceeded to elect hariwur trustee in tiw place of Dr. James Rffavo. Messre. Daniel Jones, Cody, nnd Ttaliodi oSured themselrre as candidate. Ten voted for Mr.
(tody, six for Mr. Tulloch. and two for Mr. Jones. Mr.
Csdv ro-turned thanks for his election. bail. Prisoner was then removed. TIIE BOY STABBING CASE AT NEWPORT. On Wednesday (Tnrlcs Morsnn.
ngeJ ab-nu 14, was rlnrgod before tlio terongh msgistra.i-s with wounding Arthur Jones, aeiil IS or 17. Srigront tVillisius sidd lie upim-hend-d tlu prisoner un Tuvsdsy night, and ciMrjji.il iiiin with wounding Jones. Prisoner raid, 1 did it with a knife, and I threw it into the water chart." Sir. Koliert Peak raid he dnubtrtl whether Jones wraiid live, he was seriously w. umiel.
Dm wound penetrated he lung. Prisoner was reminded for a week. His farlvw nsksd the bench to grant bsll, buttliey retusHl. general support which tho movement ins ulrcady nmt wltlk tlwre Is every mwon to suppom tin will bo Attiindod with at least is much sucre. An ci.
irate ralcukiii'T. has burn made ss to the effect of tbe French treaty on various desses of cot tea gmfa manufactured at Oldham, and it stated that in ntnoessoi tho i nr res" will be nearly 200 per rant, Oldliam conducts a large budnusi with Ffenra. Hubert, i'osha will visit Portsmouth on Friday next, end ie expected to address the nwatfog of the Conservative party there on that day. Mr. Daver, g.F, presided at a meeting of Fbreatere ntNewton, near Cliriftciiurch, and urged tiui advantage of ffsiking sochtiaa independent of voluntary contributions.
Lady Hrooko hM cousenfod to bth foundation stone of ths new buildings at tiw West of Kngtond Sanatorium, in tiw autumn. Two men. father and eon, were committed for trial at tiw Mansion House on Tuesday for obtaining 800 by foie pretences feom a firm cf petroleum merchants in the City. Th admirers of Victor lingo among tbo mc.ii-bersof the Rspubiinon Preoe in Paris Intend to ptoc a statue of ths aged poet in tiw Avenue dltylau, which street to in future to bo named after him. Spooking at th festival of tiw Drovers Beno-vntont Institution, on Tuesdsy, Mr.
Mimdalla ex-presrod a hope tiiat the period tor dosed markets woe coming to an end etth Sams tuns core must Iwtakm not to gi vs a handle to time membon in tn Huns of OommoM who were desirous of pro-venting tho im porta tion of cattle into this oc*ntry- Hava Yocx- (juilubhx axo invauna ax Do llwrt Fuqu. Var Mirpossbaa sll oiber Idods at food, ss proved by tbshlghan madiea! asperiescs Miu THE SUICIDE AT CARDIFF. THE INQIT-ST. SIR MICHAEL niCKS-BEACII ON THE GOVERNMENT. A SCATIIIXU CRITICISM.
Fir Michael on Wednesday night nit null'll inut Conrermitivu meutin" fn Cni'l-tcutam. nupundinsr to a tvsolutlnn uf SnciW tn the fbuse." said tlw pnuprrts were bright for tin party. Ua rou-ilemnrd tin- policy of the GoviHiimtut In Iniiin, and mid thn evnouation iff L'omlahar woi tiui (tnatosT of mistiikss. Our policy in tlw Transvaal wkk cne of tho most Ignonibiuiu of surrenders. The tivvmmsx-nt did not givn up the territory an-rfi-xed by the fate Ministry until tiiey found th Boer could fight.
Tho concert of Kuropo was myth a far a coercing Turkey was concerned, at Jmmo wo luda weree Mote of things in Ireland tlun lud existed tha Fenian rise. Ur. (Tumberfain had Rill tint tlw present condition of nltsii was due to tlu nunxorvntive (hivcrnment net having introduced remedial legislation in ths xliape of Laud Bill. JSiitli Liberals and Cnnssrvn-tivreappossd Iritii motions for tlw reform of the Lqpd Law, and tlio present Government only in this Bill us a Kite to Irish member out nf iIiii pocket of oilier people. Civil war now ninriv I'XiKtvd in Ireland.
The Uowmmcnt must face It with a firm and determined band, and re-laore to tlw law-abiding subj-vts tlw security tiiey were entitled tn. SCHISM IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH-. EXTRAORDINARY WORK BY FATHER UUKCI. The Eomo correspondent of the Zlsi'fy Jim wrifes: Ftiher Cnrci, wlnse views on th reto-tiuns between Cbnreh end Ktsta in Italy cwssd his expulsion toward the dose of the reign of FSus IX. from the Order or th Jesuits, of which from Ms power as a jiroachcr and writer he iud been the chief ornament and dwmpton in thii country, has just puhiished a work, entitled The New Italy snd Old Zoalotx." In it he thus describes Leo XIIL, and accounts for his failure to cany out a conciliatory policy From wiiot ho wrote whim in a humbler station, from Ms public act in hto present high one, from what I am told by moit worthy personages who know him intimately, Leo X1IL, in many respects, and not of the test, form marked c*ntrast to liis predoasisar.
Ho ponder well li-fore reeolring, does not act by cap rip, oa riu JX. often did, mid defen to thaoptadoa of tho majority to tho point ef sscri firing hto own in-xui ration. This pliplde disposition rendered him the prey of tho ntinnqiixTC, impragnetod with affiliation and fanatnism crested at the Vatican by fins IX. Ou nwoiviiu- for tho first thns tho ftsaad Ooilega of ChrdiMM, he ospmsod Ms htton-tiaato govern the Chureh accenting to ouctent custom, sotting dua store by thsir counsels, not perceiving tiiat tlw system of abuses mtroduasd nriiitrarily, and strengthened by Time, could only be eradicated os arhitririiy. The evil effects of ibis noble deference showed themtelvM iu his first Encyclical as Cardinal BMwp of rerugis.
Whilst deploring th greet evils which nar modem drilimtion, ho recognised its good elements, and thought the bast remedy for ths former was to encourage the latter. Mor does ho appear to have changed his mind. Ho is drtarmined to sanction no usurpation against tha Chureh, maintaining her sacred immortal righta iu tbs sphere of justice; but practically ha cannot but wish oil good to Hi Italy, ana cMsffy the ccssstion of the strife which hot now Install twenty year, between Church and State, the source of inestimable arils to both. I have good reason to haliers he ted not only harboured but daboratsd thee view, intending to sat them forth in hto firet Encyclical. This felicitous and sured inspiration, which would have given psneo to Italy and a new imputes to Iwr religiou life, remained without effect for the abort reasons.
11 In tho seventh chapter Father Curel shows that the Chureh in Italy is' traversing a period of decay, dwelling specially on ths decline of dieobigiral studies and tho neglect of tlw Bibb by tlw clergy. In the eighth chapter in maintain that rroridenca to leading ths Chureh toward a final separation from the States, and he urges the necessity of lier adapting liersolf to the modern Form iff society, namely, democracy. Dito form, he says, is admirably suited to her cheredcr. iiiulertakes tlw Government has granted it for 80 yean of about 800 aeroo, or which 200 acre ure to be set add for a lint class race courts, to carried out by an independent company, th remaining 300 acre bring reserved to villa rites. fiUXMMo' bMbsen socumutoted forttorademptfon fund of the preference shore.
THE WHEAL ELIZABETH (LDCTED). We publish in our advertising eeiiuant to-doy the prospectM of tiw Wheal Company (Limited), formed to acquire and work an extensive mineral property in th parish of Me wens, in the county ot Cornwall. Ths property ho alretdy hull partially worked, and tiw profits, ft ft stated, hi a short time amounted tn 420,000. Captain John Rest, of Nt. Austell; Mr.
R. gymoai, M.R Truro; and Captain Jam. hare aevamTy Inspected these lodi-s, ahd th ir report, which an very satisfactory, ore annexed to th prospectus. Th capital is 0,000. in share of i.
uwww fully In himdreila of tiioassadsarap. paraatly hopdws aian. JM luartIHs wa ttadfetsWrd by Dr. H. F.
Snutb, lmd plmiaisa fismsritan Hnspital fur IVnmrn and Cfiuldrrfi, London, wliix after antlntog listen ether kinds of food, soma nfwmabsrepunMup MidsnUsslor aupwissksnorts: Among tfie mstablr nb tamer, Du Benyv Hood Is tlw base. Aslunuly rUSi lu iosplairic odd. ehlorfds at INTERESTING GEOLOGICAL DISCOVERY AT IJSWERRY, NEAR NEWPORT. Messrs. John Davis and CVx, of the lime wwko, Li worry, having dtocovned in ths lower beds of tiw Lias at that place some fiamrian remains, the quarries were virited on ff ttunfoy tost by Professor w.
J. fioUss, M.JL, F-GiL, of ilriatal university College. The foseili were prenotuaed by Mm to bo from spedss of plwiisauru, and probably from more than one Individual, ths most Interesting specimen bring it uortinn the vertebral eohium, about fifteen hides in langth- They have bsen sseured tor tiw Bristol Museum, of which Professor Soil is curator. FORECAST Of THE WEATHER. Dw fallowing forscsete for tide day wars issued from the Muteoroiogfcal OSes tost evening at 83 o'clock: Foctherly bnmiet modnate to llMj and, iKftiapi, becking; Imli raeterty sod natherfy winds; Uentlo modwat fine, arid at Am, Uwo nll.lcr.
b. fforth-caitcribnwsM, moderate den Unsnari) fair, add, diy. S. fimtUnd IT. 7.
England. V. W. BsaiaaeKo. Omd 1, endlfTWalee ...) I.
lMritir.ArijMrftob bent And Ie Fortaariyhramra; light, Ana. xx oalni waethcr will, nrohcblr, bs warmer to-onuw, dnriag tbe dey-Ume. Ihoa It hoe teen tu-daj, but wEI be Eeiknrod hy another ooM night over Engtond. METEOROLOGICAL HEADINGS AT CARDIFF. Armte tetea st fid mmd tjtpjo.
Warm Mxa Owes. Juan. ISC. iintsntiiis, imi eassliie (Uw Slants tt boom and nssita), is ha rand ussy children sfllclrd with atrophy aud awrktd debility Ths T-tTr LATJ- JUSTICE LOUD JAMES. KIIYMXEY.
co*kckbt -A grand concert in conneetiau with the Church of Enriand Temperance Sociely wm Md ot the New 8ctaol Church, under tlw presidency of the Rev. Canon Evans, R.D, rlotr of Rhy inner. Mis Redwood presided at tiw piano, aud a very long programme wa gen through. Several of the local trTiwe took part, EHYMXEY VALLEY. Smu hau.
A very dwrp (Mat me experienced along tiw whole of rni nlbr on Tuctday night ana a gnat deal of daman te the early crops of potatoes snd Mdncy beans ns been don at Bsrgned, Pescara, llusy-cwmnrwr. Other ptocca hare also sutferad more or it from it. CAERPHILLY. Lxgtciul A Itctarr delivered at th English Baptist Chapel on Tuesday evening ty Sin. Jackson, sister of the Rev.
Cl H. Spurgeon, in aid of the obove rtwpel funds. WESIBURY-OY-SEVERff. Koaxo or Uusaniox. Tbe forts ighily meeting wm held under the prutidency of.Sujur lV.ln-n.
Tbe number of inmatas rimed a decreem of 50, as against the corresponding week of tit. year; out-relief, 77 18. 3d. tramps, 188 hols The hand of treosuror, 874, against 22 ot iirori.nir meeting. A rfieenstion arose inrefaivm-a the part of th overseers ln not sendin in-un lilv statements of collections.
The eV-rkx in reply io qarstion to the Tbwnship of East Doan, mid iw liad not received ouch a statement during tho present year. It wm determined that ths clerk should oamnmnicat with the ovrrorars, intimating that, unless the returns wero furnished prior to tiw next nireticgprooesdiiigs would be instituted. Hr. Arnold Thomas, on sr-eflrio guardian for East Dean, intimated that he had recently sren on of tha orenaanb who assured hira that with rueaid to the rating collections everything was btengdoMthat was practicable, audit was be-Uevod the finanora would be rosrored to fi healthy condition by March df next year. ABERGAVENNY.
Valcaxu Fxxxxols Peowanr. Dw following freehold property wm diod of by private (unmet to the Abergavenny Town Commiaai oners for 300 on Wednesday hist Lot The Brocnn-mad toil-house, with the- stables, yards, and mutton belonging tharstoi Lot 8. The Fcnypound tnil-houre and premieea. Lot 3. Tha Ttador-strrot 0-11-houso.
Lot 4. The toU-hnuae, with the yards and premises belonging thereto. QUAKER'S YARD. Fuasoaa Fonto-The animal Wfcft-Dmedw pleaeuze fair wm told ben an Tuesday, and proved very tam," cMvuigi tlwr wen a considerable number of attractions, such shows, roundabouts, shooting galleries, Re. Then wm no iiv Mock for sal.
Actingtorgeant MDonakl, with a staff of paKae, msintninea excelient order. 6WANSEA. Hot, Cold, aud Tepid Bath at Williams Hair-drasstortaUishment feppeslt Xidm rlk Hotel), FaaMCxaxaMaadNewmrStyheara making Ur. Chap (Dsns Studio a eanlre ef aMnettoa this bright spring met her twueu TaivoLUras sliould purrieu Daniel Oaren aad Oe.hAl Nnu Sttriei fur Jum. Now resdyi price One ttnny.
These WresBtMre sjiq in the stasplret faros, psrttanlsre ef fares, distances, u4 a (rivals and depsiturst efcH trains tcsuii from Ccmaaei. Csn he undent nudoss gfanec. PioTMiAnic Pumsk. 45, Wurowtaitxr. There Studios hare been rc-fitced, and ere new Open for 1 to pndurtlou of firetelsm Bsrtrstte and Phategiaphtd Vfceinvt.
Jaw Axnoina, drtlst, 46, Wlnd-atiwis. 13 MMonrosiK Vaixar, six mi ire from fiwrnim, most beaaltfidUMek In Wabt. Ewureienista, tnurista, lento, and famiUM will End every aensmnodiUan at taeffs Buhepstoue Taller Hotel. New mangeurent. Best articles only kept.
Stabling. i-i5. YESTERDAYS POLICE. CAHD1FF. Before Me sm.
R. O. Jones, Kecs Jones, Daniel Jane, and O. H. Jon 2ks Ckarjt qpnasf a Sayrea.
Peter Wa proctisiiiz at Oirdiff, wu again chaigwl on remand with wounding Moiy co*ke icy, at Choriat-stnet, oa th 29th ult. Proeocu tri a liau notiuffictontlyreoovertd to attend, and prisoner was again remand tor a week. Mr. Soott, who appeared lor nrisoaer, asked that tiw boll, which wm two surstiea in 50 each, might be reduced but the Bench rotated to allow some, and prisoner wm removed in rxhr. Cfaar-fgHggc William Pratt was cl with itcoling a chair from the cabmen' rest at tiw old polio (Utica, at Mary-ttroat, on Tuesday night.
Prisoner aoid he wa intoxicated. Th magistrate ordered tha choir to returned, and disniread th prisoner. Clmmpagn Stsditg. Jtmio Nmpi) wm dunged with stealing two bottle of awnmogrifa valued at 15, from tiw bar of the Hikon lioM, oo Tuesday (waning. Tho na remanded until Frfctay to prodao evidsac for th defoucg TVrefewayWnlm Wade, a boanHng4oue keeper at Butotatnet, wm bound orer to kp tiw peso fortwdv montiw for thraotaniug rtoieuco to WflHam fltamwr, a Beard of Jtodo oflloer, who vtotted dafendmtfe houmto look after omoderten on Friday lost.
Amttjting PeHet met JDnmk oat Jii'ssrdrefe. A number of prisoner wm ehargad with th abore cue- police recently. Diei- partly usstpiycd iIk hcsises iff Denuto Rsgin. bailiff. Mr.
(iwin was also sufferer, Ives use ha supplied Iviging to Sub-inspector M'Drinnld. Having wreclu-d tlxi prOiiorty of cveiy obnoxious pRcson in the town, tlm mob marched into Tito country, cut tbo telegraph win-, nnd destroyed many of tlw poles between Skibbcreen and fcchuil to prevrnt intelligence reaching any military centre where assistance would be likely to eomo from. Tlw next day Father Murphy attended Hally-tlrliub Fair, nnd was paraded through the town. Fnforlunatcly, while tiieso jiij-ful prnccdling weretuking pbec tlw authorit ics laid given orders, tending till' arrival of a larger f'TC from Cork, for a fare? to ho forwarded quell llui disturbaiHi' from Pantry, and accordingly GO Murines; under Mr. Durburton, tiie resident magistrate, tuarclied tlmn from Pantry to lLJlydcliub, cm route from Schuii.
Ballyilrhnb is situated on tho aids of a stsnp iiili, over which it to necessary to pass in order to reach Scbnll, soma night miles further on. On the summit a crowd of one thousand people assembled, and datrrmlnod not to allow tiie relief party to pass. Stones and other missiles were freely used by the crowd from their vantage ground, and tiie marines were finally competed to retreat to Pantry, Uiolnr tho protection of the priests. Two marines ware so severely injured in tho encounter that they had to bo detained at tho police barracks to undergo medical treatment, and somu mom hem of tim force had their bayonets broken ln the clnrgo. A report of Dp riot rapidly emulated, notwithstanding tbo destruction of tlw wires, sod riots of an unusually iterioiis character commenced immo-iHalirlr in Skibbereen, and were renewed at Roliull In rikibbsrnen the house of a vreUffo-domon nomad Coppi thorn was dsmnlished.
That of Mr Down solicitor, and chairman of the town commissioners (rccantiy ireffectually fired), wo burned, and the Munster Bank suffered in like manner at the hands of tho mob. Mr. Oomin read tho Kiot Act, but without th sligfatoet effect. Matter were assuming a vary alarming aspect but for the intervention of Father O'lkiso, who prevented several houses in tha town from being burnt. The arrival loon altar of a Hying squadron from Cork had tlio effect of clearing th streets! After short rest the military set out on thsir march at eight oclock for Bchuli, but they had not gone far whan they were met by tho police, und informed 11 wes quiet, snd hey wsr Tory glad to return.
As the intense excitement consequent upon the serious rioting was oommencing to die out, it received renewed life from the report uf second hstnnlly attempt to upset a passenger train on the West Cork Railway. One hundred (non of tiie Ride Brigade were returning by ordinary poMen-gtr train, leaving Skibbereen at p.m., and on approaching Dremolesguo Junction it was found tiiat the lino fora considerable distance waa tom up, and it was entirely owing to tha vigilance uf lire engine-driver and guard that a dreadful catastrophe was averted. Tho train waa stopped in titnero pi event an accident, and delsyod for two lioura, while tlm damage was being repaired. It i iMliovcd animus against ths railway company for liarlng conveyed the military to tha West, a well c.i a desire to injure the military some of wliom weru known to te returning furnished only cause for the outrage. ImmcdiaUly an its becoming known in Cork, tha county inspector despatched a sub-inspector snd fifty armed police to Drimoleogus.
with instruction to protect tha fin until furthr-oideri. Widespread dissatisfaction iiMsiliimissif.it the military and police fores owing to th manner in which they are ordered about from post to pillar to serve tugrta fur mini In of themsJU-tuih. The greater portion nf tha small army despatched from Cork last night have teen detained in Skikterean footing a renewal of hortiKtiee, and the railway company have placed it their dtopoml their good stores as a temporary barracks. jn Mr. Bl Ream, coroner, held an inquest at tlw Tbwn-lnn, Gudiff, on Wednesday, on tin bod-of Samuel 15 font, who committed sulcl'ie by hanging at 83.
Cireat Fredcrick-ftreet, Cardiff, on Tuesday evening. Mery Ann GranL widow Of deneasad. said lh-r husbind had been mate of a ship. IIu was 35 year of ngu. Tlu-y kept four lodgers.
On Tunsilay i-veiiipg. about four nctocjt. she left tlm lmusc and asked husband to go out wit Ii lier for walk, hut lit) ikvlim.il. The kxlgen warn out at the timo. Sie- roturaed homcahout fan o'clock, and tliru heard that her husband had rommiifa-l scickic.
Dectxissd had lieen at home fur tha pnst two ream, with the exception of one voyage he made, and at tiir.ie he was stmnee in his manner. Some month ago Mr. Milword told her tiiat lier liuehond ought to go to an asylum, but he did nut sav tied deceased ought nut tubs rilowod to airy bv himself, fie had to do away with himself, and nf tiiucs wax very violent, but could soon he pacified, no td threatened with violence, but sle h.ui not tlwuglit there was any dungrr in leaving him alntt--. Mr. Pedlvr, a tailor, living nt 25.
i rrat Fredcrivk-street, said ho sra a son-indawof the deceased. Having .1 UtchA(-y ho went into liis father-in-law1 Iioiim about hrif-pist six on Tuesday evening. He went into tlio nock kitciieo. where he saw tiie dccaaeed hanging by rope attached to tiie rafter. IVcwised1 feet were on the ground, hut tiie weight of thr body was not on tleih.
Diiv was a bench nmi, upon which he mieht liavo Itooil an. I then let iiimself drop. The rope was lo make it slip, and a nuosc bod been made on it. iVitnera had seen the doeesssd about a quarter or twenty minutes past five nldock srandinssnt tiut door smoking, and ne teemed to be all right then, incensed hid had tunetroko wlien nn hisird strip in foreign paitssome time ago, and had to tv tii-J down in the vesseUand he had never the same since. Di jure- returned a verdict that Ik (kvtused committed suicide whilst tufftre ing from an unsound mini).
riitiie of tlw store tkwouu in bread and orb aud other farinaceous (bed Is the areal cause of the tearful mortality uf InEsnU per 100 111 their lint year. B.F. BoursLliffeetusi la sil slemeeh, uervues. fans, felines artliNrtwphiBIt, and siqi-rter la suy nisiBstnrta phthisis aud vseUny disaw avnrraily, il is prefenibia boObdUverOil, ronieluing 11 the ghiten and phosphates, sad the nitrogenous slemeiiu mrssssiy tor ruriehlngth blood anu inill up of the huamumwe in asound und toslUiy oauditba, and immuring the milk of uunet. Jfirrgjmw sml rr swn'sp ths blood of aJults as veil tt dtlsicalh airirrml adoption as the most sustsiiilRg and ehreiMOt iff iliei wiHinalSitfisnera tious doreinp nos five iroin iiUth taint aud laiporfae-tluiu vr uaw wltn sse in endless vsriery, and Is Hit u-ioyawnt of hssithy nnpins.liesidynr tuteUeet.
Woonata tew of thr 10000 Curas t-Ho. lofauto' presperitj aud sieep My eldest eldld was entirely rearrd au Du Barn1' famous IM, and fe a model of perfect Landlord of Whits Hart Tim, OiiMireter, i illy 2, 1S30. Nn. 971. "90.
Vrner-i Creel, 9, 1816. Brer el nee I fed my tahy nil Du UaiTj 's fiuimus Food Iw derrinps wonderfully Mug at Lmii a uhlld at twice Ids ip. GLiVMORGANSIIIRFa GENERAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. It ha been our pleasure in sch succeeding year to record tiw growing progress of this truly flourishing society. Thank to tiw imtofatigara exurtious of tho hon.
secretary, Mr. W. V. Huntley, tlw diow at Osrdiff tost year wm oortainto cm of tlw masbaueceaiful over held in South Wuee, nnd we Inv no doubt that the forthcoming general meeting, to be hold at Merthyr faom the 3rd to tha 5th of August inefosivo, will to equally nttobo-lory. Mr.
(t. T. Claris of Dawfat hom*o, to tiw prwidsnt for tha year, and th nhibitfon bero-toforc wRi coropriMoattln, shsop, pigs, horses, hu-plomsits, pouhzy, and dahy produce. Tbs premiums offered by tiwi roefoty amount in the aggregate to about 890, hi addition to which 227 in special nriw will he given by hdfe and mttomen rcciacnt In tiw county for exhibits of and dogs, COUNTY COURTS! NEWPORT (Boforo Mr. J.
U. Cerktu Care. Eowis)- v. French. Ftolatiff cfaimod 4 10s.
81 for a tine yeonff supply of milk to defendant, a shoemaker, Bring In Vvoteb-liousn-fNiradA, Newport. Defendant denied owing penny, snd called several witnesses. Hi Honour nn Judgment for tiw defendant, telling plaintiff that hto waa an ImprUbaMe story. Mr. Belclwr conducted drfoadanti oho.
7k Btetttr itanmiis Rdwnrds Hdwanto. Mr. Rnsa Chapeww, moved on behalf of Lewis Hdwanto to raoovnr posseroinnofa house at Magor. Hie Honour mode nn ordur. The Lord Mayor of London bid tha foundation atone of the Cornwall Middle-class Wesleyan Schools st Truro 'on Taesdav.
Tbe Sultan of Turkey having toco requested to contribute to thsfttnds of tiw Bngilsh taclsty for Aiding Foreigners in Distress, has gensrously cousoff lj)00 to be expended in the purebsss of Turkish monufartured artidn, which will for-wordsd to tha raid society. The secretariat of the Wesleyan Missionary Com. mittsc is to be retained in number as before Dr. Funsi IonS death namely, four ministare. The next centered co will accordingly appoint fi sue-eassortoDr.
Pu nation. Mr. Rdwsrd IVrell, formerly Rcmembrsncer for tha City of London, died st 111 rssidsnes, Botkin Manor. Hnrtjou, near Biough, on Sunday last, iu ilia 80th year. Tlw Kiri nf Knsebenr hM btofi unanimously elected Fellow of tiw Royal 8odoty of Rffiubutgh.
An outbreak of searlot fever near Keswick is attributed hy th medical officer of health to an infected milk supply. In tho appeal of Jfr.Rnreghtin the Bordodey Ritual case, a petition wm op Tureday lodged ft the House of Lord tor an extension of tim to the 8th of July for the printed coin to be filod. Die Solicitor of the Treasury, on tlw put of Lord Penzance, law givsn a consent, and application will be mode to tho other parties. The cose is not expected to bs heard before the Long Vacation. On Tuesdsv morning a labourer mined James Crosby, residing at Birkenhead, wm fighting with another man, whan, on attempting to msk a blow, Crosby foil snff strttek his head on tiw pavement.
Hs wm lifted up died shortly sfter-wuds. On Tuesday evening a woman nomad Him Duncan, residing in the parish of King Edward, Aberdeenshire, while returning from visiting her father, accompanied hy tow of her chi Wren, appears to have deliberately taken down fence, and after throwing her children into Ml open spring well jumped in bens If. Dw bodies were dweovared half ad hour altar, but in nil lib was extinct re. JararfU bnelwn Odd Lira On. With strumous sad snueiotsd wtaiaeta, aud where tha genwsl health Is impaired, toserra Hrffsary Ifoisb, K.D., flrerteisn teth Qaesn In Irtisnd, ths revi ring snd resnlmstlng sflista at amgalsr daily BomidfUiiiialwl OU DlKhty UafuTni f.
1h prnpsitiis smaeistian, nstares ths jMdtaff fessith, rabaUds, as it- wtre, tlw tatteriag bsmsnd briogi shouts most mmrksMt anu wlatsiy ehangs is all tbs vital fwwtioM. laid oaiyta espmtod Immital hsU- I a.si. wltluiit die Woking, and to rarer cries daring Die dry. HeHreton Hitafoodtimpiy tailed in wmr ami Mil likes it warm or cold equally wsllr-hnsr ,10 4-: -I- in r.f tiie Time" is aSniMeader. James wv ft native of Mortiivr, one t-i tie- very einiiien: ruen who imsst of the ri-iid- Jw V'ies iluir home.
Here Penry Jl, was Kirn; here J-fpli fV- I lie first light -f day. Mcrtliyr Il-tlieriek' t.H-.-ii.,sr-.iv-.-,.-oV th White Mile, was a 11-- discovn-r of tiie theory of lerrestri; imgnctism. was bora at Merthyr and to Merthyr wlien a hov, snd My alow. Ii- tinted OS a Merthyr min. L-M was tin sna of Christopher 'niesi.
kept a groc-r's shop where Mr. Fritnds I xrh-s lut now a Lrs fumPure wnrelicose. next do-f t.v tho Hush. Christi'plier, Job. nnd William were three lin-ihor.
who canw to Merthyr from I'-llti-haniln is-mtemy with Thnnn Duvies. of iinsh, in rii day of Merthyr history, the phi wns a the iMnwork in is-1- infnrry, iin-1 nf any ftiit. TIh'sc nirei. ure(ing ability and great sr-in rsiahiitJ-Ai! tiieniw-lve in life, and nijerptublc numeritsly- re- 1 s.r'eri i here. An oM I'i'ly, resident, up to i.jji, in M.w.
Ilivi-l rono'mberwl L-bl Justice James when ft l-ttie -v, nnd -niil that helinnurlit many parcels i-r i inv imusp, just ns the wiiite-cappeJ -f Mr. Ilium do iw-w. M-. Clirisu-i-lsor I. -w, s-fi t-ik him away from tiie Th aimaal home show wm held at Gmarvoa on Tuesday, and attracted naariy 300 entries.
Patrick Doherty and his wife were remanded st Bow-street polioe-enurt on Tuesday an a chare of being concerned in tiw Great RucicB-etiMt jewel rnhhiry in February last. The Spanish Government hM been invited to eomo tn underctonding with ths other Vtmoro, with a view to (inuring the ncutnlirv the Panama Con.il. Amaricnr. papers record the death of Geoegu Waibington Marriaoa Nulr, better known to Commodore Nuti. Three menthe ago the Commodore ws seised with rheumatism end Bright1 disease, from which he died on the 25th of Mv.
in hii 37th year. On Tuesday a ticket collector at th Great Western Kailway Station at Bath was brown from the etepboird nf on expraw train a it wee entering the station, and wae si terribly mutilated that he expired shortly nfferwarls On Tuesday John foieknck.ipsnibcJMof Mark-kvue, wm wmandad Lambeth police-court on a ehftfu of denying a boy from tiw Canterbury Dicattv. Two nti etiw were required nf 100nri and ono in Dio Faetoqr fur the Froteetion nf Animala hold iu twentieth annual meeting st tiw Tnxydera Paris, on Tunsliy, and awarded to Mr. Burton, wife of the British Oonxul at Trint. one nf th principal prime.
D' Faria cnrrespnndent of the hotly TtUemk atyo-. 1. is affirmed that the terrtnit Cut ia vtftad Napoleon win codh forward wkh a list compered sofcjy of hi adherents ia sll the de-partmenu where lie is likely to hare any chance. The Prince relie on tiw yresrics of tiw name iff Napoleon among a certain portion of tlw rural p-'ipufalion. Tiw general conference of delegate from rniiuii Die hrgest salmon raptured on the Thv this season was caught on Monday night below Yew-burgh.
It weighed Ite. hi Dirsdav a fire occurred in tlm upper work-roc-iu of llm of compiiniriva anatom in tim Aiminuiicai Museum, Uinihri-ljo, tliroujn tiie ncrhU-ntri combustion of some spirits during a m-tenrific esriment. Very little damage was (Ion-. Die 'faith is announced of Mr. Joseph Ilravo, the father uf the late Mr.
diaries ISilancev Turner Itni-o. wIkvc tkatii iiv poison a few yurs iign furnir-J the sulijci-t of a protnctol coroners in- A few drops ouy. FAIRS FOR JUNE. MB So. 66,132.
Dr. F. V. Bender. Msaoc nt Dnlbliii- in Orllnsry lo thu DnirerMiy, writes in ill strut tMtietl liretrir, April 6, ioT2 I siull iwvrr Inf.
that ewe the prewcnticii nf nur nf my child ran (U Du Hairy's Fnn.1. )fa rliiid tulfand fram Gumuicte rm.v-n:bii, conslaiu. vomHing, which relktnl all mwllrnl shill, and uveu the siuilreteareof two wrl nunre. I iriilDu U-Try'i IWvrllli tlwinoet sstonMilnc lucent. immediately, sad, after Oriug on hb food for sfx weeks, tlw baby was restored to i he matt flouridilii hedth." Cure So.
UU, of twenty yesrff fanful drUUly. Arignea (HVsIlrCel, April 12, Iq76-Dii Burry's rund tor perfectly cured mo In six weeks' time or dyspepsia, oppression, and debility, which during twenry yss imremed my dressing or undressing myself, or msking ei (lie sllthlcst effort. I am inirir mured to hsolth Cstto(rn. Cure od has, tiirougii a of pnoerviiii tamo tho Ufa of a drer wlfs, who wss hit sinking into thu glare In the last Miga of eonnimptian, not bring rxuootedio lire from one minute tosnother, whon, a CsrtidgM ins, I wss tndnssdto try your Vbod. which tos shvedy worked change lor the better.
To.Ciblst. HotywoD, North Wales, Mareh 6, UBB." 61 ml lor testimonials from Lord Ituart de Dnews, Dr. Ure, Dr. liedr, ths Maschionm of BrAsn. FwSVanbal tiw Duke ot Ftaritow.Dr.A.ITrs.Dr.Bhfmtoad.Dr.
Wtarer.Dr. ttomMsU.Dr.1 Hr. Tamer Charles nsonL CutiwrnsTtjJta poos sella i In tins of ilb. otto, 2s, gd. 1 8b fa.
14oi i lftfa, 9fe; t-hig about 2d. prr mod. Dff luun Onotun Fntta in tins for It rare, 2. i tor 42cnpfa fa; far H6 inns. (Bs.
Also Dw ibwrt tewDuabie Bncntfafanr Hows mere nomlshlnf teas tori, snd hssdy stall ttmos, st hom*o or trswuing. in tins. aTed.i AtaDu Bucrnr Fowosn in Uns.fa.. 3s. ssd dk.t re-sum nt Mta.
Ifie ttto tins resent fire of rer-ieas Is ttuftaud ou reieipt of Fuet-otere Ordsr. ffpsdss end ifmS Ut ffaiterth Chnaer Osntea .6 7 Wriigiwa. 6 loagiwr UujMhr renesea BOARD OF TRADE RETURNS. The account -relating to the trade and navigation of tiw United Kingdom far the month of May and for tiw five month of the present year have just been published. The total values of exports tor the month are 19,087,848, against 17,277,878 in May lost year.
For the five months tiw exports art against 8970852 in the oorres-pandinr period of lest year. The imports for May amounted to 322LS4Z, against 30,453414 for tha corresponding: month last rear, snd for th five months 16885,874, against '17342300 for tbs same period in 1880. Ifl IT Handled! 17 Uansrth (OsnUgan). IT Uangyfatorh IS Methrey 18 Llandovery to LcSteiyteiw 10 LtoadltoFowr. Abcrgcvraiiy Uondliril Xlontwttdfaior OhepNSW OwMdjp Uandricy! Uccliryd 21 21 22 25 JM.H, 27 i i tlw- cwln-m-e in jo, uniijig statiire.an.1 1-r I sr niut diminufive l--s-ci-i.
ivt pf min-1 ovi i--. attention. J-UIM tw- aiitipucles Bt. Trenuen sTEwld's MeamsuUi Newport (ftnlnto) 27 Newport, Fsra.faaljttt 28 Oryssmfwk Arms. 22 i WPij silui'atvd.
end brought uii 'jvF "ln Ismdun. i A new life-si ring buoy is now liemg irsunl to -iM-- cf tne law, am. Iw navy, which present, it is etate-l, msnyad-" over til-rip hitherto in un. By ths of phosih-ite of calcium, upon contact with tlm water a lviglil flam at i-tuv sprirgs up. rlnriv (Dirking the position of the Isiuy, hctii to tivsv un Kurd lie ship and to tlw pei-min uver-bonrj.
Tliis protwrly of i-oinhustion upon contact with wapv has. infirever, unr iisa'ivllg os it wiii ncmstMIc great cam in stowags, to prevent the iKissSliility of fire thcrehy arising. Die French' Miui-dcrof lVsr'hse ptreented to the (lisinbers a report un tlu- srlfict hois for military sorviet! cncc rbs pnssingof the new law of general compulyoty service, from which it ipprars tint, since 1872. 1.151,798 men liarr passed through the ranks of th active armv in France. These men are of two categories The first two-thirds of the whole, amounting to 7fi8Jt84.
have the colour an avers? time of about the remaining third, or second amounting to 334j832 men, have served fur ebut ter. muntiis only. tr-l. in.l liiuiiu1-, Sli i (Hit in his pkv. JoiM- i-n.
will i. liis tin- -o lend lie v-rice emphasis, in-1 sr -i rt'. fly down. Justice Junes 1 yune M-rthyr by the lesson t-f his served witli Cf-1 tvM cur youtii wh.it deter-' four vsars yrojvrly tin aiv- portion," am organisations, convened by the Iiemocratie Feders-1 lion, wm held on Wednesday at the Memorial Hail, London, Mr. Hyndmon preening.
Thsprog uiiin included manhoodsoffrage, triennial Parliament, equal electoral (Mstricu, payment of membera. eloetion expense to be defrayed from rotes. motion substituting adult for tranliood euffrs.e, time including women, wm carried. Anotler resolution, including in its pregramsM tbel tire Indepsqdenoeot Ireland, wm slresd Th puenharea dml to ssy about thanwont of egress from our tinotn. Fogg say he is more troubled about tiw means of ted dresses lv-m 1 in Uadagae-cor.
Tnev point Lhaskin thre and rave tire uralMva1 hiHt Niwren numtw riiould purchoea fetid Own and A DC Tlw Tkblss for Jana. Now nitav i Fries Oh Penny. Own Tim TsMsi gfee, ia ths sbufart farm, parueuisn of faraadlitaonsfa aad sfalltraiasteaaktrstaNawpstt. IS 14 Cilgenaa Xmlya IB Mr. CfaarieffSpringal Greaves, Q.C died at hto residence in Blsndforthsqiwre, London, on Friday lauV Th electric raiiwsv at Berfia is to be extended firet to Tttiosr and sobaequratiy to Fotedam.
Dw Cheeps Triimmt, of Sunday, pwemted its readare with thwfbls ef the revioed Testament, nnnptots from beginning to end. On Tusiitoy a stotiu by Frofsmor Ocheerer, of Stuttgart, to Wtoslend wnstmvsihd stlisncfi Wurttefobnrg, th poeth Botirtphc. i ThoBM snd James Karedcn, twin brothere, were on Tuesday eommittadfar trial I if th justice! at Bake wall, near Derby, for inflioting grievoua bodily harm oa their father. They tinned Mm oat of tariMwAihtafit, and lli-hid andlwat Mm until hn wMinMBsQtieL taste to sot arficitL. Dn BAWAffsOcuLaantai la 77, tsgrnt ttnwt, Tendon, PfftPCe, oownittod oa Ttwiday at the FbWIiaf anhatouddreaftmvssfalltr CM and rltawhere, ndpuoislwdinitb twuriway.J OustownflMtoeletagNw..