SPECIAL NOTICES. iilbPif su Ai.it fiiis. FITS A' fcar Cur for tbe dictrewing emnl nt it now mud known ia a Tiva- JTTS tlw ia or-lga and lStie lletb-I prepa- rations, bubuslKsl bv lyit, 0. riTS-BUOW 1 prc lotion as fuiuiKh ed -enm ia ntta a iroviu-n-ia. manner FITS be cauuH couaK-it-uttiuly reiase to luake 4t nut b.
as it ha cnrud r-r iw ly n-d it, nevw haviug tailed in a -cm. It wiaaily eaieiu asset uf i 1- ITH tf Dyspepsia and th injir.d'-ni be vbtajti.U I row any druKit. toe HTH lrv to ad ou of live cenu prepav postage, etc. Ailirs. ftt.
riTfi4'UKLVb J.OvJ., IJGrDd RE wfiDIT. Ur. J. W. Poland' Wbite Fine pound, is ot ottered tutue atbicte throughout lite country, afu-r having proved by iht of eleven in tbe Jiw England Slates, where Its arnts Larv-tcMat a well known as (be from whih.
In prt, it derives It virtue. White fine CouiiHiuod core Sure Throat, Cold, Cougti, ftipiheria, Urencbitis, 8pUtiii of Blood, and Pulmonary Affection generally. It is a ra- mark We Rc-nu-dy tVr Kidney Complaints, Diabetes, Difficulty of Voiding Urine, Blwdiug from Kidoev aud Bladder, Gravel, and other com' IriaiuM. Give it a trial if you wouM learn the value of gotxi and tried, Medicine, it pleaaant -vale and sure, Sold by Druggist and Dealer Medic in jBe- rauy. fJKO.
W. 8WJCTT M. Proprietor, The Proprietor of the New Y-jrk nuwom of Auat-hot have drtvrininvd. ivtar.liMS oi exfeuse, to w- ue free (for the bemnt of humanity, and aureMiuu of qnarkwry K.ur oi mir dhwi in urea tine and instructive un and It JisouaJiikatkn. hernHW and I'byeica.
lhoii ty, Praatare of Manhood, Indigestion, eak owns or lmpwtwjucy, Lohh ol ivoer a-r and Maily l'owir; th- Urat Kill, and tltoee Maladie which roult from youth fa 1 ftdlit, xoeean of maturity, aud ignorance of Puyaiologj ad law of nature Thee? Invaluable Lectuio have kw-a the mean and -vvuK ihuosaa'lft, a ltd ail) Frwari-4 frw' on offiur it amp, by ArMMiug baXKbTAtlY, New York iuiftm Anatomy and Mwueiu, 618 Broadway, Mew York, CSIVEKSAL LT' yr" pr IVfcKSHi I T-n yean ha clarly proved I iK.H ne cheery of iilicityt I lutr element of tin did prRrKtion, whicii. allow i use wueiM-rer there itickliug arirritfition tn the thoatt and producini; no debility, if the uy and true tUt-ory by which a tra r-uil Hronrbial l'ojiidaint, hud 'i hroat Atlertiono, wliicii if efcU-ctcd, end iu Couriumption, cnn.be eflVctually COrrvi. ore Throat, tbe erent-oriFin rf Iintitberia when cured by making a Garble with eiuul )vcru ol Lt. tiiuuiimlh of undoubted character can be be imii at my oili by all. uall HtU 'x-f-nif; larpe do.
6) cent. by all Wholwaie aud lUtail ialer in Medicine, JOBX L. Ul(SHELL, Practical hruiut, fch.l:dfw;ei.m (mmrdl Wharf. S-FOK OK THAN TWENTY year MATHEWH VENETIAN HAIK DYE has toud tbe tt-tt of trial, aud i oonetautly iaureaeiug In imblic fnvor. T1IK IE VKXKTIAW IfAIK DTK 1 the bt and chf(Mt wade, lu price i only 7-ci wnU, aud each ootth' coutAiD 6Snbie tbe quantity of dye in those tiiuaKy oT for THE liAltt DYE ia mannfnetared by a pecoiiar proceet, which render it iniimtoiy u(wrior to any dye in market.
Bring comil-te in vtm bottle, no preparation I required, which greatly timpiefiea th uiri nation. IN ISISM THIS yoo avoid that nr-TT, feu aniHarmnca by which dyed-hair and are eo readily reco*kuiaed, when an interior ar.cle ba been nmI, a prounoo a periecuy nat- ai eotoa of any shade that im n-qnired, from a "ch brown to a jetty, laroas black, that will note- -it crock or stain the clot hi ag. Invent 76 cnta. "ad yon will be convinced, bold by all DroggisU and Fancy Uoooa tuair. A.
I. MATHEWS. Manufactnrer. N. T.
PEMAi BAlt.Nh A Kw York, Wholmala A gnt IrGREAT OAKS FKOM. LITTLE GIlOw'." The worst dieaees known to the human rare upring frcra causes bo small a to alniint d'-fy d'ti'ti-u. Tlie Trdnmes of scientific lore Hint till the tabhw and helve of the medical iraternlty only go to prcve and elaborate these tVt Then ftnard yonrsrlTe while yon may. The m)lnt pimple thenkin ie a t-U-tale indicator of disease. It may fade and die away from the nrface of the bat it will ix-ah the ritals, peihape, at last, and death be the the nnlt and final cloee.
Magiel1 Bilious, DysjH-ptic, and Piarrtiu Pills mr wiiere all other fail. While for Uurns, Scald, Chilblains, Cntu, and all abrasions of the skin, Matri'l's Salve is Infallible. iSoldby J. Mniiiri'-l, 4.1, Fulton street, Kw York, and all frngKiittg, at aftoetrtpwrlo. laaTTHE BRIDAL CHAMBER.
An Xaaf- of Warning and Infitruction for Young Men. Also, now and reliable treatment for Diseases of the Urinary and Hexnat Systems. 8ent fro In oalcd eiiTi-h-jw. Address Xr. J.
bkillln Houghton, Howard A worjwr'mi, Philatlelpbiii, Vn. my 9 R4. IRON AND NAILS 0 CALVIN- CLE VELA XD, OHIO, JT. 85 and and 7 on the Duck CLEVELAND BRANCH WAMEnOIXES or ins Eagle Iron INail Works. WOLFE, HOWARD KxctLsiuH Glaus WoRfc-.
AND WHOLKiALK AlitXCIKS ut TUB Ilianallia ut it Holt Works. Gas Pipe, Tubing and Steam Pipe Manufactured by EAGLE IRON WORKS. i AlMtsateAftmtruc.v riTTSltritGII STEEL HOURS Aj.uimr. Couke A Frupritors. In utoik snl receiving a full supply at my Warehouses of Iron, Nails, Steel, Glass, Gas Pipe, Hcn4i for a Vrim Liat.
Vllh lUej UKTlt.r all wrU-kuown hwifa. At NaaalMlarr'i Prim, I Itnpp to merit a ffhar of patronage. Untm iij.i;njlly auBottnl, CALVIN CAKR, jani-BU 2 M. r' J.J,'1,,' hV -k. TAILS IKOS CL1SS.
1 Jio. CI and 63 Slioenbersor's Juniata Nails. Br.II.EU PLATB-, SHEET IKON iiA41ili.Vi:K MOUSE SUUtS. A Lao, Bar lndow tlas.Titra Quality UrisMtKlannt BtraiHl Ilnrvu. Al.
tli ab-Ye at HASiri'ACTl'BCK'S PRICES. W.IO 1U0N AM) -NAILS. CLEVELAND. "MOWN CO Kos. 29 and 31 Merwln Street, SKXTON'8 BLOCK.
O. CUtVTLD, laOWH, 0 CIcTdaod 8. Youngatown, O. H.nufartnrra and Wbolaaale Di-ators im Bar, Boiler, Hoop and Sheet Ir NAILS, CUT AKI WROUGHT SPIKES HOT MD COLD PRESSED HUTS AID WISHERS. Cast aud Spring Steel, Glass, Ac.
Iron IVali-ra, KailnMwl nd Hiniog Companies, Ship and bria Bnililers, MachibiKU and Manu-factarera, who dcairaa qnality of Iron that will gire entire aat isfartinn, are. respectfully requested to faor ns Willi their ordera, which shall always command onr prompt and cap-fn! attention Uefer to Bnsiiuas Una aud Baukers generally. decKt- K'l CRYSTALINE CLOSE. I AM. iEVELMKuj IT IMPARTS TO THE IITOI A BP.ILLIAHT LUSTRE, I BEAUTIFUL, SMOOTH SURFACE rhu rnttLnia THE IROI FROM ADHERING.
CI SELF-RAISING FLOUR 11CST AKT1CX.E IX I'SE. jr. s. niRRixcfox's SELF ItAlSiXG FLOUR! It Time, 1 fronomlcal, and SiCVEB FAILS. Bold la qnantltfes to snlt purchasers at tbs LKVELAND MILLS.
I.iw.1 i.ni tn lealera. This Flour needs kal srisi, to be tooognt rr.s nsr. DAILY LEADER Mkr For horning KditloD Kens nee oatside. fry For Kvenlng Edition Inside. wtio TnUKSDAYTrEBKUAKY 22, 1866.
CITY NEWS. to u. tctt a of Oiiatukical. We lesrn Uiat Mr. Evolyn vaD3, 'rmerJy loading ujhd at the Academy of llauic, will give aa uratiun at that place on the eveniuj of the 27th or 2Sth iuat.
The precise date will be aunuunceij. We hive urt leorueJ the oubject which the elucutiunist proposes to iliuxuioate. Mutiorological. The United States Tel egraph Company sent us the following report of the weather in various localities yesterday morning: Wiud. Thrrm.
Weatkvr V. 21 Clear. P.irtl-n.l w. 2d clrar. H.
I jty 8. W. 'ii oTrt. Huron S. cl-ar.
Ucln.it W. 24 bonu-u W. 3-i rler. Butu: K. clrar.
NV. li.rk N. W. cloir. Pliil.klpUi S.
it clear. W. sh clr. Wf.luuutua...w... N.
W. cU-iir. Kichtuood N. W. 34 rpr.
I. 8. h. 21 dear. Pulicb Cofkt.
Judge Abbey disposed of the following docket yesterday moruiug: Drunkenness Jams Daily, fined and cost a Hunrietta Peach, $3 and costs. Vasrrancy Owen Crosby, Work House thirty days; IlelUn Kreiger, ditto, sixty dars. -T Disturbance John Harvey, and costs John Caneen and Peter Gibbons, case con tinued till the 2nd; Isaac Gunthley, dis charged; Leon Mock, $1 and costs. tWauItaud Battery Julia Price, $1 and costs. Nuisance J.
Barn hart, case held over till the 23d. Oil i.i thk Water. Our citizens who use the water supplied to the city frm the reservoir oo the West Side, have of lata ciuipUiued of the impregnation of that element with coal oil. The true solution of the matter seems to he this: Tbe ice on the river is from sixteen to twenty inches thick. The thinner ice of the lake has been broken up and forced under tho ice at the mouth of the river, and urged itself in around the east end of the pier, causing the urrent, which naturally courses down the ake, to trend around to the we3t into the ay, in which ia laid the, water pipe cou noting from ld Erie's depths to the Water Works.
In no other way can the impregna tion take place. And it is evident that the oily substances find their way into the ipe from the river and not from the lake water proper. The difficulty will be reme died by nature in due time, as soon, indeed, as the ice in the river or at its mouth, shall have been broken up. Klal Estate TaANbreus. The following transfers of real estate were entered upon tbe records of Cuyahoga county during the last twe or three days: James Wallace to D.
M. Borland, part of fraction in the village of Berea. Consideration (. John R. Jewett to E.
L. village lot No. 40 in Baldwin's addition to Berea. Consideration $JUII. F.
Ualtnorth to John Welcutt and Hiram Haskins. niue acres of land, being lot or block yo. 6, and east half of lot or block Ko. 5, iu Newburgh. Consideration John l'culrs to Charles II.
Salisbury, part of sub lot 14; iu Barber Lord's sub-divi-siou, being So feet front on York street, Cleveland. Consideration $HI0. M. P. Wheeler to Win.
Rose, house and lot So. 82 on Prospect street, Cleveland. Consideration 2,500. John A. Wheeler to Wm.
Rose, house and Kit Ns. 4 on Prospect street, Cleveland. Consideration Court of Cowmox Plkas. The mule case of Martin Johnson vs. Jacob P.
Kronke, was given to the jury at half-past four o'clock Tuesday p. but they had not returned a verdict at lOo'clock yesterday morning. Has tbe mule balked and got his spinal columu up in the jury The court case of Thomas Dixon trs. Ger man Meutel, to recover possession of real estate, wascalled yesterday morning in court room Jfo. 1, before Judge CofCnberry.
Attorney Bevis for plaintiff, and Lyon for defendant. The case of Patrick O'Malcy rc. the C. C. C.
Railroad Company was called yesterday iiiorniug in court roomXo. 2, before Judge Foote. The father of plaintiff "was killed by a freight train on defendant's road in July, at theLiphthouseatreetcrossing. And action is brought by plaintiff, as administrator, to recover damages, in the sum of $5,000. The jury in the case of John H.
Cham berlain ct al. vs. the brig Massiilon, return ed a verdict of for plaintiff. Iu the criminal branch Judge Bolton dis posed of the following business Tuesday afternoon and yesterday morning State r. Andrew Kessler, keeping a bil liard table for gain; fined i'M and ordered to give a bond for good behavior one year in the sum of S500, in default of which be was sent to jail.
He was also sentenced on two indictments' for selling intoxicating liquors aud keeping a room for gambling. Executions were issued to collect costs in both cases. He refused te pay. Luilwig Kohn ta. S.
H. and E. Bloch as sault and battery damages laid at $1,000. The jury returned a verdict of $200 for plaintiff. State r.
William E. Williams, embezzle ment; nolled. State r. Arden Knight; bigamy; case continued. FROM WAYNE, ASHTABULA O.
FROM WAYNE, ASHTABULA O. Protracted Meeting---Fires---Sudden Death. Correspondence of the Cleveland WAYNE, ASHTABULA Feb. 15. A protracted meeting is in progress here.
in the Congregational Church, Rev. Mr. Geer, Pastor, assisted by Mr. Wright, from Gustavus. The house of Mr.
Luke Morse, of Wil- liamslield, together with all its contents, was destroyed by fire a few evenings since. Mr. Morse bad left for Oil Creek on the morning before the accident occurred, and his family had gone to a neighbor's to spend the nicht. The cause of the fire is unknown. There was but a small insurance on the house.
The barn of Mr. Orlando Woodworth was burned on the 13th, with all its contents, together with twelve fine rams belongingto another party. The origin of the fire Las not been ascertained. In the same township, on the 12th, Mrs. Ford, widow of Ebadrac Ford, was found dead in her barn, in a sitting posture.
She had gone to the barn to do some chores, and the family, thinking her too long absent, went to the barn and found her as described. GROCERIES. gRADBUKN, CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 59 and 0 Kiver. and 21 Md S3 Meadow Ar now ircetTinft from Nw York and Hew Orleans a large anil choice mpply of Cotletw. Solars.
Tcm. Kio, 1. OrleMW, T. Uysnf JTa, Mnnc-avadu. 0.
Hyson, Noel, a. Crash), Japan, ntniiitra, Granulated Imperial Powdered Colnag, Coffee, TicUiaoy. TOBACCO AND SEGARS, In icreat variety. GROUND PEI PKK AND cPlCEb, AD STBUPS, Which they offer to the trade at very low rates Cleveland nianulactared articles at ALannfao- tnrers price lanafcB PRATiBUBK. WILLIAMS A CO.
PATENT OFFICE ACENCY l.MTKD STATES AXD F0RE1G3 PATEM OFFICE AGEXCT Ko. 136 are prepared to transact business of ever description relating to Inventions, Drawings, Ca Teats, ftpecifications. Patents, Infringements, and tha Pateot laws. BUEB1DOB I7HB7 aVftMrusa aitornev, Kt ratwua. -t-jni'iiT! TELEGRAPHIC.
Yesterday Afternoon's Report. CONGRESSIONAL. Senator ilson's Kcsolulion THEY CALL ON THE PRESIDENT OK INFORMATION. THE FENIAN CONGRESS Its Meeting and Organization SIR. SEWARD TO SAPOLEOX, Denies that tlieruitedStates were Invited to Invade Mexico.
Tbe follow ing a continuation, of jbter Joy's proceed Mr. LAKE, of Indiana, nresontd a net! tinn from Assietaiit Asaesbors of Interual Revenue, askini; tor increased compensation, Kef erred to the riuanee Comnntioe. Mr. Ot'TURIE retried a bill tofaciliLalo the settlement ol accounUol the Irvasurer of tbe L'uitcd States, and to secure certuin niouies to tbe if-o)le of the Uuiutl iSUite, or to the nersoorj to whom it is uue. Inn bill waflireiared by Mr.
Spinner, the Treas urer, mainly to authorize a 'ttlement of accounts, some of them warrants of nearl thirtv rears standinj; from eix cents and upwards, on which drafts haTo ben iritied but btill remain outstanding. The Treas urer can onlv receive credits Ur these draf's when properly endorsed and paid. The bill ie reported from tbe Finance Committee. Mr. WILSuN introduced the foJlowinc resolution: That the Committee on Eccon st ruction be instructed to inquire into and report how far the states lately in rebellion.
or any oi them, nare complied witn the terms of the President as to their resumption or practical relations with the Lifted Stated, which terms were as follows IirsL That the several State Constitu tions should be amended bj the insertion of a provision abolishing slavery. oecona that tho several state tonven- tions should declare null and void the ordinances of secession and the laws aud do crees of the Confederacy. Third That the several btate Legisla tures should ratify the amendment to the I erieral Constitution abolishing slavery. J-ourth That the rebel detL btate and Confederate, be repudiated. nth I hat eivil rights bhoold he secured by law, applicable alike to whites and blacks.
Mr. SUMNER said that some time ago the I'rctddeiit was requested by the Senate to communicate tne intormation above asked for, which the President ha in his hands. He ought to have copies of the correspondence between himself and (he Governors of these States. The rcsol'itiou adopted by the Senate called on tbe President to supply copies of that correspondence with the President. For some reason known to himself, it has not been furnished to a committee of this body.
I think it would be better, perhaps, that the Senate should repeat its call once more on the President, looking to him for information which could be furnished by him better than any other erson. Mr. iX.bUJN said that had been done al ready. Air. bLMALK My colleague savs we have done that.
I hope then that the Presi dent will yet listen to the call of the Sen ate, and communicate this information, it essential in determining the duties of Congress at this important moment. The resolution was adopted. Bl Washington News. Testified and Left. New York, February 21.
The Trib une's special snVs that General Terry has testified before tho Keeotibtrutlit'n Cumniitteee and left fur Kieumnnd. Testified and Left. A New Bill. It is stated that Mr. Diwilittlo will in troduce a new Freedmcn's Burunu bill to day, incorporating tho Presidential features.
From Texas. Brigadier General Grt-jjor, Asiftant Cum ui of tho Freedmcn's Bureau in Texas, under date of Galveston, 31ft of January, reports to Geacral Howard that there exists a very satisfactory state of arfairs throughout the entire islu*te. Decision. The Second Comptroller veslerday de cided that disbursing ollicers when pay- lti" lees to witnesses are not required to deduct therefrom the live per cent. revenue tax, as such fees are not of the nature of a salary of government officers.
Another. The same officer, in reply to an enquiry addressed him by an American, temporarily residing in Syria, us to whether he has forfeited his claim to the bounty provided by law in the case of his deceased sou, who died in the military service of the United states, leaving neither wife or children, has decided that a temporary resident of any foreign country does not forfeit his right the bounty due his son, killed in the service, and that it will be paid on application. From New York. New Yoijk, Feb. 21.
In the reply of Secretary Seward to Air. Bigelow despatch enclosing the speech of the Emperor Napoleon in reference to Mexican affairs which has been printed, and will be forwarded to Europe to-day, 3Ir. S. alludes with considerable severity to and denies the assertion of the Emperor that our government had been invited to join France in her Mexican intervention before the inti eduction of tbe French into the ami of Maximilian. Official Order.
The following is the olTiciul order of General Grant permitting the publication of the Richmond Examiner: IIkadquarters Armies of V. S. 1 Washington, Feb. l'J, 1SC6. To A.
H. Terry, commanding DejHirlment of Virginia General: Your order of date the 13th, taking military possession of tho Richmond Examiner, a newspaper published in Richmond, Virginia, and prohibiting its publication, made iu pursuance of the Lieutenant General commanding is hereby temporarily suspended, and the Examiner will be permitted to resume its publication upon the express condition that it in tho future, will not pursue a course inimical to tne Government, or expression, in other words, of Union sentiments among people of other States lately in rebellion, or to cultivation of friendly relations between tbe people of this State, or any of tbe Union, and that it will not in any wise fail in its editorial, correspondence or transfer of articles from other papers to give support, countenance and friendship to acts and expressions of loyalty to the Union and its supporters. Signed GRAN T. X. S.
Bowers, A. A. G. tbe Brazilian Colonists. The LTerald's Rio Janeiro correspondent of the 2d states that General Wood, the agent of a number of Southern associations of emigrants, in his exploring trip on his arrival at Rio Janeiro, was received with courtesy and attention bythe officers and Deoule.
lie had interviews with the Emperor and his Ministers, and assured promise of all the land he required at the minimum Government price, immediate citizenship for all colonists, freedom of religion and the press, control oi tneir own municipal regulations and educa tional institutions, and free importation for five years of all necessary fjticles from itio Janeiro. Wood and -ty passed into tho interior of tho country to make an inspection of it. Transportation was fur nished them gratuitously, and in the towns they were received with ovations, entertained at balls and dinners, and en thusiastically welcomed. lhe General will report favorably on the projected emigration, Freedmen's Bureau. Kew York, February 21.
The Tribune's special snys it has now come to light that the instructions under which the Freoduien's Bureau in Louisiana whs so completely disrupted in November that its 300 schools were brought to a close. Soon afterwards tbe freedmen and dis charged colored soldiers were arrested as vagrants without a trial or process of law, and the orphans of freedmen returned to their former slaveholders as apprentices; were imparted by the President biuiself, and that Gen. allerton acted in accord auto with the Executive instructions. Erroneous Payments. The'Tribune's special says the erroneous amounts paid by tho Government during the war and now being audited here, are shown by the fact that the accounts of Col.
C'rossman, of Philadelphia, now at tne third Auditors office, involve di burscments to tbe amount of or over $2,500,000 per month for clothing and army supplies. General News. Fenian Congress. PiTTsnrRHH, Pa, February 20. The Fenian Congress has a permanent organization.
Colonel Jlurphy lias been re-elected Speaker of tho House. P. F. Rainsford, of Philadelphia, was elected Secretary, and Captain Nollan, of Pittsburgh, Sergeant-at-Arms. Tho two houes then went into a joint session.
James Gibbon, President, in the chair. 1 he action of tbe Convention is har monious and enthusiastic, and the deter mination was unanimously expressed for immediate efleclive action. The message of President Roberts and tho report of General Sweeny will bo laid lore luo Congress to-morrow. A largo public meeting was held to night at which several large contributions were made, and large donations of anna were promised. Fenianism.
FlTTSBURtiil.February 21. The Fenian Congress this morning and approved of yesterday's business. iue Coiniiutteeon Credentials reported the arrival of additional members. The Executive message was read and unanimously received. President Robert resigns and recom mends General Sweeney's election to the Presidency.
Arrival. New Yokk, February 2 1. The steamer Henry Cliau'icty, from Aspiuwall, brings ol Sailed. The steamer New York sai'td from this port ti-dav for San Francisco. She liitd on board J00 troops.
INSURANCE. SUX IXSlJltASCE O.UlAi 1', FIHE AM) .11 A Oflii o. US Supcrlor-st Cleveland. Cnpi I al Futlj rebreiented by Kirat-CUas btandiUd Securitiiw. DIBKCTOIIS.
Millnian Witt, John F. Warn-r, James Maoil, Kob.rt llanxa, K. I. HaltlvriiL, Ileurv Harviv, II. M.
i Iml.iu, O. A. Brooks, Vi. H. Prire.
J. P. UobUou, tieo. WoTtkington. 6TILI.MAN WITT, Pre-Ment.
H. M. CHAPIJi, V. K. C.
ROVSKSei retary. STATE FISE 1XSIMSCE CO. OF CLEVELAND-, OHtU. OA PlTAL Invested in or fnlly secured by flrst-clMl Mortgagua, Bunds and Stocks. DIRIOTORB: P.
Moritan. W. W. Wriitht. P.
vera, Dr. T. T. Seelye, ii. noiTwooa, nr.
w. o. ntreator, B. Meriam. Tlarlm Adams.
Loren Prontiaa, A. N. Batrhclder, A. heynohla, J. Sr.
ctanard, 8. S. 0. Urinwold. OrriOKBS: B.
P. MORGAN, President. B. P. KS, VU.
Preai.tent. J. H. I'NDEKWIIOD, Secretary. J.
B. MEIilAM, Treaanrer. A. K. BATCH ELIIKK, General Affent.
VOffice in Uouae'a Block, earner of Superior at. it Public Square, tleveln; Ohio. mvl-K4 U. RCNXKLS, J. A.
HAIICHRRVBa. B11.XELLS 4 M.VXCIIESTEB, (Sacccssors to mid A Km worth.) NSURANCE AGENTS, 211 SCPKBIOB CLEVELAND, Kenreaent the following; well known aud popnlar Companies lua. itt. oi nortn America, New England fit.i.OlO Alliany City l.atnar Putnam tlope 160,000 Western Uaaa. Inland navipntion rigks on Ilulla and Carries, l.osati aujuated and nruuiptly paid at this hji.ai...
D. HUDSON, General Fire, Marine Ins. Office, Oviatt'i Exchange, foot Superior Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. KPKESCNTd THK FOLLOW I HO COMPAKIK8! Burkey Mntunl fns. CleTelsBd.
Artwtn. utiio, ire aua 24, 143 arkft Fir ton Fire Co. Norwich, Onwego, N. orwich Fire Went era York Life Nkw York J.nbU.ltMi Phoeuix Murine lu. Co.
of Brooklyn l.t can cauital Lnsses Fromptlr Adjusted and Paid. 1'art'cnUr attvuciou giTu to the Mijuntmt-nt oi trine Luim. L. D. HUDSON, Arent aud Ailiuster.
Capt. 0. A. Gaktwkb, Mariue iniiector. COLUMBIAN GIN.
O. Dnwrr ft6.ift. CHICAGO. ILL. This being the cheapest Spirit market in the orld.
we invite the attention of Dealer in Do- meetic Liiuori to our freode, feel i oje asBarod that can on.T them iwnal tniocemrnta. We would call the particular attention of the trade to our COLUMBIAN GIN, which in a dm il lation of Rye, Malt, Wine and Italian Jumper Berrien, aud has all the properties and flavor of imiKtrted articla. (COLUMBlwi) PERFUMERY. NEW PERFUBIB FC3 THE HANDKERCHIEF. A Tin.
I Flqalaitr, DriirnM Hud Frll. nnt Prrfanr, Diatillral from lhe Itnrvi and Bmalilal Flower frwra whirh it enken ila at nir. Manufactured only by PHAI.OM BOH. Cp Beware of Counterfeita Ask for PhaUn'Tiik no other. Sola bj dnigjriita generalij.
f.li-2f':rtt2-eod-eow ELEGANT DRESS SILKS CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. J. PeWItt A Co. offer the most elegant stock of Dress Silks in the city at tnlly nor cent, loss than current prices. J.
H. BWITT Jir qnare. DRY GOODS. lil MH. BASLl.NGTO.X ii la 31) ALL.
LINEN COODS. Itn. nf T.in. Gol. J'lt nr NlKiiPANKS AN i fUaMsltlilO GOOijJ, tu exitusite assortment.
DOMESTICS. Tii Full COTTuJi COOPS, FK.WN AMI BLfc.Vflltl). I'KIM'B AMI lHJI.MNlis, tin L.Wukt cask ptlces. TK4IIK. Now opening, an i.f Boys' iiuihiiij, atMiiiere Sul.s, lor our own trade.
lieut's Business Suits, Sachs, ic, Ac. j. ii J'i ITT 7 11 Pul.itc tfqiian'. numiH ami a tb I s. IIkWITT lit.
r.n-r a la. and well selected of It i-m il, and. Auiericau 'lolllM. 'SlsilH'N. At Water Proofs, To which thev luvile attention.
u. i 7 11 l'ulilic Square. J. H. HOWES CO.
NEW GOODS! Jtist received at 121 OXTAKIO STREET. Large Invoices Opened, tuis New iiikI beautiful atKs MERRiMAC PRINTS, COCHECO PRINTS, And otl ctiuice brauds. Also Dtw styles DELAINES. A tu-ary liu of Fr-h invoic a from tbe it. daili fel.lt J.
M. Kaaleru Markets re-IHVt I CO. EW GOODS! E. T. HovsrCo.
U.iO SnjK't ior street, Hart periled uw Herrimac Prints. LADIES' CS.OTIliS IN (11UICU C'jLOIiS. Eratllej's iiunrcss Trail Skirts. A tresh hupjily of MARSEILLES QUILTS, SHIRTING, LINENS, Ennui and Elcuched Table Linens, Towels, Full Uut of Brown Bleached Cottons, cheap. All kinds ufllllY GOODS CHEAT on tliocoruer, JiO SUI'EUIOR KTREKT, fvl.J If.
T. IIWWKU A 0. E. I. BALDWIN UK Offer this dny Auomi'non a ni-tnuvaia Cl.lttl.l fct New Parii.i.ti s''eet.
Great Jubs in WRAPrEBS AND DRAWERS. f.Kt E. I. BALIlWIS A CO. iiO ONTARIO iSTREET, Hare nct-iTud this dty New Blerrimac Prints, DOMESTICS, HOOT SK1HTS, lltrt-II-y Eiuiirie Tiaii, Sheltou OaLorn's.
1K ALiO Of FEB Dahiioral SEti.ts, At Reduced I'llccs. Dress Ooodsat Bedured Trices. A IV IV AT KEDl'I'ED flSICES. All at I.oivcxt Prices. hKLBV, liXOW.f A- PKAKSOX.
fel.S ISO ONTARIO STREET. CMIMETIIlMi Return Hull. Mitt Carr's Patent M. II Af.LF, kAAA IBs. KMTTIVfi C0TT0, ALL maniilai'Mirr' pri--.
31. AL Li. A CO. 0')f colo. LADIES' fl'LMER CLOAKS All of Cl.
vr'lanl oii'nu'artnrf fmade. to wear at will a to et lit rapidly at CLEARINC OUT PRICES. Tbt-y quote this GOOD KLiCKBEAYEK CLOAKS l'KOM 2.50 TO CoiitiiHi'-d a tiiity iu tbe wurkruvm. Ordera rtfivtd as u-ual. CHEAT BAKtlVINS IX SILKS.
I'laid bilks a( $1.00. iloire Autlijues at Frciifli u'few lelt, at 7 feiiiliiug' pt i- yarti. JanlO IW.4V WITH $PIXTACES. OLD EYES MADE NEW, Snectaclni, D.K'tor or JI.1- Ictne. I'rfUlflllet luuikj Irei.
Sent fiee. A.l.lres K. B. OOTK, M. ll: Droatlway, New lork.
UUmSlTs-TAKK CAKE OF 101'K WIVES CONFIDENTIAL lNFOliM.TTltlN FOR THK free in sealed envelope. Ail- dresa E. 11. FOOIE, M. IIM BruaJwav, NuW PARENTS TAKK CAKE OF 101K CHILDREN CTIOt'P How it may le rn7e frermtrtl without miicuie; aluo ltd raurte and cure, teut fre.
Ad rift an 11. i'UOTK, 31. UM Broadway, Kew Tork. Away willi Dlneasc and matri monial Infelicities. MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, treate nprni the llunian fij i'tem iiifiii and out on nil Chrouic Ii- atB and their Tratuicnt -on Jmrri-nm-ns ana Imnotfticy, on Seminal WeakncHa and em ate Wt-akneiti on Marriage aud tsxtial in lanUMpe oreryliody can understand, making a secMible bwk for eiistU r-flpl and a puod book tor every ou.
4'Vi pages 1W illustrations, three parts in oue Tolume. Price, $1. SO. Snt by mail, txiMtace pain, on receipt oi tne ince. muicuui pent tree.
AMreel tit Ant.ior, JL. it. t'OOTR, M. 1 130 road way, New lork. TONSORIAL.
U11U DKKSblM ANIi mix All the latft anrt nnht faaMouaMe atylea in Hair i'reaiitiz. Ueid lri'e-, Ac, to worn the X'minir winter an now worn in New York, sampled which can neen at DAY'S EatalUh- tment, 4H Public Square. Jutit rectived direct from Tmporteri a Tery large and splendid itock of Lonit Hair, the beet 1 eyer had for mnkinsr, now the mit p-puiar Head press; the French Twist, Natural Curls, a good snort ment left, as represented; Ladies' Front Pieces Half Wigs, a well nelected stuck on baud; Double Waterfall, Front Frizzes (ranch worn), Fruncu (lead l-reKBes. of every kind, made by alvertifer equal to those imported. Ladiea'Curls aud Switches made into any of the fasuiouable Head Dreeoes without iujnry to either.
Ladies' Hair Dressing in the most becoming and mndrn sties. 0W Private Room for Ladies Hair Cutting. fcsTHot and Cold Baths at all hours of the day the best Bathing Apartments in the city. dfcl9 WM. DAY.
4 Public Square. "I OLD AND SILVER HEAD CASKS. VII A Bno stoe at. vu liaa- UNDERTAKERS. W.
K. t'OB LlUr, I. UOuk, A. M. aoBt-NSJl Y.
E. AND CITY TJNDESTAKEES, 4 CHURCH STREET, AAS1IVILL.C, TE.W. ATING IIU 111 ED ALL SOLDIERS ho hare died at this place and at Murfreea- Bclns over Twenty Thousand, Gives us of the only True Kecord I'timls. We lire daily tliiifr, and hrtve forwarded CVe.y ci( tiou iu in e.ery ca--. We r''iintiuM of given p-rl'ect (titlilii bvtt agents Mt Knoxville, Tennessee, Temi HU1MTSVILLE, And at oth-T puintK.
Bd'efi removed runt all o'intJ at ecu tar fitinu- Utt i-t-ri. wi-liiuic iudiea re- ur nay inforoisititiu irum (hviu, wouul well t- n-t-lre-- CLOTHING. War Declared tpen Prit-ea at Tk CLOTHIITG HOUSE 19 I SUPERIOR STREET. TVERYJIODY will Cud it to their ad- AJ rantaprt to call at tbe One Prire More before imn haiim; elffwhere, as our jfiorlnu'iit of Heady Alade, ll'uriiisiiin)( Uuods aud material lor custoin work is couipioU. OUR READY-MAiE Is all of our own manufacture, in t'e most fatfhiouable stle, and itruiK-rly tiiiiim- we oiler it at prices that defy ail lOTnnt-titiun.
OI CrSTU.ll Is still under the charge of Mr. P'wncrr, and it is betnlless to "ay, for tttu fuet is well snowu, that lie can turn out the ln--t styl- of nrui'-ut in the city. Give un a call aud you will ie convinced the fact. Although it has betm bat a abort time niece wo introduced the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, Onr increased trade, and the jrpueral satis tact ion fiiveu to all customer, inui fully CDHvincil us that the public appreciate and prefer to trade whero tho re is no jm-keyin-j but everything conductwl on a fair and honorable system of dealing. BKMKMBElt THK PLACE." e.
Oue Frice lutliitix ISum, oe28 Itl Siierior rtt. CLOTlin'tt ATiOSf! Great Closing Cut Sale 0 AN UIMENSE STOCK OF GEiT8 YO VMS FINE CLOTHING. Also a lare uUBortuieut of FUR AND CASSIMERE HATS AM) CAVS. At a tual cot. CS El EAT VARIETY OF GEATS9 FLltXISIIIXG GOODS Marked Mown 23 per Cent.
II HUG I CALL AND BE CONVINCED. 106 HOFFMAN BLOCK, East Side l'ublic Square. 1ST lr-o nk of piece esods, Over-L'oatiiiLiH, t'lutln, ramiM'Tea ard Vestius. A full lint of tuilor'n Tiiinmiuirs. heavy Woolen AHoi.II RllixIS if Huckrtkin, Woolen and Cahhni'Te t.loVe, Fancy Sblrtt, woolen Vraijers and lr.Wf ri of eei b-i-rriptiuTi and variety, M'hnj iM PiiniT Collar, fTol lp-nmh'' f'urniii i'-tor foliar, rVtt.iinO Marnrill-t Puper ToIHr-.
All Liudsuf ratit'T unit Silk Ties and IX arfs, at rii MAN VS. C1; UOTHl.Xti AT COST Heaver Over- l-outs. Pilot Kliinit uv-n loth Sack and Surt-'iit; every atyleand p-itieru of I'udercoats, Paut ai Vests, at ct, tor the n'Xt thirty tiays, at UREATfLOSlfliflfTSlLB! COMIVIENCINC Tticsday9 Dec. NOTICE 1KNDING a in our linn scon to place, all') witii V'W til clone o'tt our present ituiut-imo slock, we will olki to the putilic at Wholesale or Retail, FOir CAII, Our tntirc Stock of Klegant CLOTHING At Cost IViccs! This includes the goods in ur Cuxtum Depart, mtnt of FOUEIGN AND Domestic Cloths AND CASSIMERES Which will be made to or ler at Prime ost i Purchasers of a siiiRlrv garment, or of an invoice of Clothine, will find tlr the KVT OPFUltTL- H1TX to buy ever ouerei tjieveiano. DAYIS, PEIX0TTO ec.t Comer Water au'1 Pnn'-ri'-r streets.
lu IH'KKUOLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office 211 anperior street, fir-t door up stair. n.KVFI AVn, OHIO. KKTH BKISHES, tiunlitj, and sold at small profits by CiliL K( I LL IIIUl I 11 P.U, f1.q-lt4 PrnirKi-Ifi lio Mtariirt. CHAS.
W. is COS WAY W. SOELE, Attorneys Counsellors at Law AMKBICAN Brit i i.sd, Onu. mtm w. a T7KAT11EB Dl'ST! ii 'l 1 I.I.
i i 1 MEDICAL. ivrtf im -iti -i i il i rnriiTisTri-SM Mfarii-urr" 00 DOLLAUSPttOimi SEMINAL WEAKNESS, Ott Si'EOATTOltKMaCA, (iLKKT, an' LnpOtency Cared, AFTER ALL OTHER THEATMENT FAILS. Dlt.A.;iBSON9 Fonnertyuf Niw Yurk City, pr bundr-J di lirtr tor the prto that K--tver fiil-t to rure tiie abttvu Li.titn.1 He will prty llie -nme sum ttre iruut utliT iu tlie rulvd stales ttieaume diJU'ac-s a itn e-jual riucciM Alter irmii) yfTti-if litlrnnou" tuly nud experience vr is uAitpv in in iue at'ie ann.mnce tht tluu hu kaa Deflected a ystout of treat- mvc TiiK SPEEDY AND PERSIAN EST CURE l)it n'ie. HH.I alo nil cim t-ifitinii ditnAMea of the with ail bad eliacta uruiine mtifirom, tncinmng DEUILITV 1H NVUVIICS PRfi.CTRATTOV. Hvhiuj.mtcefdeii tncurnuf caaenin ttii-i nty.
wuie of vVh-iiu hud pftidl Itun.lreilfl of il.ill;ini with Kelt- styied pbyH'iiiis, who pt-ift-Hrt lo treat all pr.vie muifidi's with surcerM, aud without receiviux the lemi lo of beuelit. Dr. oil fum does not tMnst that he to a member of i iu lauitdon or Pans, as perhaw eunit to for the curme of iir.nriiir th inioceiit. aud In id ont expectations. iievr to Ue r-ui 17(1 Butahat Dr nuht boast otie this, that ne is f'i to tlacti'n to these who re-p-e coi-icim in his ability and intritT, and that Lr! ptTiecUsl au syott-iti of tret.tnit-nt any l'byiirian of Lendt-o or Patui.
ot any patt-c im-vl-ioe, to fortiie radical cure of 9- minl weakie-fw, and all diseases or derance-uu tu, Lh liicutal aud iayaicul, aiibina trout kju-al et-er-t libn-e Ir. tiittscn aluo claims for his nQw treatment the foil-Win? aJvai.lntr- twr alt otin-rs yet diricovere.1. Aii'i, i st, 'he acrttM its. 1 are in to uin-'ri-t rible lit ate no rlienf the (lark ar-n, Siuh a Werciry. or any uther deteteriuuh iru wectuHPy.
iiu hi iiu-t or ItLiHine is reinirej; liurd, tn-tn itUifitt i-positive ftiiil L-ertain in a't ches Ut 'tanili to tio into any pnMic or li-jswLUiu t(' Ciiiteil Mates, ami tha rinr-rir rity of hi m-w trtiiient ovcran offer now known iu itj world, in point of pi.njH't-neti, pv-rTftJinen-jy, aatutr iod conveiucuoo to itn; rati i.t. l'r i-il-oH is pern. tie located in Ii yt-nn p- rtini-d curirt winch had Ur yeara r'-in-ietl ail i'. rr. atriM iit.
ii. '-i. ran IV pne-n nr-t in -N'-w Yora and emeu, reirard to a'-i-i ia.ecray iu all pronT-sioual U)- I nr-iniii, a'td all i. runic Diaeawja treatod Witll -lllperior nil'') wt, nun H'iit to any part of the country, on re' iHrirn. It a ui.w work on rhynioloy for sal at his Office, DU.
GIBSON, or Blectbop.itmt asd fllcmciNc. OflVe street, a f-w dooia frota Superior, up of-pofite t'Hy Iiob-1 a-r; "iM.ii houit from and troni 2 to 5oVk-fc Daily exrepieil) jnu Sweeping Lver)iliing Lerorc It. HI! EKS.tL. 1 1 Llf ill K. It- DODD'S GKEA UEHEDY FOB Breaking Up AKD CUU1N0 Til hilt KFrECTH.
Tlii. nn-tljcinc is acreat success, bcaaai. it mta tlio wntitNuf every mfuibfrof faluily. VbcD uu tuk. cold, resort at to tlie FETCH CIRC OR SWEATING DROPS 3 and yoo can break it up in a hurry.
HKAKTHK PKOPIjK'S VOtCK. T1h iiicl-rrii-nd, lewiiituK that IK. lOl)D'S rEVKBt'LUK or SWliAIliiO DKUPH is to be ext-u-'iVfly eib-red for ittn throughout the conn-try, totrivnour testimouy to its rfai vaJiie. We have usetl this medit ino hi onr famih, some it va lor 10 aud IU years, and are accustomed to thpeiol upon it whenever any one is attacked with of tbe many KytuptonH of colds. Wj kuow for Snppres-iiin and Irretrnlaiiliea, to which ho many cadges are subject in tbii climate, it is a timely relief Pleurisy Rheumatism.
horenee of Muscl 'S. luHummatioii of the linnet, Oonirh, tore Tlircttt, yield to ita power, aud fa tfhtacnm ale never tbe dry, feveritfh nee In aome-t'liiifrtJ indnce refrenhin? moisture and aleep. recommend it aa an honest, reliable family medicine J. Carroll, Fnion Straw Works. Toxboro, Mnwk I).
Howard, Foremun bouth lSustou, lion. Ccmpany. J. W. Pvckett, Printing Ink Bfan'ftr, 5.T.
city, lr. Thomas Swwt, Providence, 11. I. Freilert- Pain IVHt Master, Mansfield, Mr. F.
II. Manutacturer, Cocliesett, ilaee, L.T. Actluboro, Mass. And 1M0THKRS, who-e names ran besfen fe onr oilictt. It ronta ttio much to advtrti-to theasv Try th" nn-diciue yourself.
Price CI. Ail lru--lit a ocll it. ALSO, DODD'S NERVINE Is a SPKCiriC for what is termed VOLS MLS Ii aronnitic. eile-rial tsseiicj, of urat power aud sb'hittf puity. It is a HEDAT I VE s.o:h-r Nt ami irervoii excitement.
It contain NU 0P1L MOHPUINE, or injuria ouj narcotie, NOTICE THIS IMPORTANT FACT! I'nlike other preparations for Nervous Diseases, it relieves inntead of prrxiucing it. tl irritation, and produces a delfcfnna leiin' of repose tiaii tii the agitated wiud ijuieta tbe tUrobbitf? muacle-t and twitching uerven aud rejMirs the waite of the vital loitj. THIS IS-i KTAIV in Kl'BA T.GTA na DODD'S K.t NKKVuCS I us iHxid's (r ue Dodi's Nervine. ForJleutal Exeilfm-nt, I.tws of Strength, an- tvery form of Xervons Disease, USE QODD'S NERVINE. tv Irr.eiisH Kuerally.
AliMSL'UU2iti, Wholeaals Agrnta, Cli-vi-laiid. h. u. sTor.En JitiiU'Itl 64 John Street, Sew Yorfc. TI1EKE IS SO BlCU W0BD A3 FAIL" TARRANT'S CuMPOI ND KXTRACT Or CUBECS AND COPAIBA.
a sure, certain and sjectly cnr lor all diseases of! the ltj.ii'l.-r, Kidneys and I'riuary Organs, either Kemule, freiim-ntiv pertormiine a perfect cure iu the sio-rt space of Three or Four days, and. ttiwAjd in time tb stT any other preparation. In the in- TAflKNTS t'nMpoUND EXTRACT OF TUIIKHS AND COPAIBA there is no need of con rineme nt ciianp of diet. In its approved foi in of a paste, it is entirety tasteless, and causes-ii'i wiii'ltM-Miit to the patient, and uo i-tH- It 'a ku led-fd by the mont learned iu the l'r- that it th above clafs of 'lieareN. t'HliKBS and CuPTAlJA are the only Two U' medium kuowu (tut cau be reliwd upin wirb VrtHim of tucn i.
Tarrant's Comiioatui Ifxliaa'tot an-M opJiba KVKU FAILS. only by TARRANT A tirenwicfa streC, No York, sTS. Id by Drarifists all over th World. CATARRH wa -six i i a. ivi ANI MOI'E OK TltKATM ENT 18 THE ACME OP PERFECTION.
It the secret ambush of tlrls terribl disease, aud exterminate it, root and branch, for over. It Rf t'ovlj. all the wretched symptom or this lo.it uue niaiiuiy, and averts consumption. It CLEANS th liead, d'iKlorize the breath, and a'Vrd the most grateful relief. It Allbviatb more a(ouy aud silent suffering thlU touMieCUU tell.
It is N'-thi for cnrintr the most hopelesi Cnaos, that every known menus failed in. It Ccblh Hay, Rose and Periodic Catarrh, of tha ral and violent tvpes. No F'ia of Catarrh or uoise the neaa can re sit its penetrating power. Dr. tTOttUAi.K Catarrh R- medy fs a harmles Uinid.
inhaled from the of tlie band. DC It. uooDALK. is Known maconi-try. a the Auihur of the only Tra Theory of Catarrh ever published Mode of Treatment and tpid Cure in all its forms.
Da. Goo dale's Pamphlet on Catarrh shonld be read t-v very oue. It can be obtained at our near est Agency, or by weudiug a postage stamp to onr office. Prlee fi OO. Fend a stamp for pamphlet.
0. PARKKR, Sole Agent, 76 Bleecker stroet. New York. Sold by O. W.
CKDAR ST. Near AVilson avenue, acres, 4 a res jrr if rapes, k- od bricK nonse. VaLCAHLK STiiNB yARRY With good im- pnwemeiits, at Berea; Tery cheap. SltiVlLL ST. Hou.
and Lot, KINSMAN ST. House and Lot. 5S.Hflt OARDLN ST. House and Lot. 51,500.
PKRRY ST. House and Lot, tr.JU. CH'PKRIOR ST. Residence on west of Krte, tsiS.o"). CHKTNl'T ST.
House and Lot, W.fiOO. GA RDKN ST. HoUte and larfifp Lot, KINbAIAN Large Brick House and 15 acre Iiand, with fruit, Ac; a Tery desirable resi- detif 'J. OHIO ST. Two-atory Hon te and Lot, 13,500.
t'VlLLK ST. House aud Lot, LKK ST. Brick lions-and Lot, BAST -S acres, well improved, on Slit. Road. ANo Li 'a acres nar Done Corner with 6 acre of A Wo 1" '4 acres Dr.
MatheYeM. CI" STEAD AVEN I E. H'us and Lot, Also, a iarfre number of desirable Farm and out lots. JOHN 6. JENKKGS, Agent, Atwatcr Building iectf) EV STYLES i rccaiv4 aa 01 BUCKLES JUST COWLES' J8T WoAMl Usm, RAILROADS.
18(56. THE PEXXSYLTJLMA CEXTMI IXlBI.rVIRA li RAIL. IiO A IX. huouTtbr, qliikisT ii btst euiix BHatcn the butt and Mint. 0: the arrival of Passonirer Trains ir.jm tli.
at tli. Luton Lvnot. tttm. uuin. ma JLhu lUAiia leave aa tvllowa: DAY IXPHKSS, (Eict-nt Snnilav.) tINCINS VTI tXPISLSa, A.
(Except Sun lay FAST MA It, 11:50 fKxwpt Pnn.lay. SiPCliSS, 1. vry FAST 1IXE, lull) P. (Exrrpt n1y.) Ktinntna: thruuch without rhanya of far to FlIILAHELHilA, BALTI-M0h anJ SKW TOKK, (via Alli-otown.) Hocas ikAliva.N(e or otukk LiNLa, roiint-cttlig lirct fttr all Nt-w England luaiu aui Waliinutun City. Thia i.
theitnly ronta uy srhl li latinc 8t. Louis. Cairv au.l Lluincy eiatuiday m.rnitpa'; CUicaieo, JeOVrnonTill. and IniliauMpo-lia Saturday fvrniug, KIN TUKOLUlI Hi It it I to Eastern Cities, arriving 21 Hours In Advance of Other Routes. KLKGANT STATR-ROOM SLKKPING CABS art attached to all nizht trains.
Va Baggage Checked Throcgh aud Transferred I jaj. Fare always as low as by other Bontea. II W. WINNER. 0n.
Ticl-t Ast, Philad'a. W. If. BOLMES, UK.V. W.
1'aas. At-'t Chimno. T. L. KIMBALL, Aaa't G.
w. P. Ag't Chicago. Offlce, Metropolitan Block, Ibicago. FREIGHTS.
Bv this Borate re vent af alldeacrintton can be for anu to and from Philadelphia, New York, Roeton or Kitltimore. liY KAlLKOf 1HKKCT, to and Irom any point ou AV extern Railways, and in couuectiou with steamers, to all accessible iuts on the Luk'-s and Kivers of tbe Northwest, West ami Sonthweet. LlVJi TOL'K. Lv this route tfl provided with superior i ard accon.nvdatioits, winaily at Ilar-n-btirir. where a hon-e is oBcred of the Fhilit- lllaia, lorlc and BaJUauore iii will nUo l-e found the short-st, uti'-kst.
aii-l ni.i-1 it.n-it route f'i Jji.ek tvwork (vim Al'-ntownl und with f-wrpt rhaDg. Hi-KATfoF FUtliiHT to and from points in the Wettt-y Ve Outral Railroad -t all times an favorable as are charged by other liMiiroad L'ouinnuiea. t- n.irticttt.ir to mitrk nckairea VlA i 1 KTRAL K. U. rtel-ht (Vutracts or Shipptn Direcln, appfy to fr aildreSA either of the lot lowing agents oi thj Ot iujujiy: S.
Ai. KlNUaTuN, Freight Aif't, A Ai.I'KM Frei-id A Pitlfburyli. Ith. 4 Transfer A--nts, PittsburuB. V.
AV. It ROW A Cinciuuati, Ohio. r.I UKK. Madison. Indiana.
Me-ttElifc A Louisville. Kentucky. W. (. AlKMAN, KvauMfiilav, Indiana, K.
F. SA, jt. L-'iiis, Alifr-'nti. CLARK A C. Chteato, llhrnr-s.
H. CuLM, oha. J. M. LitVK, 3Hsytitle, KentucAy.
HALL Marietta, Ohio. AVKliS, River. fl. K. L.
AULhY, Obit. A. P. PTVLTZ Ohio. N.
H. HCIOS, Ripley Ohto. U. Nashville, Tennessee. H.
U. Fr. iubt Ai: Philad'a. 11. 1LLIAMS, lieu, up AllvM.ua, p.
F4ST IKFHaiTS. lMO I.nt', 4 AKS are Run Tlinneh t.y the t'eiiufylvauia route to principal en tern Cuius without tntn' and all shipments by this line en TIME CONTRACTS will be aaranteed as follows: IfJiMttoti Day lark lhivs to ....6 linyn JRjltiiilr am lnjr Witha forfeiture of Jtcentafier ln tb. for very day's ty, which will be promptly ptud by Western A- nts. Parties ordering freipht from the T.ast sbonld onl aaaes marked 44 I'mou Line," and relet shipper lor contracts Ac, to C.KO. J.
HAHKIi. 77 Boston. L.iOSSLKR, Mruadwav, New York. JOH; JUKNICHT, 41ft Philad'a. it Ac.
H. KOoNa, or. Center A Catvert-sU llallimore. Hrrjipers from West will apply to or address by for bills ol Ladiu, Ac, or any desired lo- W. ('HANDLER, Chicago, W.
RR'iWN, 'T W.Th.rd-st., Cincinnati, 0 D.TbATCHKRf2., N.lliicb -t, Zy'. H. ST13W AKT, Cleveland, thto. A. B.
THOMPSON, Newtowerstusn, 0. oaW. R. HALtTT, KnervUlo, O. JSAMUFL F.
trHAV, ludiauapolU, lnd. J. C. DAVIS. Fort Wavne, Ind- K.
P. HKYANT, Teri- Haute, Ind. W. LouisviMe.Ky. EN.
STKVKNS, 40 Olive St. Louis, Aio. ,1. U. WILSON, Nashville, Teun.
AS. TALLA1ALGE, Jr Ueuipbis, Tenu. 0. S. GRAY, Jsupt.
L'nion Line, Clnai bus. O. MEDICAL. PRIVATE HOSPITAL AMD MEDICAL MISPEASIRY. UNFORTUNATES, READ 0LJL meu, jouut? iuuiy rich and poor men in any way alicted with any of the following terrible diseases, are alike earnestly Invited to rmttult Doctor In Hart in person or bv letter at his PRIVATK HOSPITAL AND DISPKNSAKY, No.
1J0 J- Uerson avenue, Detroit, Michigan, and thereby avoid the many ru icons traps of nuprin-cifded pretenders whoadTertise themselves as physician Irom Parts, London, and New York Hospitals. Th-y are in nearly every instance most dangerous and ieooraut irapoflters, never bavins; had any medical education, and consequently, no scieutilic vxprience. 1'octor DeHart's is really the only pioperly and well Private Hospital west of New York, in which all the various forms of Syphilitic dLseastra of both are bndl-d as th' should bo. Anionic the dtfc-veU oointitions in which thorc-nch and perma-D 'nt cores are Kuanuitred at tltis Hospital may he mentioned, syphilis in alt its various forms, aa a teen of the l-ody nose and th roat, cop par-colored bls'tciius, pnnptt-a, and a peculiar craepins; sensation cf tlie skin, nodes or tumors upon tho bones, diseases of tiie kidneys aud bUdder, gonorrhea, let aud stricture hydrocele and varicocele, gonorrheal and syphilitic rheumatisms, etc. FKHALK8 Attlicte! with lencorrhea or whites, ovarian en lartfements or tumors, ulcerations of, and fall in womb, meutitrual retention, suppression of irreieu-laritics ran alfo, ia biost cases, I cured, Dr.
If e-Uart'a Iteteulator is the very best in use, sent by nuul, price ii and two postal-- stamps. TOFKO Doctor PeHart's is tho only Hospital and Dispensary in U.e country where true aud sncceastul medical treatment can be bad in ail cases of weuuknetts and its attendants. Yon must al4j ear in mind that marriage is UuposHible where the lightest venereal taint of tho blood exists. Con-huU in perMon or by iter and it will be made pro-iitaUie lor you. Ie-itciues sent by mail aud ex rti to alt parts of the country, free from curios-ty, aud many pathmts cured without being obli- el to come to this city.
P. s. Kucloe two tape stamps aud send for my printed circular of oueMiona. Address, enclosing pontage stamp, DR. Dr HART, P.
0. Drawer 65, Dtroit, Michigan. OLAI NKWS. ITOtt THE UNFORTUNATE. BiCLL'H bPKilKIC PILLS.
ARK WABRANTKD IN ALL CASKS for the Speedy and Permaneut Cure of all Disease arising from Sexual or YOlTHFLL IN DISCRETIONS, Seminal Loss, iOichtly tCuilssiou and Sensual Dreams, Genital, Phynical and IServon Debility, lWN)teure, Gleet, Iia'aees, Ae. NO lUANuE OF JllVr 13 NK' KSSABY. And they can be ned without detection. Kacb box con t. Tills.
Price Oue Dollar. If yon cannot jrrt them of your Druirist, they will be sen I by mail, securely scaled, post-paid, with full instructious, that iuure a cure, on receipt of the money aud a pamphlet of 1S paces on the errors of yoath, tbe oouseoaeuce aud reined aunt free; ten cents reijuired for post aire. Address Dr. J. BRYAN, Cousnlting Pbytician, Broadway, N.
P. O. Box 5 'Tit. Dealers can be ppl by Demaa, Barne A holsale Agents, N. 1.
For sale by ii, CLARK, Druit, 119 Sup, rior slrt-et, Cleveland. AIO UK VALIAItl.K If A.N BBIAX'S LIFE PILLS, PI RIFT THK BLOOD, Beraove TTeadache, Diztine, Ciddinese, Drowsl-noss, Cnpleasaut roams, Dimness of Si lit Indigestion, Cb-anse the Stomach and Bowels, Insure KKW tIKS in tbe Debilitated, and BISTORE TUB SICK TO FKRKKCT HKALTH. Try them I They only coat ZS centa, and if yow cannot ct them of your DruKist, sad the money to Dr. J. BRYAN, Consulting Phys'cian, 44.
Broad- way, P. O. Box and they will be sent by return ma'l, post paid. Dealer supplied by Demaa Barnes A Wholesale Agents, New York. lfor sal by G.
W. CLARK, Druggist, 119 8 parlor street, Cleveland. TO LADIES. If yon require a reliable remedy to rector yon iu DK. niETKY'S FEMALE PILLS.
A never failing remedy for the removal of Obstrno" tion, no matter from whs; cause they arise. They are safe and snre, and will restore nature In vry oaso. They are also efficacious in all case of Weakness, Whites, Prolapsn. Ac Scld in boxe containing CO pill, price One DoTlar. 6-nd for Dr.
HARVIY9 Private Medical Arfrl-er, addressed to fen.ib IW paffes, givin; tnll n-it me tions, tOcen leqnired for postage. If yon cannot purchase the Pills of your Drngsdst, they will be sent, post paid, secure from observation, the receipt of One Dollar, by Dr. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physic'an, 1 Broadway, N. Y.
P. 0. box '79. Dealer supplied by Deniaa Barnes A C9.t Wholesale Agents, New York. For sale by G.
W. CLARK, Drnfiraint, 119 Snps- rvorstret. Clerwland seo4ewat(J(jfj SAFES AND SCALES. CM ALES AD SAFES REPAIKED. IO We bav competent mechanic in oar employ for the purpose of repairing HALES, SAFfS, LOCKS, FTC.
cd are prepared to do all kinds of work in our lint on snort notice and reasonable terms. All work warranted. lUnaiTH A HOI'dH, General agents for Tonyth's Scale aad Marvin S7 Wilier strert. ociT Forsyth's Scales Warranted 17. S.
Standard. 0VJEK 150 varieties adapted to every business. Also, FORSYTES' COPYING PRESSES, TVarchoase Trucks A Snjrar Mills, And MARVIN'S PATENT (Alum and Dry Plaster) rire, Burglar and Damp Proof safes: for Hanks, Msrcbants, Ac. Also el.rant HOTO. SAFKain style, of furniture, lor Pule and Jew elry.
fOlWYTiI A HtTOIT, oe-27 W.tee Htre't. Ground Flour, some choise brands of red and white wheat, for fauilee'and taker' uae. For sale at rednced rate bj laoTMl ABDSStt, fi OBI 00. RAILROADS. tUIliUO.
HlHk.lL iAILK IKsl.Sd To CiiiCAOO TU Cleveland, CoIiiniln Cincinnati, and eittsburgb, fort Wayne 4 C'hicg 7 RAIL noAI'9. Trains leave the Pepot as Mlows Ltave leTel.nil 7. s. n. Lav LrebliliM UJH a.
at. Arri. at M.t. p. u.
Leave y. Leava Crestline a.t Arrive at A. ja. Leay.CfeveUad r. x.
Leave CrcsUloa 1.25 Arn.e at 1 tiieann l'J p. w. ir.iiil.jrini1..n ti kets via. Osrtlliw to th. West and tb.
Deaut or at til il. k. Oliica. HI lli.un. Mleel.
I LE LA -M. ii. CLETEUSD riTTSBlUCa 1L lsuo. YVlMVK AfckAtNUaJaXAI. Im.
and SluD.iuy. Decrniber 11th. lotto. Trains will leave Cleveland Itaol (baadav ax. ct pieu) as luiiovrs 8.1AJ A.
Sl.M A I te Arrives at Pittabnrwn HarrisburKa a. Balltaior. 7:00 allium. a. raUadelnhla A.
Turk A. haliE( r. m. Conneet at Hu.Um wit C. 2.
C. It. B. for Akron am! connect ai Alliance with P. ft.
W. 0. JUilwa lor ail aunt Went. 25 P. M.
KSPRES Arrives at Pittsburgh at T. im.linrjh a. Baltimore F. V. 4:40 r.
Fblladal-phia r. New fork 3:46 p. (Bn.lcei-rt) 1CM1 r. BeUair 91" r. vuuuku wita Baltiraor.
and Uuio B. R. P. M. Ati DitJIODATTOS Arrtvea as Al- llanc r.
M. t-ars frem Cleveland ran direvtly thronph, via Hudson for rnyahoga. Jpallrt, Akron an. I Mill.r.l.urjch, connecting at Allii.nr. antl (r-viile with t.
Tt. W.tO, lallway, fovCuWril.Uou Wooateraad Manbeld. Oars mn Ihronh from Pitt.bqn;h to New Tork. (vi Allentown) witht.nt char. wv low aa Ly any eiher rorita.
tickets U- procured at th. Ualoil Tirk.t 1'ftiee, Ue.ell IIuum. til. iet, eft the Kactjd Strn-t tattoo. J.
a. I'hV Mirrx, LfcVKLA.MI i- K1E K.U1K0AB. iaTiae ltx. wlMa.it Aj.I.AUAMJlN r. tOVt OS stid after Mend.y, Oct.
2d. Paxesnuef Trains will run as foiiuws, Sunday exawotnd)t IKAVlt CI.EVxtLANr); 5:15 A. M. SEW Ti'tiK KX fKK5.S-fltopnin at 1 Kirenvtlla und riirar.l, and arriroe at kria st A. Dunkirk 11:40 A.
Bntl.l. P. New suri. A. M.
and Boaloav at V. .11. A. KXPUEjU TKAIN-torplnM laiu-Mville, 0. ti.va, A.litannla.
ConneaDtr and tiirard only, aud arrive at Erie at r. llunkirx I r. Bulialo ki T. New Turk at Ifv Is IM lNNATt KXPKKst) TKAOe-tit p.imwiill., A-lilanulaandKirard onty, ami arrive at a.ei. r.
laakira r. r. Sew York r. Kueti.n 4,55 F. 3:1 P.
M. MAIL A.NU Ai -Htpnin at all iii.itioiw, aud arrive at ri V. M. P. 51.
NIGHT BX PP.KMS TTtAIvtm, at Pain.4ill, A.ln Mi! and Uirard oniy, aud arrives at krie 12:40 a. Dunkirk 47 Bnlfalo 4 20 a. liew York r. iloatun r. si.
LKAVK Bflt. 1:00 A. M. STBA.MIOAT Hi PBS8S TBAIN nt ijirard, 0nueant, aaU arrirea at Cleveiudat fcoA a. a.
3:36 A. Ai. NIGHT EXPRESS THA IN Stow. piuir at Gir.r.la and. Painesvilk.
only, and arrives at Cieveiand at 7:1 a :15 A. M. MAIL AND AcwiMMODATlOB TUAlf olonpinK at all stations and arrives at Cleveland A. M. 10:1 A.
M. ToLKIXJ KS PRESS TBAIH Stop, pin at all atatioDS exceut Swanvlll gay-brook, L'nionvilic, Perry, Alenturau4 Wiek-Iirte, aud arrive. riLveland at r. u. 5:20 P.
M. DAY EX siopvituj at Girard, Ct nn and PsinesvUt, only, and arriverat Cleveland 8:50 Second Claaa Cars ara rua ua mlk iiaroar trains. KM AUtbronKh trains itninr Wert ward cnnecT.4 CleveLahd witb traiua tor Toledo, Chicago, Ijolnav bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. and all throtiick trains iroini; Eastward connect sA Dunkirk with the trains of the Krte Knilway; and at Bu.falo with tkuw of 111 Nest York Catrws A irie Kailroads for New York, Albany, Boatow, Ac, and at a'rte with train. th.
Pbiladelpliia A airie Kailmad, foT Corry, TltturtHe Pit II. .1. City and tli, nil Reirious. arbay Kiprate East and West, connects at Girard with trains on trie A Pittsburgh Jaailroaw for Idaesriile, ileadvllle, Jarnestown, Ac H. NuTTINUilAM.ltunerlutendeat.
OS and rt Men.lay, gept. lth, ISef, tratsa will nets. Cleveland daily as follows tSunaavs excpterl)r 8:00 A. EXPBISS, stops at Ben. Graftnn, IMlin, Wakeman, Norwalk, Moa.
roeville, Bellevue, Clj-te, Fremont and JLI-nore aud arrive, at Toledo at 12:44 r. Chicago at r. and Detroit 5:30 r. w. tl P.
M-WKSTKBN MAIL jtope at all stations on Southern Division, and at Toledo at 7:. r. Chicago 6:45 a. and Detroit at r. at.
:00 P. M. NuRTHBBN MAIL top. at all sta, lions ou ortiirn Divisioa Aud arrives at Sandusky at p. M.
P. Norwalk, and Ifr-aiont, and arrives in Tolto at 3 30 a. Chicago at IXJU r. aad Detroit at osia. M.
Connections are man. at Monrooville with th. Sandusky, Manili-Li Newark ltaiiroad; at ky with A Cincinnati Kailroad; at Frewiout with the Vreni'iut A lu.ii.ina Baiiroad and at Toledo with the Alichaq Southern A Northern l.j diana aud Toledo A abaKh Itailrnads for Chlcaao, Detroit, Jackson, ion W.jnr, Loeansport, Latay. ette, Alton, St. Louis and all nointa Wost, Northwest und oiithw.st.
Trains arrive in Cleveland from Toledo and th West at ti.ii a. ioo t. and 8:4 Prom Sandnsky at a. at. L.
D. BUCKSR, Cleveland. Sept. IM. nprintewdent.
tLEYELA.MI,t OLtM Bl Sit t'lSUSJtlTI KAILK0AI). FALL AKKANijfcMSl.T. 1805 Oa and after M.m.lav, Grtobrr 23, 18M, Fsaeea. Iter Xraioa will leave levMand as follows IstTrnin Jl. IMii IKhATl IXPKKS8 stopping at B-rea, liraiton, A'ew Luuih.n.
Gnliun, Iberia Uileud, CardiUKton, A.liliy, Delaware, and ertliiiivtuu, arriving at Columbus at l'M P. 51., liuciniiati 1'. Indiajiapolis, P. Ci.icaOTvij re.tline, p7m. '41 Train P.
51 Mia lllha AKD WKST. KHH KSPiUitiS, stvini( at Berea, Oraf. tun, Wellini.iu. New Luutl.u, and .11 stations mmrh of New Londr.u, arriving at Columbus at P. 4 inrinnati A.
31., L'llKao, vi: A. M. 3d Train 15 p. W.UALliN PA.i?ENCSB, stupe at all stations, arriving- at tiatiun at P. M.
4th Train P. M. (OflT IT PRESS, stm. pin" at Graftnn, eilii.Kt. n.
Kew Lumlon, bhelby, Calion, tlllead, ardina-. ton, aud Delaware, arriYiug at Colnmbua at DHftA. t'lnciniiali OKI A. Iudiana- 10:00 A tL'' t'c'0 Ti 'tan Trains leave Columbus at a. r.
and r. M. Arrive i at Cleveland 2:66 r. r. S-ltiA.
INDIANAPliLIS ASH WASTKHX i.XPBS8 l. arrives at tuna-, land A. 51. CONNECT ID NS: Shelby 9ndnVy, Slanilt. id A ewark Kailroa4a to Maustieid, Ait.
Verne n. hewaxk. Zanea. ville, Ac. Crestlnes Pitteburrh.rt Wavne AChlrasr.
ralh-eaal b.r Kre.t, S.uusky, Iieipboa, Lima, fori nyn-, i-m, Ac, V. est, i ---for Id. Massiilon. The hr.t jml fourth trains uiake direct eoa lint tV.iyne lur ail point on Toledo A nabaeii aud Ureat Vt' esters atail. roails.
Calion Railroad I.in., for Ma-, rir.ii. Beli.foullue, Union, Muncw. In.iannN.lis. Terre Hiife.Vineeunes, Bvajua. ville, Louisville.
tJair.i. 8t. Lonia, Ae. P(! wre sprmrield Braueh lor fc.nnitf)M. Culunibiis I.ril.
A Columbus and Xeni. Kailroad, for Xeui. Indian.noli. Terre liaute, St. Louis, Morrtw, L.velacr( an-1 aud with tbe Ohio mad Mas lssirp Cinciuuali for Louisville, Iv.e.vill., Cairo, St.
Louis, and all Hunts o. the tfhto Rivst Colunibus IVntral IJI.io Kailroad for liewark Znuesville, li.wlint; Ac; oluuhns A Indianapolis Central Kallroada tor Piuoa, lr. bana, Ac. For tiekets to all points and Information apply at the Passenger and th. lloio.
Ticket Office, M7 Superior street. b. s. rinrr, Cleveland, Oct. 84.
1. Bnpnrlntendent. Change of Time, October 9th, VIA TUB mi -ilKAiiw AT. Iheonlj Inbroten Broad (iuaselioaU) TO THE EAXTER CITIEH. TWO Trains Daily Leave Cleveland, from tb.
Atlantic A Oreat Western Depot DAI r.SPBES 2B a. w. Arrive iu New York- 1:00 P. M. 8:35 MIGHT Arrive in flew i or P.
it, Dlail train leave. Clevrlnnd tor l.n..ne -t A. arriving at P. M. Trains arrive at Cleveland at 7:40 a.
-6t r. a. Trains fr-r Touugstown leave Clev eland nt (:40 a. and 3:15 p. arziv.
at Cleveland a-Aa and 6:16 r. Thia is the onlv direct ront. trt tk. nil Of Pennsylvania. Passenrers by the A.
H. Einreaa Te.f. Hu aud Slevpinil Car at falamaac raSSeCUCerS UV tile M. Ko.rH.Tr... M.
Sleeping Car Cleveland. Iue Nielit kxnreas leavM Snndar nirht. InitMS of baturuay uibt. All other trains daily, tfua- aays exoepUHl. Condects at IMeidTlHe, for PI! City, Franklin, Oorry, aud all point, in tb.
Oil Jtegion of Pena-sylvania. Presenter by this ront. bav amp! tin fat minutes), at retrnlar hours, fur meals, nad madto snre oonnectiowk New and elegaa Bleeping Coach a ar ttacbed to 11 iir)tt Trains. for all information and throngh ttcketo, plesaw aopiy at th. Depot of the Atlanti.
A Great west ern Railway, or at th. I'mou licket Offices auder uie wenueii uonse. Omuibusses will call for passenger, if reaving direction nt the above D.M.LABIS, GenlSup't. T. rCXLIR, Oen.
Ticket Air-nt. PUrMS New FruitTha best and cheapest aance for tbe For wile by d41 HIlilKOHILL A BROTH KB. OOME-BEAITIFIL EXITS kJ sad fork iUats. nt.ud. Je.t r- lved.
OOWLZS A LIT WsdoaU Ifelaw..