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URliTALVulifadFOREIGN adFOREIGN JOURNAL URliTAL FOREIGN lVIISSION JOURNALiullbClltiOIl 0 the Southern JInptist COIn ContentionentionulIlNlicl Contention reiu Mission J3imrl ol fshed lIml Monthlyhlr ly the 1orciA1l Ltlo


New lONew







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Whole 2Vhole


No 2



itf- dred itsdrcd aivl forty every Sunday to hear about ourscarcely be given by its our blessed Saviour From these he will no doubtdoubt choose His own I go on Saturday Sat11l1a to prepare thethe people for Sunday and goo on Monday to impressimpress s WOIt1CWORKwnifir WOMANS wrmAva WORK WOMAN sWCIAS wlmfc what vhat thcjr heiml ou Sunday Subsequently brobro 11 my of our Christian 110bly- ther David wrote Mat Many The school teacher and Iuternobly Cllliot 11Il sisters are working noblyinteriuterIallY iuter preteI willllo will do all they can ill teaching the peoplerCEpcctiveIt ill connection respective preter with us with their respectivepeoplopeople 0111l1 auanduriner my absence with occasional he1p duriiig an dlllitlr itch cltllJches and State organiation chtirehes churches The Board help from broranizatious bro oiprom rCiiu1tsfrom olley I had ticlpat grand results ticipate not heard from Ogbomosho forfohllll1ot selfde ther Coliey for foirom their pious and selfdeseveral tot11 previous eol5 o reelal weeks to inying More general olganizaorganiza separate my nying labors gC eral and to departure oinO owing toilltroubles of long standing between the Egba and lion seems undeslred and undesirable as not inin 1OII1Jles andml womcnhalmony with the views and genius of the womenharmony women Yoruba governments In fact an Ibadon army wnsarmr waswas marchin against Abbeokuta when I left There marching of the South rJICreTheretherewas hopc that other tribes wolll1 interfere and an setset rnovAdfTuvio s KhiOKT REPORTHIWOHTKKASURKK tle thc iiftcl*ty With disappointed hopes andanan and of flhl bitterncss grief I left the mission just as it wasbitterness This BoaBoard lhl report shows that the receipts of the Boardwas put in readiness to work 011 a wor have been some thirtytwo thousand IIdollars and when danger rhae angr waswas I io countrythrcatening the country 31D1O74 3104074 which is the amount received lastlast threatening At Lagos the new chapel was wa dedicated on theyear tho000 above the average contributions Oal and is 5000 contributionsthe U The amount1ay Brother Colley wrote since the war The two thousand dollars creditedcredited 10th of May ai amount raised among the people was 75 or 360 of hardto Bills Payable were advanced by several nobleharunoble Ifitsed nblehard motley of this place The missionaries lie thore think thehere re money bletllllll of Charleston S C who look for the rebrethren the 450 while it has only costflltlll collections from South Carolinaturn Carolina house should have cost J450 cost tttrll to future 321 78 Sd God has shown his approbation ofdueThe l1e thowml1l1 dollars reportClllast due J321 of reported last yeaI as tineto the Bank of Commerce havo been rellucell asTherheas our movemcl*ts 1he dayschool i8 doing wen rhe is seell by the report to twcntyIlvc Jltlntlrcd dolinterestininterestin dol Sundayschool is well attcnded and all iuteresthig lars Until within a few wcek thc Board couldSIX could Many of the men nnd wonum have lealned in sixSIXmonths to read the New Testament in their vernot have anticipated except so far as they reliedver relied months on the efllcacy of prayer and of labor a financialtJnalleialcome linancial nacular Some are so moved upon that they comechurchmembershipexhibit so favorable which under the severity ofof at once for baptism and churchmembership Again he wrote On the 12th of June I leftthe times furnishes good ooll reason for congratulatleft conmtulatcongratula iolh to the Convention and we repeat for thankftion about thank- Lagos for Abbeokuta where I remained aboutioll thank twenty days which did me some good and gavegavouhhess to God fulness gave me an opportunity of watching brother Davids DavidsIISSIOXSIMISSIONSMISSIONS AFRICAX MISSIONSMdottble complaints and helping him all I could withdouble with hisB work in that very large town r On the 25th ofof VIVV MISSIONARIES ISSIONARTE IssIOSARIES W W Abbeokula David at J Juno brother DaAiJ June Din iJ moved into the new missionmissionImission IVr p W LayosColiey atf LagosJA1lOSLayos Colle honse which stands on tho same Jot with thehouse the N NArIVL ArIVL ArIVI ASSISTANTS reacher- chapel ASSISTANTSdoses reacher ose8 L Stone teacherin the Ijaye palt of the town 1he house is a-aaand ExpoitOI at OJbomoslw aliI HallsonHallson good Jcrry Iltlnsononc locality and gool I bestto he the believe the best brothel Daill interpretcr StephenIhlllips nabrother brothel Stephen Phillips dana boUI an for both for work acid health beg thethe I write to beg tive 1 tire Iiltonat Abco*kuta Samson r IHV Iilton HV Teacher kJdlllSUl L r llUHMI fllUturvUt U IJ MiltonllUUl III i ilnrnediate imllleclinte of Damediate to the Board oard call action brother Da t VjlM brother Collevs brother Colleys 0 0blothll Colleyseaciier owis Ul Ul 111 I Lewis and J jU JMbldll lli ft iviclim LIlll l LCildllL lo 0J i AUtint i i if vitl from vid vul Africa that his life may bc spared or atat Murray Mini IIII1iY brother Intornrctcr Collevs Intelplctcmotnei Colleys Murriv uoiitj s interpreter least prolonged All the missionaries agree withwith W DLvIDDAVIDDAVID ns us rJ J that he ought to go away from Africa at onceonce The great trouble with him is to get to hi consent toet his TJJ healthjfftjij JealtltIII Ill Jealtlt Jcann 11l1it quitt his station with the work so well begunbegnnbegun Shnittetl by disease and Smitten sttnst lOkc and assuredaSlIrcdassured aliI sunstroke IVork Work Mork ill absence in Brother Davids absenceby an experienced physician that his life was in imim ininent peril this brother left hi minent Abbeohis station at AbbeokAbbeo date of Otober23d Brother Colley writesUnder writes Imta on tlic2d of August last and sailed from Lagosmita kuta Lagos from Lagos inYours of July 20th found me Inin on the 7th of the month for Liverpool where hear he arfi- Abbeokuta fir AIJbeokllta again busily arranging the work therotherethere rived on the fourth of September slIbmltrrecl submit to suit tlic war raging between Abbeokuta and After submitan IbaIba ting to medical treatment in England and traveltravel doil don dou out Tie effect of the war is not to drive us outing on the continent at the expense of a liberalliberal of the respective countries although we are cut offoftoff fliend from South Africa he started back on thefriend the from olu Ogbomosho station Our young nianmanman v 23d of February improved ill v fullyhealth full Moges but not fully in Moses 1105es Lt L Stone is there ftml from hearcan hClrhear roin all I Ca7a Iestolell restored LiCl- is doing well The war is very much in the wayUnder that date he wrote from LiverLiver way cieIvpool is a ci It with joyful heart I bid adieu to eIv civ of missionaries and their work Abbeokuta AbbeokutaAt Mixed m iIIzcll ilized and Christian England to return to mym there were some fortyseven in the Sundayschool my SundayschoolpClsantsamong the converts and chief the peasants work anion peasants- and nmcty on the day school list I left one ofof retold beggars who are anxiously awaiting my teand re the young men in charge with sev itn promises from sevE turn my enU turll turil Perhaps am returning too early for mygo to churcheml of tlfe eral the chiefs that they would church 0011 but my desire and anxiety are ygood good for send reat forit too great young children to school and help the youngryoungtheir sent me to remain longer Once more I cast myself onon man mau brotheratan to take care of the station until our brother 1y heart is nixedlixcdthe bosom of our loving Father My Jlxcd David should return mnchmuch At Lagos 1 am muchIJemy hope is bright and as I know in whom hom I bebe eonpleased and encouraged with the work The concon I can cheerfully bid you farewell lie lieve farewelmlwelldnygregationns are increased and increasing day The dayglcgations grcgations t OilTlie rlw lno latest news from him was from Jladeira OnOn gchool cllool has an average attendance of thirtyeightschool thirtyeight H re have had a splendid oIplenllil- children We March the 2d lie wrote splendidisYe is ohildren children The wars are much felt We know it Isvoyage thus fa farI we are now onethird the distauicedhtance- very imi with our Board still the men on the fielddistance lvoyagc field fielI must wa to Lagos allot amI onefourth the time on our way and up aide to keep upupldmut be aided am 1In better than when I left LiverpoolLiverpool MOSES OSES L STONlOSES STOESTOE dejmrture from AfricaThe Work before his deparllllcfrQn Africa EThe pIe sim arcfollowing simple are Tho interesting lines areand rhe H This Mission is from tj0 journal of this young brotherhe wrote from Abbeokuta t isbrother on an encouraging foul1l1atiollellcottmging foundation encouraging to theOil the OrisaOrisa Unsalahorcr here to flie laborers and tile converts to the heathen andintoooWe home an give gi their property tohave in should be to the Chritians at The 1he people sing songs and e111chil thrceimage Even the lives of their chilour schools sixty children There are threethree this God or I1n1rI OnOn m women aretoo deu to devote to thc thhJO thing Oilare 1dren dren are not toodear churches where scores of men ami jrdersbrlersDrders DrderhOl1selearliirhg houses October 5th a boy was killed by lightning jrders learning till two Mission houseslelrllillA the way of life and mourn Of Ogbomosho ourom- were given ivel to the parents not to 111 the 01l1n as theshealthful and comfortable our healthful SlIrelSurelySlIrel GUll Surely God Sango had killed the child The next day a-aanntive laborer Moses L Stone remarked native HUedfilledtilledarid tolargc compound was set on fire and the town tilled to large the Lord is working olldlll among us both to will and I have some one hun with l1ancln dancing and praises to Sango for what he had llo do of ills good pleasure

comcom of this thl medium of conlchurchesmllnlcation and intelligence among mttuicatiou munication chmcheallloll the churches


11111111 A Address

11 A Y MAY


Went aid to our cause could nent lout MISSION JOURNAL JOURNAL- friends fdcnll than by the spread prcll






Series Serie-

to- cts cts60 cisOne copy 4040 copyWrlloll copy ti CopFlvo or moru copies to ono porxou Five coPyCopy3030 TWllHy or more copies to unu person WltlOIl Twenty u 22SW SFifty or mor coles to ono person In- RegisteredyRegistered Registered PINSO remit by Draft Postal Order or In nljbtclW03llinso 03llinso tiPleaso

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PIIKSIDKNT IIKSIDKNT CURRYIIttSlI CURRY APJnSIlJSTJ NTT Ij M CURRPJnSIlJSTJ VICKIJJKSIUKNTS Hiram Woods Md Jr A HackettYYJCPUIsIIJJosTslIlmm Y1ct1tHSIVi YJCPUIsIIJJosTslIlmm Hackett Nrslliram Miss F Courtney Iu J IJ Jeter Va H H McUallum McUallumJJ Burrows Ky S IlenHenVlnlLt N 0 J JU Fla WV M Whiffntc lIlnHen Mo JT B Lmk Texas Alabama WV Iopo Yeamnn Texasderson ilersoiijAltibamn YIlunnllllo dJtOIl1AII1Junn 0 Furman HlllsmlLlITdckcr Ga JT O IlillsinanII II IIucker C HlllsmanMatt Hlllsman S Tenl1 J IB Boone ArkTenn Tenu Ark COI1tESPONDINO COIItPSIOSlIISO SKCHKTAKYIf A TUIIERCoiitKsiOSDtNO TUIPKRTTUPPERTUIPKR KKASUHKU WILLIAMSRWVILLIAMTKKASUHKU THJ1A8UlumJJ C WILLIAMS VUIIAllSHTaEASUnkitJ RKCOUWNO KCOUWNO SKCHKTAHY GWATHMEYAGWATIiMIEYW H GWATIIMIYSItucoititxo KCOItUlO GWATHMEY HYCIttTAItW ADUITOU CO DUITOU COTTRLLLHCOTTRELLITTItELLlJUSKPK F COTTRLLL AUDJTOUJU8EPIi At TOitJUSEPIi TTItELL HOAIID IIOAIID OK MANAOKUS kAIen hAHD Watklns 1IAsAOtHS1K WV Warren J IJ11Vatkins II alllns HIIC K C Ellyson W K I Hatcljer E Vortliam Henry Ii McDonaldIcDollflIlHlnr McDonald BHG01I11n H H Harris A E 1 DickinsonJ W Jones A 1W Goddin H HR 3Clarke JT IJ Winston T ClarkI Clarke Rln810n J ItEvans O H Winston



Garllck Garlick GarliciA11 MtklGr 33iA11 All communications in reference to the businessbusiness lGr TUITKB TUITK0of Ms Board should be addressed to 11 A TarrantTllIEnVaBCorresponding Secretary JticJimond VuCorresponding Va CorJuoncling GarlickMt-

NUMBER THIS NUMBERThis rhi number of tho JOURNAL with an extraexttaIextra HeKeICct beside lias been swallowed sheet Ke swu1l0 ed up by tbo Report TltlPlwrt of the Hoard and their receipts Our TRIPTRIP SOUTH was sot et up fur thi gire8gives this issue but it givesway to more solilmattcl keepkeep solid matter and it will keelwar AS As we goo to IHe press interesting letters from ourour outmissionaries come to hand The June paper willmlsiollaries will bo attractive be forLet tids tltl number be preserved fOlfor IlItl1ro future reference let its contents be pondered ant andantand may Gods Spirit move the hearts and aid thethcthe hands of his people to tlo more this year than theythey were able to do in the year gone by for the spreadWele spread of His kingdom over the earthearth




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GRATITUDE FAITHFAITH IAIlHATITUDE HlITUDB AND FATTIIAn AncII11nellt eminent financier connected ofllcially with our011our 1onycntlolJ stales that in his Convention lis business experience experienceof na half century lie lias Ita known no to monetary JIloneturIpressure fOl1four Hesstlo equal to that of the past three or fouryears and that of this period the last year hasryeU8 bashas been the most severe beon beeti authorityohigh authority Others of hih on tn such matters confirm this judgment UnderUllllerUnder the circ*mstances it is a cause of gratitude to GodGod that the necessities of our Missions have been sup lIp plied and the Board 11a llie vo experienced no serious5criolserious have 1embarrassmel1t cinbarrassmeut embarrassment But in the execution of the didi Ine command to disciple the nations Gods peovilic vine peo ple must goo forward in darkness and in light re lying on the unfailing promise Ilaml 111And lo alllalll lam 1with witb you with Ol1 alway al way even unto the end of the worldwolldworld JOURNALFOREIGN FOHElGN MISSION JOURNAL

In consequence of ill health Prof II II Harris late editor and manager manarel of the paper retired ill December Dccemhellast so tills position which he had solast from tais ably held and was succeeded in It at the requestrequest of the ho Board by qm our Corresponding Secretary 1 he income The present IllCOllle of the JOURNAL covers its presentIJlcsontexpenses and it is desirable to so increase ltd eilItl circir culatioll as to reduce the price of the subscription culation subscriptionor to enlarge the size of the paper More ore perma



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FORloFOBE3QN 2 FOR EI G AT IVI SION JOTJRTrALdoJOTJRTrAL MISSIOK dOllC rwill baptied if willwht1- will done lie armies to enter that nl1 aiding could pass tll that- cially and ne Myh heart criedtill outpeople Oh God when the ne de1irlJIIIIIC conic to this Ollllt1 delivorame country Tho day school numbers twentythree twentythreeY


II 111 11 11111me to do the th tile Lord tolls lie that bolievoth andand iIs baptized is lIn1tizl shall boo saved hut he that bolievoth bolievothI I I I llnd not shall ho ldamned 1111 lure I II t Y shioh tIlHtL1 I 11e a duty Ick and weakly have not done I nm sick tllathdeath lad and if deathshould come I know not what my portion wouldolllll would A tear started to my eye bec he I knelt andand tiltill 1ayc1 lprayetl with prayed him I then questioned him aboutabout I am iait1 in feus In satisfied with hi faith his experience experienceand he is put down as one of fifteen or twenty and twentybaptism callditlatt for baptismcandidates SPaseclltiOll Persecution and TriumphTrinwplt1litl1ll71 Trinwplt One of the converts afcr he heard the en Oie call ofof JeSU H Follow me Folio said aitl to his Jcsn Jesus I hi household have found Jesus ntto h5II tto be pivoious to my soul fl11 andand yon must not call on me to make saeritlces YOU the act itices to the1151011 nods od shall have nothing more to do 1o with themgods them ECll lIa not force me to worship thetaEiEven death shall themthem ElJIi lls JIi friends rose unp His 111 against Urn and declared thatills that 1ono one of them had divamed that Sango wOllltllll111l would burnburn llis his compound and it would con him twenty hlg his bagbatbat Iof cowries 18 to appease hi wrath of replied lie repliedUII am the hell head of this houe and if you Oll fear thethe wraih of Sango more than the wrath of God youwrath you can leave the compound Ican In a day or two thethe dreamer died Another convert was n brought bebe fore the chief but he conquered and a thin1follht lore third foughtfought Avith with Sanyos priests They Till all are awaiting bap Sauo ll 5111 tism usGiving up us flas ill IJasIf 110 is i young man who A Jollllgman a slave lnn was brought toto the houe of God by a friend hoIIIHIt Every Sunday hhho b I I have learned came cattle and then said my that tlmtmy Ifa cannot save me IIi owner hearing lie ring of it-ifif-it herill old him lie would onIll sell1I11111 told him away from hi his frieltdfriend nil country if he went to tJl jjhnd aPll the church The young OIllP II Yon may do an said butjfan Iny pI butwhat yon pleae plea but jjKfrhuII jKfrhuII 5lIall11ot shall not quit the houe of God A court was n Ioue held and warned him 1 ullcd but he held hl his ground OU 1 could hot redeem him butlt tried to strengthen stteii the Ills hl faith telling him to pray to God away always to de liver him On April the 28th his hi old mother who Ind had tried to keep him from church came to fit mefitme aid with a sorrowful voice and h Pray all said for J1tile Pl1 forme I for have sinned against my on not knowing it I told her to put her trustin III her sinsesu ill at and trt1t ill Jesus sins otllt be no more remembered against her would SheShe on attend the church and her son 111 ant young This man mailYlIII mani a convert gave and another who is rave up their their- Ifathek Ifa DeathlIeatllt1l Death Heathen Bale the Governor fell sick of smallpox It ma Bak maa MasMas said that one of his hi 120 wive had ent l1t the diseasedisease on him The woman oman wa killed The innt costly most ctth offerings were made but these could not save the aave theHe went gasping and grasping Thus wretch died the man in heathen darkness dalkll not knowing ImfJwin th tho true God 11 IIs there no 10 balm in Gilead 1IsIsIs there no physician there Oh that my head werewere waters HlJ5 and mine eyes a ccs fountain of fear tenl that I might weep O the slain of the lPP day and night for daughter of m my peoplepeople 1



111 A young YOIIIl inocongregation oamo to mo1mail of my ino 11t1 I have something sail3IH1 said and sontethii to ott privately tl tell yott I have not My Iy soul iis not in health hatwhatdone what hat 1Y


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Lagos1Lagos JsayosJsayos LarIOHl horrifying Death Im has made his vMt many and horrifyingonl to the interior of the Yoruba country hitnot only buthiltbut on this island governmeha compelled the government lie has open a new grave yard to 0111 tio Ill which isis the old one ti yarllth 1111ite quite large having boon buried Ol Omnover 111 more 0 Il thanthan twic twice ii rapidly tilling the newThe smallpox is new Christians and some ing place Many bur IlIg iuly IIall OIlH of ourOiOil our very bet andIlHt 01and most useful people have oil 1tL been cut oilOn Sunday the 24th Hh of February I baptiod eighthaptlzlIIlllghthaptlzlIIlllght eight of ttwelve III comthe com lollt forty took tlI lln converts About coti1 ht istuuttiou after munion tllItllOIl ftll the baptism frt Tho membership lilt m1cbl1p is isixty thirtyeight lIaIII having been baptiod since ssixtythirtyeight wesixtythirtyeight wel lIel w1ecame came tto Yoruba Yemllba1111 1ba two expelled oone 11I liltout Ill married outniiftysixasa ltl one and t 1I leaving fiftyix as a total for LagosLagos Opt deadtl h i Ill Sunday ll1ld The dlO is cliOschool hI dl doing well cliO day schoolIll Tho school n owing to the hard time but willetas has fallen off will avers average attendantsaticndultattendants Iagce thirty nttelldlIIttILicense to Preach PreachPreachThe Christians wore soo rejoined to see and bear Jm holy ho God had blessed 111 the work or of Moes nt Og bomosho that they voted unanimously to give 1111himhim 11license 01 the 22d of February as licone on a a mean of cienen couragement The little Baptist church at Lagoscouratgenlent COllllOttCllt Lagos it hard mOIIl west coat of Africa ricn gave money to Misan in IllsMis JOII Gi sions 21 Os ions Sid or 10241 I hopehope topelat year t21 tope olio Dr Tupper will show atat the Convention wll at what eo ltl bo done fur our Misions could Baptist Iiioll if eaeh 1h Baptistchurch South llItl would give jut half of that ninoiltitamountIamount ENNFOW E31 EXT EXTRE KKNTOHUMKXT IKKNTOHUMKXTIKKNTOHUMKXT For reasons ao1 which need not be stated it is-iiii-is deemed important to the MKion that at leastleast 0111r1 b promptly sent to itianother mlsionary should bo it tEllbrts have been made to engage III Efforts Ellbrts the coloredcolored churches in tll tho support of such a lnisslona ry missionary There are means among Oil our colored brethren toto do it and apparently no indUpoiticn But whenwhen i application s made for sueh asUtaneo almost litinilin variably i lIi bly some 01l1 qquestion is II following the folloi propro 1Ilt iOIl like tll 110 11It pominded 0pOllllllld pounded What relations would the coloredcolored churches Avho0 support the missionary sustain to thethe missionary and tothe tot lie Board and to he Convention mioiolltlT1IJtltotheBoarllancltollleoIlVllItioll totthe ConventionA As the Board coil could give no satisfactory 111 to reply itit-tosuch inquiry the counter Coll ter petition titioll has been madenudemade to our Board to asist the Board oof the colored Convention to support a misionary to he sent hby them to Africa Ditlicultics and delicate questions questionsare involved which it IIU1 may bo WI well for the ConvellConvenConven tiotl to face tion fac hoOIl aided or not by tho coloredWhether colored churches the Convention should send 11H out a sas soon aasaas practicable a competent and worthy man If the Board find the man will the Chlllcll churches furnish tJltJl thothetho W w COLLEYCOLLETCOLIBYCOLLET money nlolley mOllcr 1n the absence of brother David Brother Col In Colleyley CoBer IISSJOXSMISSIONSCIIIXA MISSIONMISSIONS sends el15 a statement of the present condition of thethe mission mlioll TUNO CHOW MISSIOX TUNG MISSIOXMISSIONTUO IJSSIOHPwWarThe TI arMISSIOXAKIKS War MISSIOXAKIKS XrlSSIOXAHIESJT p ar r1 M1 F P Crawford Mr Mrs Crawford Mrs S JIJ Holmes and Miss L Moon IOOl1 The war in the Yoruba country continues with withtit NATIVE PASTOR WooTswun Chow and tillCUPASTOHWoolSWIIIl threethree 110 no signs of its end cn 0111 young brother lotliel Moses L native l1at1o assistants Stone from that place anht111cr arrived here on the ISth 8th of February Flbrur after travelling twenty days to evade MISS LOTTIE MOONMOON MOOthe armies having pascd through the Ijusa coun NHer SIra I1cr School HouseHer IlouseHouse t ry try This rrhis miFionnr missionary wiio returned to America with Our Work at Oylomosho aI Oylomoshoher extremely ill sister Miss Iios Edmonia Moon IOOlMoonIOOll ltrcmll sailed from San Francisco on November 3d 1877The present success of the work 1877 l877rOI at Ogbomosho isis lsailed equalled cqual1ed only by the tenacity with which that pcoTung Chow on December 22hh atIting 1th of peopeo and arrived at 1eopieo held on to the teachings of our missionaries forple Ibs Moon expects to establish a school for that year Miss HenrIy twenty years during which time they leadiienrJy neuly cascs of the people had- for children of the higher classes had will occupy the valuable premises COllllccteno leader There are eighty or one hundredconnected connectedhundred She hlllHIclwith the NorthStreet church of llmtcitj the church services attcndants on tJt attendants whiclathat city ill whichZvi1Tlce which and sixty re1I1mregular- premises regular 11 she has een been nttendants on the Sundayschool seventeen ofattendants authorized by the ladies of of Virginia and Georgia to whole can rea whom read the psalms or any invest the funds an part 233203233263233203 23S2Gnrt of the New raised Testament in their native tongue There are forty house housfOlhfOlh 3raiel by them to build for her a houseconverts COIHerts Fifteen or twenty are praying for bap POLonged ForFor bap cLOlez PO tism Navin having given up their heathen practices and Of Miss Iis Moon t1 Ioon Mrs rl lit Crawford wrote Miss fiss friends for Christianity They would have been Lottie we long to have with us cheering us so l






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to which she applied herself so elliciently She Shelie Shillt of land with mission Wo We have there at Jot 41011 house1tpl to whom iho 1111house will bo lonely without her shtor n waswas qchapel 1m tIlll nd chapel an and theat wall around We must Intl list have devotedly at the attached tnelltlfro attached promises and lal1 we join Moes in begging 75 forfor ConvertsForty Converts 11 that purpose Who ho will To Ogbomosho OgbomoshoIt ill give it ilut1oseItO i 200 O is milesJIIih miles IIgI1t the 3d 1377 Airs Under date of August Holmes lI Holmeswrote Wel are looking forward with a glcat wtote Totl Our Abbco*kitta SlaliunSialiollStationStation dt deal of pleasure to the he arrival lIs5 Moon Moonnl m of Miss 0010011 The rill young Y01ll1 man in whot waswas whoocaro wtiz- Wo 11l will join us cnlt is the station wn 1hopl she 11e hope tllIt for our fall worktI in time H1 work here in January 1aluutrv The chiefs stand SUM to their nipro IWO11l ni among IWO1tllehlltOlll Cort vr converts have been111011 the villages rillwe Over forty been lcnlcn 1ltes nes Tho Work olk goes ilS Ol on The attendance in thethe reported nlolteil from interior stations of the he Presbyterian Presbyterianreliorte1 i church is very good The day school is nearly the and English Haptit* Weu long 1Iar theloll for tho time whenwhen whcsame The toIh Sundayschool numbers twentylive to ntlltI Slllllllnsholllllmlll ht snob OltIlell an awalnill awakening here there shall bo OurOlt Our thirty The Ill membership grows slowly ThereThere lIllrl- schools 0111 ClIgllgat1oll ale ho te tolerablyIUl filII tolertllrtolertllr baptismbaptism are fome waiting for bapti5n1halltimgoodgood Wend

ceoceo eJaroLs Experience ExperienceJacobs


011 fOil us in tho work sheI fKO loves and and0th



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1IlIot KSOSKS HOLM 3lhe Separatio11SeparationThe Separation Searation1IIi missionary Itn been aThis Till miiollnt w hose life in China has aaIUtOle heroic hll made anotherftot niggle against adversity adver heroictrurgleagainst Ilnothelanother ulnIitity has Herilict on tho saerilico saelilice th altar of our cause by parting 11mfromfrothfrom hei Iti war only child who is on his beher hll 0111 way to America to hehe ill Uielimond College under III edmirated educated in patroupatrou tho patlonllattOllofIf the Firt BaptUt ehtirch ronage lIIell of RichmondRichmond roltwe romthc M 111 y 114111 it VaI tile Tho mpaiiiie peo and prayers of Gods peohI young man who may Ill aI are aKd for tthe ple somesome SomelHt fOlleh place o day intoof hi murdered father IntoIltodlY take tthe into whoL face it aIn never the sons whose Ol privilege to looklook A Good BoyHoyBo Hoy 11 Mrs Mr Crawford writes Mrs thoughh Holmes tllollghJthough i as well a Iis in thenot l1 strong U as she generally lOt very Ithe Il Ilrallr I spring yet71day she hc and dillerdifferdiller viited seven dinerlplng Yetorday plng 1If1If illa ent teaching tho people lit villages life Iopp the way of lifeJnllc11t1l1l Landrnm Landitinl is expecting xpctill to leave for America He t8t8-isisat oOll boy and very intellectual His ai good root Hi going goill awayaway shaylwarwill be a sore wfil tTiotlglton trial to Iii his mother She had tTiotlgltt thoughtthought tllollllt11e would go 110tthat lieo and remain with him until hethat tllat she lie oJIpnl j Imi 1111 Ja1I1t1 be hI through college should ill the pressing claimsclaims of of the work have decided ot otherwiseotherwise howlc












1 V


FJOU 1From From several thethe wla communications of our sister thefllIac1ollowhimg following extracts have been rltademadefoowtllg made Jjabor Famine and HtijitisM lLabor Labor HtijitisMJaptismVe are received in the houses and Wl Wl Ve ant villages in a-aaptilptill more friendly spirit than yearsFtillttlla in former yearsFtill molo fliiIIt1I yeai ero lthere tl there 1Iplclol1tho old stnpicioflsupicionhere is much to bo done before supicion J II IbrethrenI Ill hat a rod can be tentirely aand II t i Ic removed hatred 1I1Ol Our Out1rethrenbrethren ICIIOut1rethren ICII coutiune their voluntary continue IU hour or so rolllllt1 labor of an o onloIlIlIII Jahotllf on Sabbath ahlalh mornings before preaching till time It is-Is-is 11 haYing good effect upon thentas having a goof tlieuti n IIpOuponupon upowell as Iltllll nthSt who IIlal themthem tllll 1I11lIjll I Ill people of tthis The hi provincethe suffering of the province llloinccffrom roll1 famine 11 IIi Ill are appalling Two hundred milemiles t II lao lIoa 1It1 stauyilibthey are starving swet sWtt g byy tthousands reswcl of us eere reand re wcl I 11 moving by tons of thoiKinds Hicl1m1BichaHicl1m1 Ihat Mr Bicha mO1w othat Invilu of Chhig Chow how thinks that bv tho time wheatwheawheat whehall comes in tharvot not more than half the populationIlIlIot harvot nthalIt vt t 7011 population will be loft of lefthtin come Ilt dUlricts nrnc Thousands ofdollars 111 dollar have IIlt othcrbeen sint ltl from Shanghai and otherother 11 U llac places E 1I1I to Mr English Hapt to Baptist missionary tonit aid in relieving the destitute destitute111 On the 23d 3d of April 1877 Mrs bap Crawford Impbaptied I1 tlzed LicitLieuJiellLieu tied Kwo Yu Yootigs oldest sister Mrs i here lie wife of Keang Wen Go is The llte appliedlIutlhflS and has applied inHI for baptism She is learning well tH and I111ope in hope is ilinPaIIIJoot 1in oarnet One or two others are showing some Itlcarnet 11telet terest iterest Opposition inIl Jliyh Jlaccs JlaccsPlaccsPlacesThe rhe wealthy and influential men of our city have resolutely determined to set against1gailltagainst lt their faces agalnatand refuse to employ attcmlthe gospel attend emploYII1Y any who attendffOPC 6hristiatr church Ole the Christian through This has ha its effects throughout thi country districts tOOl only too imd we can onlyonlrpm for the change that must come sooner or laterpray 1ltcrlater Converts COlil1t Converts come in comecomocome very slowly and those that collieInerr seem eCIIl greatly weakened by pres llSthe surrounding presllS Jthe i our trustIn God sure Go alone is surl trust 1Vomalls Womans Work for 01 Womanilomans Wo Woman From the Celestial Empire a periodical publishedpublished publisheto at Shanghai is taken the following with regard toa paper of Mrs Crawford 1cnl1ll1 in the missionary read missionConference composed of over a hundred InISSiomissIOnmission naries fay aries of China which assembled in that city in May waswas 1877 WlSThe riiQjnecc piece de resistance of this session tivasthe eminentlytliu eminently enliueitlythe carefully prepared suggestive and cmiucnt1rpractical paper bby Mrs ChowTmrIrs Crawford of lnng Tmr Chow on Womans CSSCl1 CSSClessen oma1ls work to Woman It was essentially valuable as the result of a long and hrtimateintimateIntimatc1tlaUJ intimate ofacquaintance with all the details of this branch 00of t1tluyt1tluy manmIssionary work and was listened to with ntallymissionary man signs of approval 1


1 11










i i



i Ssioaa J OllrJlalSllpplell1eIitCOiTINOllrJlalSllpplell1eIit Foreigll Missioll iirna1Sttnaiirna1St 1 0

tgagesForeigll 1N lr1I

CoyT1N rJ n rrcoar ICCIr Ftwrt1ii COiTINlr1I fameFnltll1lnrSIfame Fnltll1lnr sung stray IIIg with lino eilect in Venice Piome




many Christians were drowned as above described 11l1ly BlllulltllllH Bellondi has a little band some areClnn of whom arcarc of several years eal standing and conCOIlaliI others new corcon f At Modena vo havo at better hall yearthi this lUmlIall VClt 111 ycirverts 11ycir ill now be by him who will IlII baptized and unHn arcs have been sown 1lillR E Tares lOvan tllOII Iiiu the church jnul tho FlOvanvatin forming a New vatl tll Ne Testament church theLet tirethe ra i t JIt a lie fill e and lid t he work Martinelli tt iii U HiiMered have lie gclNt fromflgcl*t III Licit from- prayers Itd from Iit pllycrs of our brethren hehle Itrcn ill America ascend in he iOI1 ftlll 1ctloll brethren iuUtloll fnNe Another dellolllillat denomination lm begunnNe ftke hlgnubegun half lalf of this new ne and stationc station lilt interesting 8ttiollt 11 hI theret herethere tin II ra operations UI Iii ha Tares been sown fares and divisions have CarpiWIl at CarpilKiynor VolpCarjiCarpi S1I01 Volpi J 0111 the socalled eopll stiller from an1 and lirethBrethlld our people eallld Breth or iUnder iCvangolist lateUIlIlt Under A of 1Ig11 August t 28th late stngei1st preaches regularly in tltcTaylor brother TaylorTilt Ill iren thethe ii wrotetmcighborhool in a hall gartuitoiisly furnished al1tneighborhood IIIhholllOod and- wrote and 11 rtgust 28 HA 1111 Tn siuriml Bal Signor Volpi Bari to good congregations Ufll 28TII occasionally villages to the Min locelollally ill oilier occtlouaily otherillalges cougreatiomaG hi deacon has with his dencondeacon0 The members at Koine lire faithful have- ister of the Free Church 11l Wec have hecn baptized and will take Basiles place whobeen wlioxIpJPIII meeting or Biblical study and of who excellent o ellucvan evtncvanI10goo elsewhere as he has long desired to do10 do IIMMH and fill IIg IIIMMH tnI sacred song rtlilllloll Visible progress isis will i III it In lit i s fact it pretty certain that nearly all of VolpisVolpislVolpis Inww SOllie slo oine converts goo to other dlnomillationsdenominationsdenominations denoutiuationsIIelllhcls will go with him This satifoifacYBI satisfacJhi Iis at very satisfac sattftctInteresting j mothers meetings areheld weekly atIlItlllstillg at members ory tory result is tOlY Signor HO ahoVolpi labo10 attend IS a labo regarded as to1O mission Vatican I catechise muchIIIII1I1Islon20 wisslou020 to attln much dOllS rioti cvallgeJtstevangelistVal lean Sundayschool N o charge will berl1adeat Vatican Nuclmrgo No be madeberl1ade made rious successful evangelist Brother Van Meter relllrHsto our Hoard returns Nezv Order in NaplesNew NaplcsNaples 7i Volpi visits regularly Grurno Acqua UiwaDImUivaUiva alld other towns near Bari and as has lie recently renren IenROME ITALV Oct Cth 1S7 1S77Hmm 1S7777Ilered faithful and cHeetive testimony to Baptistdered Baptist I now write principally to say that I have acac Ilrinciples The church has gained in intelligence prillcipes piirlciples rinciples intelligence- cepted Cclptcd the proposition of Count Papengouth toto on the common Out Oil question comic but is not yet perfectly turn we assuming allto w onehalf of the work tllIll over tons ork we all places JllaceJllace

uUlcrand otherother

Ri Rig










pound fOllllllS There is complaint at Marietta of Plymouth au II interference and of Brethren leuvenand leaven anted Brcthrclllefnll o the dilllclIldilliculthedifllculthedifllcul dilllclIl tllS growing out of the old persecution ties tks BailcBasile begs to have a Locale The health of the evangel lS Is is ist feebleItelllefeeble fl This rhi report does not include Papcngouths PapcngouthslalHlwouthswork nt Naples in which we had 3a certain share rll Sivca who wa was its once with 1p now works with the 1 could not employ him letlJo1lst Mithodlsts tapenPapenPapen I goiith gouth is anxious to sell us his Locale and trans Iullth fer fer to us his work 10 The Ih Evangelist makes tours into thelvuuj ehist Cossu the iland has written alii llaHIhas andI circulated several thouthol1thou sand slnll tracts It is the only one of our stations II1Ia have iJollclnever visitedvisited Vote aThrec of the baptized are Note 11oe ministers oneone 1oe being JIIg with the free church h I have counted as members only those actually attending aUlndhw regu ill 1111 in t iiI lar and faithful aand lie city not those whoo101 the hhave a ve 111 0 l moved oil or have ceased during the year to fre quent the meetings rnctlll One of the lf in Itornc hw Irt just fallen asleep in Jesus c tU Catechumens represent persons expecting oall iSUl baptism 01 or merely 41 II inquirers1 Hll1itcrs more or less lc earnest It is a custom to defer baptism till warm d weather The smaller 1111111 er IIunder number head of 44 cOlgrgat utll ion iinn congregation dicate the attendance of meetings for worship I lie The larger in some cacs Clll attend at special ser el vices 11



General Statements1tateulentsSlacmcllStatements Two Iw Itvo colportcrs have PCII employed Jrayc been for part of their time laboring HI Koine and villages near by aorJllg in I have aided one of them indirectly to buy a press on which he prints tracts for m and others hymns and also 11 Seminatorc TO ao JOU We copies of this monthly the deficit ill the issue oxpense being e1Ug nearly met by 2Zj given 20 or X25 riveu by y the Eng JW lish Baptist Tract Society It circulates n1ltOlrtn1ltOlr an 1l influential class and docs a good workamong in va vf rious ways I have inquired of Dr Grilllth if he would like to cooperate in a col Ol1l1ke colportage portage and pub lication work We want to issue Baptist tracts bi ographies ifccc My is health not vigorous but ut suf ficient for lilY dailyr workworkAwork ATORE XOHB XOR1 TORE


It previous reports frequent In reference has been flfle to most of our role evangelists and stations I turo are several however Ihero that the Convention and the churches are not so well acquainted withwith Signior Bellondi Signor BellondiSifJlIo Of u In this Evangelist brother Taylor writes August 187G during lHillg al visit to Venice I met Sig Bellondi then conduct ingan cOIILlnetillall independent mis sion to the Jews who expressed himself as con IICCI vinced of the duty of believers baptism and de sirous of laboring with us A month later Mr lr Co corda baptized there two persons who came for the purpose from Treviso and Pordinone In Decem IWI wr 1870 18761 Sig Sig Bellondi entered Into relation with uss and a few months after feClIJel secured a Locale and began regularly his labors the American Method ltsts establishing a station there about the same tllIe On the night of June Jd 1877 I baptized kg Ig Mcllondi BeJlondithis this baptism and those administered y Mr Cocorda 1Y JY being ill the 10cl1it locality where so 11




tlw responsibility and expense of one of the 10the LoLo calll and conducting a mission entirely lndepetlcales indepenindepen tleut but with the most harmonious relations withdent wIthwith 1that conducted by Mrr Papengouth Colombo ilil-i14 vcry very 4Very happy to remain in arrangearrange Xaples under this atTangerrangeIment 1IitlIt nthut and I feel thankful for such a solution ofof tit tile problem tlie The only trouble is the increase ofof expense ill a ill But this as th case of Sig Volpithe Volpi the advance movement seemed necessary and aildandmoreover there was no time to write and consuttmoICOCl consultconsult the Board Cocorda is in Northern Italy Ile His ltah HisplLcc place is partly supplied by the brother Bermatto BeimattoBermattoor JIP of whose baptism I Avrote you last May JITheThe lheVatican school has opened well ThePViclln The cOIlren congregacongrega cOIlrenHom tions at Monte CUorlo are very JackCry fair But we lacklack HI-H II Ilithe lifegiving spirit Pray for Ili i-





MariettaIJ1arlella Marietta BarlettaBarletta 1Uaile was long loll anxious to leave Pari TheBasile The I 111comlucr of Sig Volpi to us removed the llrst 11il11 coming djilldjill Te 11culty We lixed upon Marietta for a new stationculty station ago an interesting work was begunTwelve begun twelve years tWO 1wcle hr3ther Gianinni which was brokenthere by our brother broken II massacre cruel massacreIup by a cluelmaiacre Oil On the loth October Basile thus wrote me fromfrom u I came here day before yesterday Marietta Barletta yesterdayBarldta and having religiously preserved some names givenIlIllhaIIIg given me by Gianinni off tll the survivors of that slaughter slaughterof March 10 1SGO I betook myself to one of thesethese edlu brethren Signor Salminici who received tilememe dear cOII1ially uu introduced me to some cordially and Olllt others whomwhom I found to be p faithful re could not 10 gather allWe all for it was the time of tlie vintage However II-Iyaw saw some of the he more intelligent and explainedFa explained 1the the object of my visit and expressed my interest interestill them and my desire to labor for and with tlteillin themthem my sentiments but jealous ofof They approved lilY They lJIIj Christ feared that I was coining toheir libertj in their to impose some hUll1al1llIleR or systems upon themhuman rules 01 them illllloc E declared that such ourourIch was not the wish either of our site Boall1 Board or myself adding that I desired order forfor sake of liberty the Iam Soon after this visit Basile established himselfhimself u We haveIn Marietta and wrote in me as follows have wlOtelIw 11 Ill 0 of eight persons all brethren triedhad a1 meeting tried trialfro11tthe a1ch 1SGG untilin the furnace from the 19th of March until martyrdomtollay They today 1he live in an clement of martyrdom arc but have not abandoned their Saviour Others arcCOUll try but we hopeor absent in the country dispensed Ol dispersed hope diplre1 Ooof1 example of these will recall 0tlie good the loca them 0Owhat 11It welcomes WhatWhaWhat what shakes of the hand What hat tjoy shone on the faces of these modest heroes ofof joy most the gospel An aged brother one of the mostpions I have ever met concluded the meeting withpious with myo need ofW Vee have ji We of a simple and fervent lcnt prayer brethrenBihles and Testaments for many of these brethren Bibles byremain without them the priests having by iy mean gleans of wives means and relatives sequestrated themthem A A-re have also need of tracts and hymn books A We rsrs friarsThe priests and fria friars supply has hn been sent mow of my arrival andand always al aYR enemies of Christ know Ol the unpm vels for un have riven the alarm ordering liltorler1 prayers 1O given lilt tuse ine prudence butin m Wee will doing of the heretics but el1lnof l1lnof 111 not play tlieVe have need that thewill the the coward We israce It is fight for us at a throne of grace lIcthlell 1lht brethren re moml1y impossible that the old scenes can be remorally newed but the ut it is not for the want of will on theewcII regularpart of those butchers Until we have llwe a regular locale the meetings will be held in my house 1





Impressions IIIlJ1esslonr BrotlLer other DavidDavid n1ressiolts of Jir Milan I wuv 1W Sig Paschctto TC talked We of the encouragements and discouragements of eachcacheach otilCI Others work I observed things which give prom others ise of hi his usefulness The earnestness andand warmlwartedllesR of Signor Bellondi in Venicewarmheartedness Venice stamps him as is a man suited to his place He apap peared full of good works I found OUJl a larger 11111mu ber Jel at his locale than 1 expected All gave propro found attention After the sermon they lingeredlingered to have a shake of his hand and to speak a fewfew yords with him In Naples brother Taylor and I-IIwords attended the services of Count Papengouth Tlie1hoTheTlie noble Jlohle hearted Christian was quietly though earnearn estly speaking of Christ to his audience and whellwhenwhen whell he finished brother brothelTaylor Taylor was called on to talktalk and talk he did Although indisposed all and fafa tigued no one would have thought anything thethe matter with himhim The 1he next night we heard Signor Colombo whowho preached with much zeal So far as the power isiis within him he is resolved to put down error andand rlorify the name of God As to our brethren inglorify in Bonnie ome it is needless to write as so many who visitllome visit the Eternal tcrnal City write of them and their worksworkworks They lhey are negotiating for a house and au lot The lolo cation is good both as regards population an111andan and 11popularity popularity It is near the Pantheon the UniverUniver Ullicrsity and one of the largest cathedrals in the city Hundreds of people pass as it hourly The house is-is tivell w well adapted to its intended purposepurpose I am grateful to God for the privilege of meetimeetmeet ng and conversing with brother Taylor Ohing illg ing OltOh how my soul has been longing and thirsting forfor rIIIChristian communion with n sympathetic heart fecI strengthened and encouraged for the physicalfeel physical physicalalll spiritual trials on which I am about to cuteranti and entercnterenter DR Dii Du PRIMES PlU IES VIEWVIEW The Ihe editor of the Observer writeswrites Immediately after I arlvc arrived in Rome I camecnmecamecame into pleasant intercourse with the Eev DrDr Taylor 1alor who has charge of the missionary workwork slipportcll by tho Southern Baptists of the Unitedsupported UnitelUnited States The intercourse was continued withwith great pleasure on my part during the whole ofdttringrhe of my lily stay and mHlled led to an increasing interest in thethe leyotcdwork to which he is devoteddevoted clearIlie is Hi man of decided character with a clearclear and vigorous intellect a tender and glowing heartheart and such a sound judgment as secures for him thethe respect and confidence of all who represent 110ProProPro testant missions in Rome By his invitation I atat tended his Sundayschools and livetvelive It found four or fivelillererlt rooms tilled with children of various IMlerent ageage variousagesvariousages 1rI01lsng1rI01lsnge from the infant class to youth of AnAilAnnnof sixteen efficient corps cllicient 1111 instructioninstruction cOI1 of teachers were giving in the Scriptures ere all assembledin theThey were the anlllargest hall and engaged 111 andin singing tllg1l1g hymns and 1ad-11 tile parents of some of the children coming in adthe ad hedresses were made to them andtothe and to the schools Thehe The walls were htlll hung with the American and the Italian ItahanItalian11a Hagss Texts of Scripture were inscribed TheseThese 1hset1lll rooms are tilled every ever day of the week withwitiiwith bb scholars by In the evening they are occupied byoungmen pare Itn another parepart-ttytimgr mllg men studying the Bible JIn pal of the town is the Baptist church where the 008he GosGos pel is faithfully preached by the Ilev Mr II CocordaCocorda Cocorla111 Italy and in at least seven other places in preachingpreaching ItnlrprenclllllItnlrprenclllll superintendencestations are maintained under uner the superintendence of Dr Taylor TaylorThese these missions form an important part of thethe IO war now h 8PIC1 evanwork great in progress for the spread of evaimevan eVIIJnt To10gelical religion 111 in this land of Papal darkness To very the eye of unbelief it may seem the day of verysma tJlIlI8 sCldsmall seed thingss But it is enough to plant the seedtiietheupon it to tilewill descend lescmHlnpon and the rams of Heaven tiie lJeavehrwrJ1 N ow is redemption of Italy Now t time to sow theIS the the Ton1 IS able to extendth Word seed of the Dr Dy Taylor is extr1extend extr1 II lii his missions and multiply the number of laborers alOlcrK1111101l laborersjust as fast as he has the means too support themthem yon judicious careis caromay be certain that he tS And care AIIIlroll ful and wideawakeRwideawake wlllcnmleTn



8 w 8-SS187 18781878


defidefi after much treating I madeaa defiaftermath 011 CI of 12l000 Lire n ilc oiler house25800 cash for the houshouse nite cat beforecIla Valle which has been before in Via Toatre della eJ Yell my us for more than a year Well the agent said mybefOlobeforeouIll be accepted and I had hoped beforebefore oiler would otler ours ButIltnwa actually this to write that the house was actln1Jours But III the exex unexpected delays have arisen specially in ilish1extinguishextinguish exthlgulsham atuination Illation and amination ilish ml clearing of title and the extmg ng of sundry mortgageR1I1ng mortgages ing 7 tlh Oi11Ia On nrch rch 117th March 7th




jouRisrAxsujprEMENT UPPLEMENTMissionsr jouRisrAxsujprEMENTJ TL UPPLEMENT

I am liopelnl of a favorable IcnrilnaUon ami in a-aawe If wefew lew lays but cannot bo sure of anything gtalitgrati succeed I shall feel tlmt we have ground for gratipremisespremises ho pretensesVo expect to get possession of t he Ullo Wo tude JtIt in one month after the signing of the deed Itmoment will be necessary at the earliest possible momentnecessary to put the workmen to making the necessaryllCCCllwhen changes cmnes Ycmnes that all may ready for October 1st whenIWnew IW tho lease of our Locale expires and when the newthe coatcost season opens I of course cant toll what the costtaketake will be as we have not thought it prudent to tlobpremises a builder bl1i1derorarchitcct or architect thereto examine the premisesl1i1derorarchitcct one Ollut I hope the sum will not be an alarming onebut yards YIHlllrhe house in question is two hundred yardsThe fromfrom sflom from the Pantheon and a hundred yards fronnnomeHomeHome the University of RomeTrctisurcrYesterday I drew 301hYesterday April dprU 30th he Oil the Trctisurcr after000 gold fifteen days urtCafterof the Board for 5000 after lsight sight and an for 20000 gold three months afterafter alVaialVair alairsBy Gods great mercy the atlhirsight Codrseems God seems happily terminated I trust Godeems wi1l ap will continue to smile upon us giving us by the apchapel proaching Autumn a complete chapel-

BEQUESrORM OF BEQUEST SOllthl1lunto the tiottthtrnSouthernbequeath and P Southern hereby give hI GeorgiaA IIgllota knightta Georgia lBllptit Convention formed in Augusta Baptist Haptist thetlteMay 1S45 ay JSJ and chartered by tilein the month of the mact Legislature Iegi5ature of the State of Georgia by an actIt 1 Ut crca DlClltI1 crc 18lfi here passed and approved DecemberI ilJth HIi herepasH1 etl18Sd ijtrtsert the amount if fn money 01 t1lscrt or vyVc7 ifinsert if other other property cither real vr personal for ForCigllForeignForeign IiosiollSIiosiollS MissionsMissions t14 1hI1



T 1118S J arothers Oxford 41 MDf11 L JMississufi M Mrs Mississufi 41Rllssissrtrtdirs JRllssissrtrtdirs 1101111 tlI1 4211 by M P Lowery iSoey Socy Murky lowm Hkyocr Iocr Hluo Mountain 11111 411 1111 H Unities ISlaccdoISlaccdo llIHlIlochurch by Springs dlllrrh ii11I LI 11 S of MmieniaII nfa hy1 S Herry IlddnyrtllalihvynulaIl church by A V Howe f5 Wid by llalihvyn lIaldwnHj Mmidow CreekIlIIrll M77 Pleasant Hlgc clinreh llInII ipMA church CrwkCIIlkCrwk II II by 10 C 0 Williams Tr Trclttuclm church tllH Meridian 1cbiiivh Ih 71 IIWltl less express 4J9754360 Tonma church by 1 li Howitt 975 Mj IhtptistchurchC Kager churchHaptist 1st church Hrookhaven by church Blllllhltchlirch 11 a II II by M V Notlslnger iUf Dry Hiilge cold ItantlnMacon Macoii i Itantln BallItItattletItattlet 1111111 H Audlng ii J JJ 451ij through cltluclt Simpson county by church lhllrlll oChISocietyIcharm oChI Millet Holly Spring plIII Miller cl*tiivhh fcliilW IIIIJ Ladies Aid Society Ito 1111 11I111lItllt to 111VuM Saggs cold Ofv J111 Wald 25il Leila Kmma and Mlttle Wal col 11111t 1lac V FK lIace by W lac Summit iII lace IIttl fa each lic church at S1111 lttli girls JU11ll1TyIII Holmes Tynef lyues itI 3u Ladies MUf Socy haruu church Holmelcy Sharon 40D 40 scounty 0 by county J Pnrcer scomity prllll 8UllulJ Hiii Crystal springs church 1111 KnterprisiH church IIy irK Iojdey Mrs lyj-J 4 Mrs oph ill lyj Didlake 11 by A M oIUIIIIIII lIIrli S Phillips 43 Columbus ruld Haptlst church dl N9925 Kills 11 oGoodwin laiis 4921 olld II CIU 92Hazelhurst cliurch by JI N 5Cherry Tr Cherry UhllQ Truck reik church and S S IIby WV H Spencer TrChan IJfIJ IH P Hond flea PlttmauPlttmau 1ltt11lIuu Grovo church by 11 Pittman061 Pleasant 42650 fll111111 31u Iltlroll church Hrookfville by M V NotlVlngor 41fll t4n Sharon V K 1by W I Jordall mlteliox SI JordiinV by Herry llltin Mountain Miss MissM Oxford1111111 OxtOOxtOI 111111 IC eachli OxforOxford M 110 Imrley and Jnlin Wlllens Cora Jomnlll J1- liBlIyTJ B M by IhJj dchurch Ilturch and mite boxes 13 A ciutrch church OXIS IIby J tiuincho 41 l av 1 Town 2M Iong Gupton 4150 Ion TownHurt iumhtcll H K IW Ja Olunllcll Gambitll A AA A It O 10 4985 I chh by P 98 T Ite J85 less Freeman 0 J ortlIIln HBH 330 J 1101l1IU 0111 of his chllrlllts3mJ churches Lomax Lonmx contribution of on C Ilamberlaln Centre10 Centre CtlltreC relies 4hull 3Itnmherlitin IInl11lrlalll from sundry elm dltllIIII IITJ Robert hy 1UI 1UISireSire lIln proceeds sundry 314 collected villa villo outer orf coin 4114 lIuull pieces Jr H NelMin Greenville 4 V MtIt Pisgah church by n-OOIlrlrlhIlrlrlhI Vliittleld 43 collected VltttttchI Wlilltllld Vliittleld olllCh by W II Hubert sundry parties MIs17 MisMiss I Mary Gordon MissJOTv t77 Meridian church 416 Litth Mltr la1ROnJacksonJackson shen 142 Inkon422 Meridian church by Dr Sm 1t1I Smith hen heti ith4i415 VhttWhitWhit tIU1 Clinton church by H H Whllcollection 4SrttL Ill II church itiu 41Ili I1 Petllgrew 41 Jlilil IIthl Kaymoud church by J IL PettigrewI GamlaniGam h brotlmr lfi25 Mrs OUIIxiindry iuiIry arlltlo by Jamlirell 41625 l1drr juriUvs LO 11 ChaiChai Chutov Mr ClinsbrrII brell hrl1I ami on 4140 241 Mn AltMinder 2V1C Rev UAUA KM h Dr Xealey KMlalli lain of Clinton 2 Jackson church by tain mitt y6i5C5y6i5C5 J1l1I 011 church 423r IJJj6Jtlo do f45 Canton Total do ronaltSribt1ronaltSribt1S 2IWTolnl 1




fI I







1 101 a lion insult to any underDonations lIIulr1IY specific object are under aI to be antlerlII tlllOMood Mooll tins Ifount to thatth appropriations Iiy oud alita includedInn the that object bjlCt not as superadded to thtin

2 The expenses of nil regular missionary work appoint appoint111111transedd or trans approved by the loml and for which funds aro traus14milled matted xhrough mlttod covered conredhrollh our Board shall bo included in and coverednndby the appropriations iiiiulo annually to our missions andand AD OIVE AND GIVE YOU IT SHALL I3E GIVEN UNTO YOUYOfunds sent through our Hoard specially for such work shallshall Urhe heathen converts should move us to more selfsclfThe be understood as going to meet such niappropriations self bo tp any 3 If at ArdcaMany l1enlng acts The little church at Lagos Africadenying shouldshollldAfrica should IIr time the donations to a specific Iliie object shouldaam m year amount ount to more than i1is appropriated or needed for lhattar thatyearttlmt yearlhattart1WO100 ha3 given Twohas Two iven this year for missions over 1100 IJI devotedtho retained to be hin Board may consider the surplus as 1tnhllIIlo devoted feeble Chinese churches of North and South AmerAmer ho year to the same object another yearl1l1 Cl1risica have contributed some 100 ica Chris The native Chriscrmt donations nf fnciflif conliJ1 not eonThe altovcrults con abme rules rul have no reference to sevcntyseventy nected tians of China have raised 9000 which is seventyx4eStvitx4e tutted cltd wth tlie Southern SJ Stvit 1raclllll ami Jliblt SJldn71 Maplist Cbnvtntion at Israel fivo cents per capita five Should the churches of thetit* or to the ties rtyfunds fur buildings dc rty tolundsfor mau no10 reguVtct to tvhicJi tfte Hoard rnaket appropriations QlprOJriaUQle8 for the heahea ular appropriationSouthern Baptist Convention doo lose Chinathen than the churches of Africa and China Should they not be rather stimulated by such exex lXnlRECEIPTS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONSsRECEIPTS RECEIPTS MISSIONS otlerillgsaniples to fervid zeal and abundant otlcringsamples ollerings ollerings1ItoM 1uoM 1S7S 1S7187lIA 1ST 1571l0t MAIICII Writ TO MAY blessAnd An is there no inspiration in Gods signal bless SIncluding 8Incllll1ing 8Including by Corespending Including collections Secretary from FebFebtrtngs wereSeven or eight years ago a few bibles werings were 2thAruary 5thrruarr 13th to April 2th 2th5th is Rome Hftjscattercd in an now and light blazingthe blazing scattered IARAMA Mrs M II Owen Courtland oJcj5 collectionArAntarAMrs ArA1tnrA1Irs collection 11 over Italy Despite the war in Africa our misall mis mi- atAIARAMA by 1F II McOIll i31f 315 Union Springy Nanafolia churchdllllehcluuchllrlt1 church r V sr sions V Mehy by obey 60S5 Tobey 45055 T Creek W G church by Steen WS5i Me 11Mlsions sions are prospered Recently a wave of DivineDivine leel by J lfj Hi Big Spring church n elueen15Hig ctuten churl lueen15Hig Hope Hemfroe 455i HopeQueen tuten byJJ lrll1 I1oPJ Innueneo has swept over parts of China Intluence Influence V one well In oneIwell church by Jno L West W s Do 515 H ret 4515 I L NIttIJfWltt Witt NettleNItt JU Nettle Tuskegeo church by Z 1D Roby 4345 bora boro 2343 GussetaGusseta CIIHtnCmretaplaeo we hear of a hundred place mndrc converts in anotheranother church V 673 Hob by 7o 1D Koby 44i 67 G W 160Carmichael m1160 iMrs II 11 Taylor 411 i N H Williams agent 41562r intstMrs 15020 IIIst int ilfteen- 11rs threo hundred In a single region some fifteenilfteen three lftcclHelping 50 by IrlHand lchu1h Eufanla church a little girlgirl Irl rcust we not rehundred re lOc ICc Miss Huttlo Ilatchett collection Montgomery 41ofO JOe lhunred inquirers are reported Must 41ofO10601060 by T In Jones 1r 1rsister 25c 1st church Montgomery IJr1 enforce our stations in China Shouldand Africa Should ai89W Chinaand 39 0 brethren Sehna church 55 S H Foulke TrTrrr3Sl do Tr Siloum church Marion 5fTotnl Total not the 0000 needed chapel- Ala Con 3516 fa our Rome chapel neee for 22615220152201 5161once even at this meeting be raised at oncceyen CocordaCocorda CocoraV Green Hy W AIIKAXPAS PltngAuKANPASBy AttKAX1ASBy Snarcy Rlarc church 225 PleasPleas says with regard to the building purchased we shall shall- ant Hill church 1JO West tst Ioiut church Mr3J shll GreenGreen Ortln5 Mt Pleasant church by byT church A wood Johnson J ri have the first place in Rome Let the dawning dawning- 433 collection in The Destitution II by M Lambrlght t 4416 Jfj Jf4164416416 jPaul F Lewis Hloomlngton U7c 7c Friendship church lv J JPaul of better times beo hailed with more liberal ofof A l by Fleotwood II clnirch 261 MorrisJohnson lIyrJ 1I1tJrrls Morris 1I1tJrrlsHMorrislNHMorrisl G inferings and may not the God of the nations bring brin iiiin ow New Hope church by K W Daniel 235 Now 23 j Rich Woods uodll chchhh3JTotd 32073207 Total 43107 3Cl4310ay of material prosperity to onr landthe full day land by J II Morris 43Total lUI1 Chow 76jOMoon Tung 7CmxA1lisg CHINA 7C7Cc CmxA1lisg Lottio Miss 7CIIINAMiss an of spiritual blessing to his own people GIVIGIVEand GiviGIVI VV V G Curry j 10 DIissby church cFrouiDA Pensacola cFLORIDAPensacola FrouiDA eroHwAPensacola lI114roHwAPensacola MisMis Sh ALL BE GIVEN UNTO USAND IT SHALL US H II L Averett Mlccosnkle J i Gainesvillu church by C V 12 22 Waugh IIIoTolal 10 Total 421 421-22GEOHQIA 1GEORGIADIrs Mrs Mary A Collln Augusta 410 2GliOHOIA1ht 10 GirlsGliOHOIA1ht OlrGirls Eo Leverett CONVENTION SHE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTIONTHE JII 1F K Miss 11 lJIIs Society liuitman by Miss 453053030 530 4530 3Tr 0Iadlts Ladles Miss Society Uuitman by Mrs O C Hilllard Tr Ladies 11 5CO Now Hope cold chThis missionary organization of 10 by J1 A Hanks Dalton ch 4560 ors anIzation of the Baptists ofch 1101Flmalt 01 ilkesFemale Miss Socy Mrs Jr 11 rHlerHles 4161Female MWilkesMWilkes ocY Cartersville by 111 101Flmalt tho XashIny ill Nashthe South will meet on the 9th of May Xash Tr 1785 Cassville church by It H Jleaddon slr i17S 0J BalydsIJltlrlHalrdsHalrds 21 9 cliurcJi by Antioch lhurch and i21 i9 P II Mell Crowsvme Crows Nell VrowsVille Tenn Many who desire to attend may beville be church A17A Creel church 4175 Creek mitebox A 1I1IhboxlIl by Al7 and Mrs h Hnfords 11 F FergiiMJii 48 S Hdenied the privilege of bodily odi presence with thethe WV Buford Calhoun church by II Si J IILow Atlanta proceeds R II coupon 4s5 C M IrwinIrwlnIrwin Convention Let- agent il10tJ1 But all may be there in spirit 1etLet 1C01G Mrs E K Falligant Savannah PPby A IP AlJel1 IIIpuplfinAugusta III puplfininAbell 2 Mrs Hothwells S Mi class A lIustn for 1IIIpii till hearts of Gods people all over the land astin tlio as AAbell 40 Mi8S Moons school onMiss tldlUlcloncon advance m40i 1st church Augusta tldlUlclon cenll as the heart of one man for the divine prescend 1collection Melia nn Howard 5xJJIJJIJ pres collection ollection by brethren Hlack Richard and 5U 5UInfant JIuftlnt Infa Miss M Lane do nt class Washington 210 MtssM n col1 acold rc anticipateence an blessing in the meeting We tnce and anticipate Infant 1 Alexander Florence Stewart county friend 6cc Mrs J D l6bIjIU411 1st church Atlanta by Dr Gwin 41150 M by IjIU C Irwin l6b 4115nothing but harmony and profit and we dare toto 2d 1 02d 2cl church Atlanta by A D IIO Adair Tr 200 Dr Drewry hope that large things may be devised for the adGriflin r55f Baptist church Columbus by A U Campbell ad Griffin Cml1IIJeHof1092jTotnl of1092jTotnl 2707327073 10325 Total 4127973of179i3of179i3 vancement of Gods glory in our land and amongamong amollgH O Coghill Nashville 488 Mrs Lucy Neville IIMNOIS IJJINOliSll IrI xotsB c1istllIt nations nationsdistant 10 Wight Galena 4510Total Total A lblb loTotallIlbJIloTotallIlb 39U JIJXTCCJCYU lL Thunnan ngcut 4310 JXTCCJCYU Inwrpncplll1rgXltxTucmcrI1 Inwrpncplll1rg LawrenceburgsNORTHERN ANNIVERSARIES NORTHERN ANNIVERSARIESchurch by T A Upld 453125 1312 1l1ylln chu1h lIy G itItIt 13 Loul YiII lIy P 1 HpelllII colt 1113 VIlnutStreet cllllrch Louisville 8ott Yo hope that members We 7o lH11J 11 41441 lJy church memers of the Southern BaptistGrllnoSlTtet IJaptistnillE Baptist mons Still1 n1 IoulsIIIt Mary Todd Lexington 1mons 1moos 1585 j Mrs Mlr 460 Midway ch CO1Velltloll will visit the Societies of the North atConvention at lJy II gC II Dougall WV Ho byjJ II Eager 411212490 John Paradise 4511i Hen Virginia 10 derson Covington church GreenvilleGreenville OretrnlJlotheir anniversaries in Cleveland Ohio few church IJ7 A fewIJ 375 Litchneld church 460 Shelbyvlllo church by church built years church Louisville 43305 3800 Oth JOIeiglForeign Dr Pratt 460CO WalnutStreet JCtus ago they gave representatives of the Foreign1f3SOth K by S African missions 410 Street church 11Itoll111touKlkton11 Klkton oard cordial welcome and the brethren Mission llision Board hlethren- church brethrenGO clutrclt by Jno Lowis Tr ijCO It rL Thurman agent 310 Total 41130 113041130IIl1301130 promised substantial aid to our Romechapel enen 1f131oTot1L1 LOUISIANA LoUISI JOUtiSIAXAR Red River Asso by J J Carter Tr 453060 30 co ANARed 30W terprise Now the drafts are upon us for thethe Mrs S A Andress NO J Furman 1 L jFo1l If O by J1 L M 10 IillU Ye trust that the kind promises chapel Mansfield We 101l11ses then madeShiloh church Union Parish by J E made I Hamilton Tr 46236 0230 Mrs Lockwood Alison Kingston V f 4r may fulfilled tilled lIlay be fnl Total 41035 10Sb5 I

escatteled scatteled




j j-













-F 11K -




















111 t lt Kallimore by Jr V AT Williams MAHMANH church 11It WilliamslANlu1st cltut IIams WMWilliams VlI s17uni 7tiii Franklin Wilson Frtinkliii Suaro church Haiti HaitilllIru toy 111111 1 11tH more JMIHI cliurch Haitimore by1 iy1Ltvftiiiiy1Ltvftiii Kutaw Ilare laI S S Italtltnnnt IlidIhu urc by ti IDH KM Tepriup EHlaw hyJ taw 1111 Place church J 11 j Oootl jod l10pJ Narjemov chiuvh liIin S SaunderM 411 HOIIlopHOIK II II rllI II Kchurch U704U704J U704Ii olal 4561041 ucuircli 45610church by S Saunderw fHo Total
























SSIlMSotntt1lttptist Hajitlsl MIHSOUKI l1JSSOUH1nltllt


VriphtWrighby Lelaml Wright





1 Jaudon KlllIsnlllity City 20 K S Duncan agent 2 Kansas ntnlT P t423I 423I I7W llhoadew Srr 37W 13419 Good Hope church tbyr George nor 37WtH19 by 0HIs A her Hiichanan Louii IhrS St Mrs Sirs brotherJ Jeter Ion church Howard county It Ziou counl by H J Payne JS i 2 Mt V 10 Total TotaW1otLItDr Sherwood W1otLI church HtloulIjoIlj 3d ld Hnpllst St Louis 451 3i BILlllsthurch 13510tillJNJIIjltillJ JII tillJ Kocky Mount church bj R Newton NwtonCAJ10ItSAHOlky 9Nonimu NORTH NmrIu ORTH CAUOUXA MurilreslxrochurchM urilreslxrochurch urfrlIhoto cllurchIr It Garrison MurfreslKiro churchchurch 5 coln Plntllle n 111 Plllt Illt 422 M V Thornmson Garibaldi lJyltllt byTeterby DVThunuiissou 10 1 JeterW Jeter by I A McDowell 410 11 N 0 State Con tlltll ConTr Tr Dickinson 1ieklnsuu 133 JJordon Womble mllllIr 9J1311407 3 483730937393730 Total 483730 to JW W J H llartwell agent ttj73IITolnl I












HIptl IllverIllver diverHhrrSOUTH CAIIOIISAIl2d M11 and S S Union Kerdy 0SoiTii OlTII CAUOIINA SoiTii harlesJhnrlcschurch Jhnrlcs olrlllcllllrchlJhnrlslolrlllcllllrchlJhnrls Asso byj In Pitts Tr 451c1S0 I S S First As 1 COli 5 Savannahcord Savannah SuCnllllShuck Concord church T Mrs Annie tun ton Oll by lI pILI It express 2ic 11711171 H liwtei less paid by A IK tI57ilKfver Asso 810 hHitI tI57i diver Ixnl1 roe 41571c less1less h JJ O Davant clerk pI t les1union Union meeting Alleudale by lJnlolllJlllln JnlolllJlllln by11 by bC hp1113 S S children Chester church IIhpy cpllcl xpn 2c spail express iviid W1lWi IshiantI11fl1lyiuio by Ixhain W Walttalla church Jno S Withers nUItI U Viuigo Vingo 711 Kx Hoard Saluda Baptist ASM by K 1Inlo 4711 Inlo 111 W deacon Iharon11 154 Clmrlt tOil by deacon1st church Charleston Murray IC and Tr llllrrl Sec 3M3M t3W43020 0 Cheraw church by A L J Kvaue t3W Thoo S Hudd Thos by 1708 Marlborough Unlm byHi II Carter Liberty Hull 45176x G 11 M tile HUhopvtlle ntlssio ns litshopt of missions a friend rllllIlof H 41150 It A Douglas Tr 1111 Little by J1 L IUtlhy1 I Wilson t 2 Little411 Antioch utloh church Darlington JUJUt 5111V Hucy HUt 041 tII41 chll 1111 IIby G3 W Stevens elttJII Creek church lttJII Reedy IWC tI 011 w 1st section Asso Heedy Hlver AsoJicm 4fi tIllILluJlt church 1lleasttnt tPleasant Pleasant Jo 1 1 IJY byK Cuttino II church IarlllaXIlW Iy J H Pitts Wasarmasaw tI byj 4510 li by JI L ch111RIIS 20 I Vass Z Ij Calvary Olhfr ch4441 142 Siiartanburg church IlvJ V-WV W 1II II by H JI Holladay 4l2 Great Saltkehatchlo church by WbyK UU0U I H It Hoynton clerk 44tatoIIi irtersvilln church by II K II 3 453 r by 45 GI H Caldwell 1W Damascus church FountaimI 4151 1oulltaln Fountain 2112021120 421120 TotlI 421120Total

liltlTrlIuO TrlsO



HaptlstapllstHaptlst TKNNKSRKK T II Oranbrry Memphis 41 BaptistZt NvxcPhr HutliindHntlluldHutliind b Jr M Morriss iJ7j 7f Rutttumchurch Grand Junction by lIollHoHoi ilol11 agent Huckler 1111Iy Sec dchurch church by A Sperry 49TJM COUllCOUllt comitycomity 4390 Hlg Valley church 380 nl Creek church co*cke cotuttyston lOI1 YIIl iston tton i 270 2U27tIIv by 4270 Manning by church Heulah 427It J Scott fir bv Jos 8 i I M Senter Trfr0Watauga 0Vatauga church by T E H Hunter Watauga Tr Vatau llopuwelllopuwell 4161 IlolxweliCCl1lrr1 J1Mi New JIOIIlIWtJCentral Asto from sundry churches 41155 9 V B WllliimsVliltamW rllllmWllliims lchurch Ichurcll church less lOcIe paid registendd letter 9o jOO4CC4CCO 44060 sagent agent 4420 420 Jackson church by Prof Jarwin Tr 44060sant 11111 lUll church Oof which 410 cnter 10 from S S Trenton by I M Senter of WIV 40 4528 29 Central church Nashville by Hey MayJieid 440 IVchurchchurch churdI1 cl1n 1210 1st clouTH 41210 II Huttorf Tr State Hoard of Tenn Nashville7090 1st byTas 1Nashville church Nashville Nashville by Jas Thomas Jrr 47090 lstchurch NnshlIIe 2S 3110543116531105 H1iTotal 431165 by Miss li Hrown i2STotal IJ 3 jTRXAsColleclPll 3roi436TEXAS Thomas K Muse Mllford 4360 3roi Collected by TRXAsColleclPll Ti KII K It16 IhltlsIGcn It Haptist Gen Asso by 0Inon Enon Ellon Asso by A Miles Sec j22lIII 1 Klffcr O Huckner Cor SC 22CJ Colorado Asso by F 13ucknetCor 12 WJ 412 by 11 T colloctcd from sundry churches 1 Storens col Georgetown church by Wr 1n henr1r 610 co32 Heverly 4610 3200 43250 D D 1 Vr DIllvhlA 25 J llected Pittsburg church Iff llcte1 by WV It Selvidgn lected 1221045122112210 Total 45122111 Creatli Crcath Crcath5 1






J i



FluFlu Uy C O Perkins cleric Lyles church Fla11VlttaiNiABy YJltOlNIABy YIUOINIA IInil IIs V Ladlesadlesyanna Ro Gentry IfI j Mrs M W vanna Perkins 3 ILLadles oey HBlack Walnut Halifax county by Mrs JT Gn-UI-U-s1Ii5 Socy Miss 459 S 1Oi1 o 3Iurpin A Turphi A lover ot Christ 81G 1OGuylulpln widows mite byby 7M 4760 H aIJl1t M Dabney Mrs C B Steel TrJlJIiW for forUomo Rome chapel We011 Vo Vorr A I 1U Wanuonymons countjIlU JlliO Southampton county count 410 Wo J n Miss CudCud HudHud Socy nuums omans church Iiy Mrs JM himmans oer Crooked4530Hun B 0 23 Qtclrnoubon A tlOtscmon Tr son Utit*ciUtit*cii 3028 PIS express 18c less Mrs Louisa sat D1issMiMis mberry iberry by W G Dandridge IHrry berry Co 45203 203 i Womans DlisMrs11rsMrs 14610 bars1 e III 1110 Tr 1J11460 oe of Richmond by Mrs L sSocy sSoc3 I M1 Temple Socy blisslIsMlsMls lIs to sent IB Ellen Smith West Point one ear rll1 E ring clerk Moon l1oon in China Flat River church E II Willis clerkMrs MrlIlsby church Richmond 67lI MlsMss Socy 1st 07ni Womans lstchurch Mls VOIIln8lIs SocySocy SOSOl 120 Youn Young Ladies Miss NissSoc3sJoltman WorUiam Tr 1121J NissSoc3 Coleman UoltlIln Joltman lOlOr 1r1IVTr LeighStreet church Richmond by Miss Turpin TrW1lIelhStrett JJJBIr1st 5305- JB 53053 Tr1ji30JSi by J L Apperson Tr 1st church Richmond byj st 3llartwell 1Ub370Hartwell agent 105 Total 4168370Lartwell 1W3704168370 llartwell 1W370 1






WRIST WKST VJST ViuaiNiA an wife Morgantown YmmstAJJ WV Growl and




1fi8311lIi s3ill5








CiiAWFcmi CiiAWFcmT1 1P CltAWFOlu1jlssislanis dissistauts-



lI1RuhJ nPIIParecl III tile The nnaulun IfIP TolIllIal rrTolIllIal Journal may 10tlAftmtIlC 11111A fter the devotional Jray

had he preached it unwillingly


nese held to a perfect correspondenue between theThat there are arenese the world of light aiul of darkness shniThere were slinl lar needs siinihu institutions a similar govern governOVeIll goverlt-

rocwill ollunngs cat into yotit your DlI1 treasury I know knewtreasuryAle treasuryAleknew amt these are the salt und alt that give sivor he lump to tJte My 1

1Tcttivc iNative Native lllive

Sun1ighal- othCIwil thlIo cOlll1 hI Shnllglml h 110 hleoillA lIpOI1 the IC remlttanccr to yonr stations tatioll in Afrlcn Italr and 1 this J IIJlak 1I0t for Inyelf Chilln Inn thl dexeJeItsJh rho 11e A c111l1tllgl 11111 an1lAlre sire or my Iwalt tile ollSPIillg of plitlo pellIap 1 Crawford Ieul It papcI 011 tlte etnploym etlt of nativo IlBI assistassist has nlwap Iwell to be H cllalmthJu to no lIIan dlsHlvnlltllgt iaellmultuge5 or tile ImlloYlilullt 111atis- 1anti IS and to a considerable degree that desire has lie considered that their employment is ants ha beenbeen lllt o mission of object Inour the with I me In granted but feel iacOnsl4tatnt for thoo who are Inconstant Straitened10 straitened forthol I am sorry for those proposition truce ho mlifornlthe ntdform traced thi this of funport Christians who either giveflllJJOIt give i111ort he Old Testament grudgingly gllHlgiII gi11lgitgly gly ort not all iactice foctice ctice of Scripture both in tllio inthe and of and Apostles Evangelists in case nt1111 the t1111 ancl ncl in c lcoo l al11 l cacncr School cae lleI Teacher anu1 jTeacheracnuoi tit growth of aaWo could not force the Xl the Newy thcXcw I many emhowever natives kingdom were em howeol have a very spiritual littleslitituatl CIY nice schoolhouse winre 177 little 118 are taught to read and Hwand em girls Not more than one in In ten of hose em1lloyed sew and sing loyed 103ed hymns sin ltytuuslorcti hadhad foreigners to superior the bad some of them to play upon the melodianl rUii 11oyeei by My ployed ly loyed ploc1 1I1cloian 11J system prevented thethe husband gave me the houe ellicts crtlcts and our daughter laughterelects of tlie ione The shares the monthly tHollthl mwvth expenses with meauollt me about fiveffloth of a healthy sentiment in the church Thelive Irrtvth thou gifts offOlof 01 or six dollars a month fo o1 lhll1o of the employed were illled with thoughts utinds minds for teachers wages and forfor i 3dat Ud hool books 1ccntliary gain aas the end of their profession pCculIlary pecuniary It is a dayschool The teacher is mem a meln011 eorlditloiisunder tho most unfavorable condition ber of our church She often comes to me to exher It works ex Ilaill tit It plain no sympathy between the natives aldtscript ures so that she may be prepared and plail the foCrlptllres Thell There there was preparedthph thl matter The former coucon to conduct prayermeetings and teach allY womentlicir women heir employers ill this funds au inexhaustible treasury who artj willing to listen to her nlln sitlered young siiered church film sidelt1 Being It youngh8111 Jt It wid persons 0111 t1l1t ow IIt widow liS lollllg ill wnltIt lItlaas sill plitl by IIlJr lustonl IicrI t o0 goo ftoitIItoue frolll 110ne ilotallow lIot allow he ftoitIItouedes 1Olll1t1 IIIO Ille- to Itolle objecti able ou clllastical groluds Slit tall ttach tJlOe ony who ca1l beit 1w84t ohjltlonal1Je be beSu ndat ssrelatioIJ elatioIJ relation IIltweeli a bihop a1ltl Itt5 ciergr 01 le Pdnsuau t e d to eottlt to the Fcltoolhouc 011 Sltlldap JltItttdld or 011 wcc1day his plople ollght to IJl piril1wl spiritual- 101 sheweekda lenlllgs I am hopin that folte tweelt tweell weell n ptotOl 1u tor alld III lJ1lt J1lt was retIctl nobut IIln tlttss IIIC bag wa was the ticthl wa tic will ploYe yeQ 1101111 to 0111 mIFflolI HaYing 110 I Kach ehildretl and no relatives she is tlll points was argued with great shillEach of thiM skill children free to give herself Ive herselfnnd mill and the whole was an elaborate thoiigh owerdtatwioverdrawn wholly to the work and being hein still tlll young thirty rawfordsn- four may look forward to many years of serviceJJ Crawfords argument service MI ialIutnetlt for the views with which 1fi I name generally associated In concliLIon it was genetallyatsuciattei ame ltatsall1e U Their Tllc HomeHome UOIHC toAron1y trongly urged trongly plan ought to 0 IItll trol1lr that the voluntary I1i thh Miss tlill Moon wrote from Shanghai supersede tIll tin employment system The paper I am enjoying enjoyingpaperl11 wa was received eas Mr dealwith much greater the very kind and cordial hospitality of my deardear Itnttl favor than 11rCrawford Iwforll apparently had expected till h Yates and ho waswas friends Dr and Mrs feel They make me feel4 rtI1ul cheered at its eOiol warmly perfectly at home and are just aas good to me asas close fliclIlIs could be I have been dit friends thatce that distressed rese1 to see oteote Jinsincss Business hole IleYates1 health 1m Dr Yate very seriously failed lie has ven ere with Herewith 187 7 musend Jllrwlth and has determined to run over to San Francisco for aaFII financial report for 1877 I am very citauge de IY glad indeed he has so dedetimate estimate stimutl for 1878 be- change Our ivlMous report will be cided for heretofore he has always been restored restoredsent he close ellt at the Iot of the year eU willvoyage sincerely hope the Board will 1 You will see from tiie oafre I sillceltl missiat- by a sea till report that the mission 1111 ghe anItil ftlgll1t give 1Kiclunond 1ichmoudvit at urgent III invitation to visit H Vi Itnmi lias beMi conducted on the molt has scale1I10t economical ecollom leal scale would conversation vertiatlotI wouldllCFClICe and coil 1It that his presence there etllll belli of- JI nin sure llrlng no medical bill and only 2VJacls 22i 1aels of it missiontmU a1ol1oc Itl new interest in the cane of mission me iucielental incidental llItal ex penes ixeenUri trXClJltiUg the sums paid toto mron expeii xlltnt This Nd veteran of thirty nobly how 1I0Lh tllilt years service hirt Ir IIInitwelismild uld IasuVr close cloe Mr ellcehow nrtwtJl wells atHI Pmtor Voos oos accounts thatMas toiled how generously he has given to that 2 You will sec tolledhow ev tliat has- nu has that each of the two schools chool has lt VOIk to I consecrated his life It seems towcoIJsecratedIli t tan 11t year than more tthis cot Ie work to which he COllIOIY owinr mrtlv to tthe lat leih stirred by hi tho coW1 llllrt would be his fall all of silver IlJ rIeoV and partly to ttlie of nrovMons prov6ions- me tMU lll lhI rIt i not a man in China who couldpresence could There is caused by cawed bv callcI hut the fuinfiift viii also nnttii ltHI1yon more Ice spresence you ou will noticehilt vnn notice lIot jj Hit it pastpast valuablei ilIform information ation as to the Iive YOII that TaH 11 S2 were Vontribnted Iro by Mrs HIS Craw give contributed history land istoiy and preent status of missions inn this humi0111s 1 00 by two of Shv fords pupils aTid Irs Iloiines al1 21jO 110118 histoir l llenl friends a 1Ig the actual cost to the Board about hlvng aboutdREV KKV M1 nT I YATES 3th YATLnn tin1 the same II s last year as still lal SBaptism JJaytisM ai It is cic I Prayer cc OIl our to increazefor th the future Incivio niin0eVnlsof froln SI tJ ll fe Ifees the l f rom ami 10111 tile andof 7ltill mift pupils atlt1 sixmall pVi 1 week afrO IlYllefre of baptizing ago I had the privilege six A PIlIlUt baltlzmgsix top reduce the wages of the teacher and thus tulketmake new cOl1eJ7 t hreeconverts live of WIOIIltrf whom two men and three tlip thp school as nearly he 1HIlI selfsupporting as possible wOlnunwclC women were from the th country womenwere countJ stations at Tong I lJlOlIglI JlOlIglI this th is the right principle it cannot as yet et kuPong where 1llmllt ilipugh schoolhousebuilt a chapel and schoolhousecschoolhouse we be applu JJt1111111w1 applied to girl I1 schools chool waswas 11 ao ago ouuhimied more than a year combined The other was M 4t Tile he fall in Ili the value of silver operates against one of my CITants servants un house Servantstime tl he III B Board oallI only for the sums paid in cash such as Others will follow soon from the country ThisThis th schools rent on North the 1011 X 01th street house gen station is about live miles from my and gellThehonsc The im In ml craliiicidentals mcidcntals but in their favor a Ol for tboe paid congregation Tsing11ayDougJslllq WaDollg colgregatiotl there and at the TiingWayDong it 1 iIl Taels ach such as salaries house and chapel rent the Baptist church near my house are large 001Till JIlh5siollarics nro lmlch tile ie WlXat0r word for the blessing of the Spirit to sanctify the wordnIrllatlr snlrerers 1101 ttherefromtlJlcflolJ my placeplaco of truth Dr NeCa i ter who 13 to talw 111 51 I0 U 0 111 the o rpnR he cstilllatc for 1878 8780111 aro 11M ncls ni onlyv GOiacls 1l11t Ili soon COllSlllnteGeml1l Ilf1s aITC1 I hope soonIT in the dOlrn fo1 Landrllm Holmes who will bo 10 yearsmorercars to ue nt liberty lihltt to attend to my work with 1I10re oof age the 20th of TlIlIl the time whlu approria ease ase to myself For more than four rents 1 havehavc t10115 for cltlldlen arc sltpposCd to ceasecease mill tlplicity of duties dedee been ll1icnccl with thc mnltl11Icit becn upon me tilevolving yolviug REPORTIi1LIOrOUS HIIIOIOUS nIPOHJ fOl a blesillg UpOIl 0111 ourmil Let 8pccial pmrcl go up Jct The nnJJ11111 report lhe Olt of this m15s1011 where we0 wOll occupied work 1he magutue of the fieltl to bo occupiedhave JaC two clnlrc1lcSlllltl church esaud eoml sc1001s and stntiolls thatut for that overwhehniug small a fcrcc i5 oCnhclml1 tilt by SO sma hr has from 801110 lt11knwn II 1m o n calISe alwny Lov AI nm WJth ron 10 v not cOllle to precious promise LlJO iv hand plcclons jw allayv Tlie Ie Boal1 Tirvii YaIS is naibl doo therefore to the what would we dolf1l S uunl r una1c statistics unl lie years work IUlc1nccollnt account of the ntltle Yor and Worship Ancestral lForshijV In lylieri received the report will be published in the Shanghai suljcct at tho Shanghaithis oron Yates Dr lOrcign pflpcron un sutstnvn MIssion journal JournalSJour1lal thatDr Yates said that conference is thiw noticed theSHANGHAI ancestral wors1lip was the principal rCligion of the mccstml IIANGIIAI 1USSIO MISSIOumicts Hljllncts theAU othct system Wlle its aldj lhe h NlI1SS10NARIISM lI1SS10NARIISM 1 Yates M Chinese Mrs atcs E and hs avert1111in main ojcet of ancestral worship was to acrt YatesYates fie1l11 ccure good ooollbby otlerinO sncrlt1cc to the tlOl1lo trouble N NATIVE two an San Ping and 1ASlOHrong Ill at I MecJfnnr more potent system than any was a n70lc allylead it dead It native cL51stants siaucs all other and presented the greatest barrier tto allexercisingprogress extending to all classes and exercising MRS E M YATES YATEIllustranl1l1cncc in every department of life Illustra influence 7 r iir77 SFree UJJermgs free Hill OfferbigsIramifications were freely given of the extensive rnmiflca Have Havc Imse I not authority Bible authority for saying tions of this sjstlJ1 system in all directions from thethe tthat Iflt none but freewill oflerlngs are acceptable to Emperor on his peasantjjat hi Throne to the lowest peasant the he Lord Paul respectrespect Pa1l1lmld said Woe is unto me if I preach The exact nature of Chinese beliefs in this not ot the gospel would the 66 woe have bcc1l1cs3 been less was next considered It was shown that the Chi fol1l1e






















I j











flOll FitionlOllFition 6UIOU6UIOU 151






1877 Sept 12th 1877aa- t 30 t I anniversary of r I liS isJS the at HrlWfi 1 atThis tl IC 30th 0 f our arrival gSliangiai butvan y wn was Shnnghai At 1lst our way a8 in tlo dark but very successive decade lm proevery ovcry has shown mlrked pro f om wOll 1011 nlCSS lin influgress 1oclay tho missionary inlll1 fence of1tce ill China is n might pocr rho letlYCll of Ico5cd erhi thi eeer een lleoslted this mass o f ordivine trut diviue n been truth hH bepower is be 101 rot filld corruption anll its Irresistible powcris BiboUi Bi ginlmimg seen apt and felt far and wide The 13nning to be 111c 1We has 1JCeli t1l1nslntcll into tho lItelnry or deadllead hole conntry nnd also rendercd rendercdlanguage rCl1el annuflge of the whole Intg loInto the spoken 1nnl1agc or dialeet of many 10 Chinese have notJbeennotbeennotbeen calitics a style in which the Ohineselmc caJitlcSa calitiesa worship in the habit of making books Places of worshipthe have bepn secmed whcre multitudes come to theof going hell to hem the word ofsoun sound of thl chulch goin esliving witnesses hae bcen es God Churchcf of 1ivinO convmccconvincedC11 convmccu Tens of tholl111dsbne tablished tablislied thousands Dave ocen the of the trutli of the Gospel who have not had thetheir moral courage to make a public confession of theirpros Thirty years ago whentbe prosfaith in Chrt hnauau hn pect was so dark and the darkness seemed so impcct whatpenetrable r would Itnvc eOU1pIolised for what 1 now belloW as my life work demandemandNow m y emand surrendersurrcncrtiotlhil g less than a complete surrender surrcncr would bee lot1tlrlgles I am in dead ealncst about UIlS matter 101 I fullyworld God is in unnsi Christ reconciling the realizo that woimtnar uou woim uio worldrealize word an has committed unto us the wordunto lento himself and usus commamlcdusiof reconciliation and that he has commanded 1l nations do to all to make it known I not only cldomon oriCe to the Jl1I or work Ss 011 workmission my life not regret devoting m Illsusus his but I rejoice that He counted me worthy to be hisglobe gloctetnbassador to the greatest empire on the globeambassador WISwis Now my one desire is that lie would give mo wisIhccloin llidom to doo His will and be a faithful steward llic




RetrospectlRetrospect 1





























ment mCllt aUI and similar 1ewaI1slss- ap hC1epunishments hereand IH1II1ll1ne1Jt8 hC1e ns lwte theIhe govcrll1llellt of Chinn i13 the mOlteI model of the theory of gOYtHllll1tJllt sllJpoell toto 111 01111 prevail provall the other lvorld jhcrc as here there is isna chief or 1I1li1lIJg rilleI with a ll his subordinatcfsubordinatc subordinateministers each of whom has Ids reI illIlC Illsreiinuc his places all and his orticers corresponding to the yaya va1110 mens fillslliS runners and executioners Oil earth This Thismels chief ruler said Dr Yates not without a sly referreferarefernrefer iis 811al10 ence we suppose to the term coil 811al10controversy troversy isShang cOlltlOCl is Ti who iA to the unseen world what liuang Ti isIl is-Isto this The paper which abounded in11 i1lt1stltlonspillustrationslillustrationsillustrations thatpof the varlOliS various point closed with a statement that thatthis ancestral worship is the root and essence of allall idolatryidolatry n irir Only rom Lonr MenMen Mrs lls Yatcs and IIllae have both been a little turnerunderunder the weather but are better I enjoy my freedomfreedom from consular and mixed court work I have re received most nattering letters from the U S Millisccivcd ccivclmost IinlsMinisMinis ter and Acting Consul General on the occasion ofof my lligl1ation of tile im important occupied occupie1I0rtant post I occupiedTIll1tJ dthere Is sOllie interest at my conntry station KorNoKo special interest ill my city cOlIgleatioll havethavehave just comploted a trallslati01l of Acts of the AposlAposApos tles i1lto the spoken lannIIf1C amI would lIke totics to have the means to print ft with Matthews gospelospelgospel We 11e have now but four men ill China I lamentlament 1oin so little for the evanel1zatioll1Ithat we are doing evangelizationevangelization of China Let prayer ascend for the blessing ofof 011 at home and abroadtile spirit upon our work the abroad Great jProgressPim rog1ess rvrni rogiessrogiess weai The congregations at my new church and an at thethe ane0I111tr schoolhouse ill the coimtrj andan lur and continue large there are some applications for baptism memA mem ber from a distant city has just returned bringingher bringing a candidate for baptism thoThere are others at thethe churchschoolhouse at Kicin San and at my home ciltlrchchurch 1 My Bible class for men and Mrs Irs Yatcs class forfor women l11en are deeply interesting Out of thesethese t Hly of the scriptures have comeclasses for the study come comha ye colliesome valuable voluntary workers But 0 thethe Chivenality and hardness of heart of the whole Chi yenality vOlalit Chinice But notwithstanding nese race nesc notwith statltlitigr the apparently 1I0twithstant1innfprogress insurmountable difficulties in the way of progresssus and the fewness of llm laborers inadequately susIS very great JSI bl r tthough visibly tained our progress is rOlg I visiblyto the churches at home yery small This to themthem j t I tlleoUlagd1discouragedsuccess discouraged apparent want of has i fear thesome whose faith is not very the ver long in ivgard to tile80U JI118iol1F COllrage my dear brother China mfton Chmft It is-is of necessary to di lay the foundation ofdigJ deep and la neccar necesbary dOI1Cen donedone Golfs building on the rock That has been Gods building btllll1tIJOnn- i s ftractiff attention and oppooppo um1 and the bllik1

















1 I



i I


i 1








I have again been left as in so many years the eals in thepast the only male missionary in our CantonCanton 1I5s Whilden and Mrs mission However Miss GravesIs Graves together rtoether with the native assistants have renderedrendered eflfcient efilcicllt aid in carrying Oil our work here Pereincient Per haps the most marked event in the history of haps oftmIssions during missions wn the mcetino llrllrg the past year meetingsmeetings meetillrsveal was GoPsGoiFs GoiFsof the Shanghai Conference oftle Already has spirit spmt descended in answer to prayer and probablyprobably more professed the name of Christ the past yearyear hthll ill any other year than ear in the history of modernmodern m ChinaChina missions in mlsious sDr Graves at the Conference Dr ConferenceMay IMh Dr Graves read a paper on thelUillDr the subject U How shall the native churches bee stitnustimustimu lated to more aggressive Christian Istlan work TheThe first considered was the necessity an firs point considered impor and importance of Christian work It promotes selfdenial

2G802GS2012 2G80 2689Forty operations of various kinds were perper 1elformed making in all 2720 patients who obtainedobtained otaincdyearthe Dispensary year yearelief at the during 01 THE C1IUBCIIISCIIUKCIIKSCHUHCHESSTATISTICS OF CIIUKCIIKS CItUlclChurch Canton Church1 Baptized 12 restored died 41 gain 9-00Baptized2 present No 130 contributions 103103 10ng ChurchSlim Church Churc3Shiulliny Shiulliny hBaptied 8 present No 43 Total Baptized of the twoBaptied two rotalof 11s 11churches 173 Baptized in connection with MrMrs sJohnsons work in Hong Kong 12 Total baptized Johnsons baptizedhaptized32 1aL 32during the year Chinese Missionary Society SoctctySocietyOur Chinese brethren rhave an outstation ofof their own at San Kin a town about 15 miles southsouth of Shin Hlng Several t of thpse baptized havchave




been brought to Christ through the labors of filth tthe thI 11 carried on by llIl work Is a Chi IlThis Chhhi a society who runt missionary house nnnese amloos nn aninese incso inest and subscriptions 1l1101l1tsupport dsupport idsupport Rllppnrt an assistant Their sllhcliltll1 amountedamounted eto to 100 during the year most oof which came from flofrois cheering to sec ec thiand Oregon mDemarara it mDluwlIm Demarara mIemtlrna tillthis carry own on their to of mission tin Chinese slflort setlort missioullsdoetlort cal nwork awork work Abroad Chinese Churches AbroadrecentlyrcccntlyreeeutlyBrother Lough Full in Demarara has recently llourhhsngt1olrihsngllottrihsm llourhhsng baptized lJavtlzcll 271 and is now pastor of a llottrihsmFrom brother Dong chllrch of over 100 members church additionsadditions adtlitiollGong in Oregon we hear of several alldltlon11011101 WorkWork WOUllln3 Womans sliomaus 11orkthIIl1t Ilin in visiting theth the Miss lis Whilden has been untiring partspartshopitlllll1ltl and families in different parts sick at the hospital hollng villagesneighboring villages 11 II t UII and in some of the 1Illgh Canton of Ca wowo Mrs 18 Graves has had meetings for the heathen Wfemale omen men weekly Bible class for the femalmell and a weekl thltlilj thl tlilfeeveral of those baptized tillechurch echillell church members 01k01k work till workthe fruits of tills syear year YCal have been tIt jyear the thLlte he following tabular statement will show theThe yearetatl of the schools for the past year state tatl eassbtaiit eassitaut here hashtnllt assitaut


A Avv Attfiui 2a5 25 55-5888-S-

Holl On Oulioii 12

ton tBoys school Call Canton Boys 11 Shin Jiing Shill H To Hal G Can l Girls school Mrs 11 u u H S S 1III u H I W Can Mrs Mrs 11 H Ilnimin



12 225 0 1

IleplUplUpt Ipt5 55-


2 22-222-


2 25 14

34 20

3 33--

1 11-

1313 1102 145 1t5 fltlrcfuture futurin to the be are 3Jis schools Miss Hiss Whildens Jis supsup econnected connected Ollncctell directly with the mission and not sufundsfunds flllltipported portell ported from special fluid11vhave11v himbefore in the history of the mission him Never Never sXenIlJefore XenIlJefore ptJpilpupils In all 13 pupilsman pupils been baptized so iO many yearlaly baptism this year IIIYe professed Christ by lal have NeededNeeded Help Hel Jlelp witllhcllwithheldmo not been etn altogether withheld Gods blessing lcshl has convertersconverters vertedverted Souls have been con from us tlds year al GodG odlJlGodGod a new station has been occupied the word of G faithfullyIJltnlaithfullIJltnlaithfull it faithfully JIIns been has eclI studied and the truth lias been blessingWhat we need now iis Gods blessing prcached preached AmericaAmellCWill not the churches in America on our labor the in earnest in praying for an outpouring of thebo ill SpiritHoly lIoh Spirit I111111 physicallyam not physically I would ollitl also plead for help niuclrindsI lIIlICIniucli able to accomplish what I once could ntatat Will not the churches atIHeed ineed a fellowlaborer need andand aUaUl Lorne enable the Board to send back brother anthome for lsistet Simmons or to send out a new man forisister sister


Canton Cantoll

youYOIwhat say ar you







a S S


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5 Cllrpl 6 7

8 9 HI

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l errarisIcrarl 1alhclletto1alhclletto Iuchetto I 11 0 fi 11 II l3ellondll3ellondl M1tartItotIM1tartItotII Jllrtlrlllll IMartinelli MartinelliIlllrUnllII CocordaBVoeordll Cocorda W BUSHBUSH


hoho Colomho Cololn


TotaL TotaTotal






a j U r 0 2 1Illalt n I co 3 V Yenice



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Station Station stations

da 0rl rl rlu tlutl rlc cctl-tl c-

nlltland to prevents mutual jealousy increases the faith andOt1l1CSS and mercy tohis goodness be praised for all hi andeall and f or d ttheir le r zea wisdom of Christians calls forth alllictioniallliction us in our hours of darkest aillicthougiftegift 1patience patience promotes Jromotc benevolence and also the gift1111 ErroriSeeiny J fttu Error Seeiny einy Their E 7101 tin1lstimu to stimueeJIIV eJIIV of utterance Under the question how toDr In late the natives to more aggressive work DrI deem It necessary to observe great caution Ineorcor bebe Graves urged the importance of giving them corChinese1 who Idiwse of The rece reception members lion the till all will in somesome rect information on the subject also that allreeve 11oe that connection with foreigners will lieve each connecshould be set to work the responsibility of eachconnec seek often temporally way war benellt them bohebo ami one shall be insisted upon and there should beant thou tlon with the church with that end in view amition the of special seasons of prayer when reports of thethey are so clever that the best missionaries are ofItitwith work being done might bee handed in Lastly it telllIcceiycti Here are churches in Shanghai withten deceived There tcn power poweor was pointed out that example was the most powerseveral hundred members but only twenty orallful of all not fid the do notthirty lthirtr come to the communion and they MissionariesMissionaries IisiouariccOlltriJmte more than 5 per month contribute NcwStatiOllsNcwStatiOlls Stations Leta StationsArcwmStttioisArcwmStttiois that the Hud thataro beginning to see their error for they are cit v ofof are We have opened many who areO- cllcll a new outstation in the city Ol tentJellc of the influence of the nHln the tendency ploviilcetprovince provincein- the southwest part of this thi provillegood Ko Chan in lnot what they ought to be is to corrupt the goodnot I appearappcUwh never become quite Ulwmal many of the literati appear selfsupporting- What is ecome selfsupporting 11uit- unusual Such churches will ool ex- amille Christian books Canton The Cantonalltollalltoll ex disband inclined to examine eIn fact if left to themselves would disbandthey wouldllhlJaml In lJo- rue the expense of the meetinglJo th little meeting church lias borne in a short time room fn ityChristialtilyCltrlsUanity ity ized Christia Pagan Paganized cPreaching PreachingPreaching with Wee have an extremely hard people to deal with111anddisand dis Daily preaching has been TJiey disciples not worthy ecome your discipleuot elU kept up at Canton nullThey worth di rhey will become cOlIgTlgatlolltcongregations quo Shin 11ciplesof pro quociplesof ciples of Christ quitpro sh*t liinirand we have had good congregationsbut they must have a quid ChristlJut The Genuine progress must for a time be slow TheClassClass llodo personal influence of a missionary has much to doooksbooks Thepast year The members the with the quality of hUr church During hichmch rbU we have studied the bookswith compre of Kings Ezra and Nehemiah in connection withChinese Chince situated as they are are slow to comprethe religion file hend and embrace the purity of our holy religionthe prophecies of Isaiah Daniel and those of theBabylollBabylon paganized- minor paganized I can see about me mirror prophets after the return from Babylonin a great tendency to paganizegenwith gen Christianity with the apology that the next genJo Christianity and part of the Psalms together withAlso Job InstructionIIItructlollsuch some of the New Testament epistles Instruction eration will bee better I have no hope of any suchamIand stock lias result Christianity grafted upon a pagan stockha also been given in church history singing andTheThe natural theology renderedwill never produce the fruits of the Spirit Chan Sin Shang has lClIderellrendered hranchsoil must be cleared of all the roots of paganismpaganism branch efficient assistance by teaching the last branchettlcient and We the before the seed of the Word will grow there andVe must soon leave much of our work to theweBwell confer Chinese and it is all important that they be wellbear fruit unto life eternal At the recent conference there was an almost universal sentiment inin grounded in the scripturesscriptures scriptllrcspeed a possible and as speedfavor slaor of reducing as far as Circulated Literature CirculatedChristian Statistics of ily as possible the moneyed influence in connecconnec 806Gtioll with our mission work tion worktracts8060 tracts American Tract Socy tiacts1ist13041304 Baptist13013apt Baptist ist 3apt Health III Ill Health44G44 44 expenses4tt private expenses At for At his own expense brother Yates Yate sailed forSan Francisco where he arrived on January 17th17th 100141001t10014 ij the- Portions of scripture ithe95of this year and returned to Shanghai in the 95 jsteamer of April 1st Under the latter date liehesteamer he I H The ulcer from which 1 have sufferedwrites suffered 1010910109 Total so much has passed away It was the result of a-aatilepllb tS led my H Notes on theast I published last the September In passagebone of a fowl inflicting wounds passage its in wouns 200 a volume of some 200Ptlrables of our Lord Parables through me The trouble was of a dangerousdangerous pages Some 1100 I lave been printed mure00 copies have more pI I lted morecharaeter I am thankful that T can return atcharacter at than half of which have been sold Some of thethe beonce to my family and work The Lord e be Lot 111 a tract form Therileecn printedJ in theThe parables have been pmised 11 praised followlfollows sales of tracts have amounted to 7 as followsSUMMAKY AND SUPPLICATION 03iSUDrAnY SUPPLICATION03 ei5 63Canton Book Boom 1 3737 4i I must ask you to cxcuteCoati t ry The excuserhe Doctor writes rites excuse Country excll the shortness of this report for I arn feeblefeeble 7 0000 Baptized during tlllrin the year ear 10 dismissed 2 died Uptized 2 present members in full fellowship S3 amountthe Maytheamonntamount May la Besides the above orders for books to theamonnt bless of 25 have been received from Demarara and allllandandthe Lord of the harvest add and m multiply his blessprintedook have been printed lngs ami send more well qualified laborers into hisings his Oregon and the books Oh that Christians at home could feelvineyard feel JJrorkWorkWork Medical Markthat this is their work and we are their Inessetlmessenmessen gers and an that we all are coworkers with Christ forfor rel1ewcllgels renewed The Medical Missionary Society have renewed150 which has enabled ususthe extension of his kingdom The Lord makn us its- their appropriation of us in doing and suffering his willcheerfl11ln cheerful will man to keep open the outstation at Sai Nam One manyearfrom this town has been baptized during the year rearCANTON MISSIONCASTO MISSION USSIO MISSIOofof Brother Chau the medical assistant in charge of11 MISSIONARIES Mrs R II Graves Mr NMISSIONARIISMrs reportsreports GravesIIsSIONARnS118 IIsSIONARnS118 Dispensary reljltGraves ItGraves- the ItGraves liss Lula Whildenand Miss Whilden Eye Diseases Other Diseases TotalTotal NATIVE ASSISTANTS 271 009 ASSISTANTsYong 1000 Yong Seen San and1282Yell and Men 1282 clcvcn other eleven laborers 316 737 otherlaborcrs assistants and Bible womenwomen Women omen 101310531053 2GG 88 354 Children

Lord ord

0000U U



23 10 10

71 1


1010 10 I10 iu 10 12 2 11 3 1 3 HSO 13 6 13 2 22

c 5

11 7

10 1


8to425 10 400 8

25 2

lot 1A to 7t WUoiO 10 to 25 115 to 15tO 20 1 7iAiA to 2531o71 lOro f010 to 60


15to 15 10 10to15 towttow 1Oto10 1Oto lotofio 10to2010to20 10 to 20


132 32


f tf

13- 51l 134

3 II-

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173tu4o173tu4oo to HU 173

oRcmarks and Explanations by Brother Taylor 4Remarks lRemarks Remarks andcadami 1 Ferraris of Torre Pelllcc makes regular amport age tours coJportnge ioften often extensive evangelistic and col IIIII ilm2 Some have been converted at our meetings m ThefiletheThe IliIall and have joined other denominations lMilan Milan toEvangelist Paschetto represents the opposition to SundayschoolBaptist views as very strong The Sundayschool Baptit PcdoItopPeltoBapPcdoItop is nourishing here as elsewhere The 1edoI3apwmcn whichwmcntists speak against our Boards work as one Widthwill one day be abandoned ungenungen ulgn3 The Evangelist Belloudl complains of ungetwlJlchwlncn wlncnerons opposition from other denominations wliCherous letotls publishedlIaye f hopeful good houses but is hopefillhave goollIl01l3Cr lIe has published toto a volunin of hymns composed by him and set arearcarc music by the chorister They are good and nroI


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.