A Heated Exchange - Chapter 1 - ST_Necro (2024)

Chapter Text

Yells and shouts erupt from the training hall with the booming sounds of punches and kicks accompanying it. Each hit connected inside sends tremors through the massive structure, as if a battle of truly epic proportions was going on inside, juxtaposing the soft splendour of the sunny weather outside. In truth however, the battle going on inside is far from irregular. In fact, the stake of this current fight is far from important.

Inside the training hall are none other than the Jade palace's two most powerful students, masters Po and Tigress, sparring with each other. Earlier on in the day, their comrades and Shifu had to leave on a diplomatic mission that required their assistance, leaving the two with little else to do. As for how long they have been at this… it has been an hour past the time they were meant to have lunch. The two warriors trade blows with each other and swiftly break away, looking with a keen eye at whatever the other could be planning.

Since the incident with Kai, the panda and tiger had practically been inseparable, always cherishing each other's company whenever they could. Their intimacy only grew as time passed until three months ago their true feelings came to light. From that point on, it was impossible to see either of the two without a smile on their face. Whenever they kissed, hugged, or even spoke to each other their souls radiated of a pure, blissful happiness.

This was no different whenever they trained. Po's skills had only improved further to the point where he had actually managed to give Tigress a good fight up until he inevitably lost.Not this time.As this pledge flies through the panda's mind, he takes up his stance again with his tiger following suit. Though this was all well and good, there was one disadvantage whenever they did train together. Something that appealed to a more primal, hungry part of themselves.


A flex of the muscles, an unexpectedly intoxicating aroma, their bodies pressed against each other; Only now did they notice all of these things, only now did they realise how it drove them mad. However, they certainly didn't hate this feeling. The thought of joining with each other on an even more intimate scale was something both of them desperately wanted. No, needed. If only their friends weren't always around.

Before either of them can properly distract themselves with their amorous thoughts, they push their minds back into the heat of battle as they rush into the centre of the hall, the jade tortoise being moved for further space, and clash. Trading blows, the two warriors push each other back and forth until Tigress breaks their stalemate with a low sweep, making Po fall to the ground. Before she can act further on this, the panda lands on his front paws and does a handstand kick, forcing Tigress to dodge out of the way. As he gets back onto his feet, the dragon warrior flashes her a cheeky grin whilst the tiger responds with an eager smile.

They charge again, trading blows for the umpteenth time but, the panda manages to land a palm strike on her side and a kick to her left shin. Seeing herself losing ground, Tigress decides to go for something fairly unorthodox. As Po attempts a left punch, she catches it and holds his fist with her right arm before batting away his other fist with her left paw. Her panda within her grasp, the tiger puts her left paw on his shoulder, lifts her legs up and wraps them around his face before putting her paws on the floor and tossing him towards the gauntlet of wooden warriors.


Landing face down with in front of a wooden dummy, the dragon warrior shakes his head out of his daze as his ears pick up rapid footsteps coming behind him. With a shocked gasp, Po quickly reacts by delivering a forceful chop to the bottom of the training dummy, catching it, and chucking it towards the approaching tiger master. Amber eyes widen at the sight of the hurdling hunk of wood and though she is able to easily use a jumping kick to send it away from her, she does so at the cost of her offensive. His opening in sight, the dragon warrior leaps forward and clings onto Tigress with his arms as he performs a forward roll. He stops himself with his back to the floor before releasing his hold on the tiger and pulling both his legs back.


Tigress is sent flying towards the ceiling as she is hit with the panda's double leg kick. Though slightly dizzy, she is able to use her feline instincts to gracefully land on the ceiling, her claws digging into the wooden surface as she gives the panda a somewhat impressed grin. Seeing her recover so easily, Po scrambles to get himself off the floor as Tigress pounces off the ceiling, shooting directly at the panda. They both reel their fist back, ready to land what they hope to be the deciding blow.


A shockwave ripples throughout the training hall as both fists connect, with Tigress balancing herself directly on top of Po's fist. Finding themselves at yet another stalemate, the tiger warrior pushes herself off the panda's fist and flips over to his side. Jade eyes shift their focus towards the feline, finding themselves taking in her form. He takes in the hypnotising look of the stripes layering the back of her head, the elegant vine patterns adorning her golden qipao and soon his eyes find themselves drawn towards her behind.

Wait, he shouldn't be looking there.

Just as his love turns around, he averts his eyes, not knowing that the tiger is quite aware of his admiring stare. This isn't exactly a new occurrence after all, and oh Gods did she love it. How he could never take his eyes off her, as if she were some kind of Goddess to him. Granted, she has gotten stares before but with Po she could tell it was never out of perversion. His intentions have always been pure, even if he could get a bit… carried away sometimes.

She goes back into her signature tiger style stance, forcing the dragon warrior to do the same. Amber orbs note the subtle yet noticeable flex of his biceps as he readies himself, her heart lathering itself with a hunger for those arms wrapped around her. With several blinks, Tigress washes this thought away as the two breathe heavily out of fatigue. "I think it's about time we finish this." A mischievous grin slithers its way onto her face as she prepares her final attack, "Let's see if you can keep up."

As soon as she taunts him, the tiger master shoots towards Po, and they clash once more. Trading blow after blow, they parry and block each other's attacks at a mind-boggling speed, the panda somehow managing to keep up with his tiger. With every deflected move comes a connected hit, though neither warrior backs down. Punch for punch, kick for kick, it seems that their clash will never end. As Tigress goes for her signature double palm strike, Po manages to react in time by intercepting the attack and batting both her paws away before pulling her in a tight embrace. Tigress finds herself too drained to break his hold on her, leaving the two warriors with nothing to do but stare.

Jade orbs gaze deeply into amber as several exhausted breaths leave their mouths. Sweat drips down their tired bodies, their warmth only amplified by the panda's unyielding hold on the feline. A musky fragrance seeps into both warriors' nostrils, this strangely alluring scent boosting the adrenaline already coursing through their veins. They smile at the state they're in, all hot and bothered to the core. So many stalemates, so many ties. They need release. And luckily for them, they have no-one to disturb them. A lustful hunger coats both of their faces as the tension between them builds from a tiny flame to a roaring blaze.

Without a second's hesitation, Po ravenously kisses Tigress' lips, the tiger kissing back with equal ferocity. Sparks fly throughout their body, bringing pleasurable goosebumps onto their skin. Muffled moans escape their locked lips as their kiss only becomes more intense, the warmth in their hearts progressing into a raging inferno. Lost in their amorous act, the dragon warrior lifts up his darling tiger and pins her to the wall. They separate for a split second to regain air before returning to their loving act. Po finally releases his hold on her and puts his paws on the wall whilst Tigress instantly wraps her arms around his neck.

His body presses up against hers, feeling the strong muscles lying underneath her now damp qipao. In the midst of their mist of pleasure, the tiger master feels something digging into her sacred spot, causing a smile to light up on her face mid-kiss. He couldn't wait any longer, and neither can she. Ending the kiss, she puts her forehead up to his to speak only for him to interrupt with a pleading whimper, "I want you. Oh Gods, I want you."

A sweet smile finds its way onto her face at the panda's admittance, leading to her seductive response, "Then take me, Po. Do whatever you want to me." Jade orbs gaze at amber in question, brightening at the tiger's inviting, half-lidded eyes. With a soft smile on his face, he initiates the kiss again whilst wrapping his paws around her waist. Tigress moans in the kiss as he caresses her sides with a tenderness only a lover can show, the panda carefully moving his paws up to the clips keeping her Qipao in place.


With a single movement of his arms, he rips the Qipao open as his tiger releases her arms from his neck, allowing her upper clothing to drop down to the floor. Another muffled moan escapes her as Po's paws wrap around her now bare lower back, his touch electrifying her entire body. Po finds himself stranded in a sea of undeniable pleasure, the sounds of his lover bringing a blissful tingle up his spine. He's become so enraptured in her that he doesn't even see himself leaning a tad too much to the left. By the time he does however, its too late for he has already lost his balance, bringing his pleasured tiger to the floor.


Po lands on top of Tigress, the latter confused as to how they have ended up here. After a moment of realisation, the tiger warrior giggles at her panda's clumsiness whilst he responds with a meeker chuckle. Not wanting to ruin the mood, she caresses her love's cheek with her paw before nuzzling their muzzles together. With her other paw she unsheathes a single claw before placing it on top of her chest wrappings and giving Po a flirtatious wink, giving him a single signal. As she slowly cuts through her wrappings, the panda takes care in removing her black kung fu trousers, but not without leaving a trail of kisses from her toned abs downwards.

Gasping at the hot kisses finding their way to her legs, the feline master gives her lover a sweet smile, "Oh, Po." A tender whisper graces the panda's ears, his lips continuing to make their mark as he slides her trousers off her body. By the time he is done, he tosses the clothing aside, takes her feet in his paws and gives each of them a small peck. "Po, you're too much." She gasps out again, her toes curling at his treatment.

"Nothing's too much for you, Tigress." Another amorous compliment to warm his tiger's soul, another way for her to cement him as the only one she could ever want. At this statement, Tigress throws away her chest wrappings and moves her paws to his patchy shorts, curious as to what awaits underneath. With one swift movement she drops his shorts down to the floor, revealing his… excited friend. She licks her lips in anticipation, but before she can act on her salacious hunger, she feels her panda slip her undergarments off her. Amber orbs look to the panda in curiosity as she notices him staring at her sensitive spot. His signature goofy smile coming to his face, Po buries his head in between her thighs and plants a warm kiss to her sweet spot.

A loud moan escapes Tigress, not expecting that at all. But Gods be damned did it feel amazing. She bites her bottom lip as she feels his lips blessing her delicate flower again and again, and again, her claws digging further into the floor with each kiss. After the fourth time, her panda pops his head up from her sacred spot with his goofy smile still intact whilst his eyes are clearly intoxicated by the juices coating his muzzle. "A bit wet down there. Heh, heh." He jokes, taking in the sight of his lover's aroused smile, her amber orbs practically glowing in pleasure.

Letting out a quiet chuckle at her panda's innocent comment, she tenderly caresses his cheek before whispering, "Kiss me." He immediately goes to plant his head back between her legs until she interrupts him, "Uh, uh. here." She points to her lips, making the panda lick her juices off his mouth and crawl back up to her, their lips connecting once again. As they make out, Tigress snakes her right paw down to his exhilarated member, lightly stroking it to the panda's surprise. His eyes burst open at her loving touch, a shockwave of pleasure shooting into his mind as he moans into her mouth. The tiger master breaks the kiss and gazes into Po's eyes, admiring the adorable whimpers escaping his mouth as she fondles with him. A lecherous timbre fills the tiger's voice as she chuffs into his ear, "I think it's time your little friend has some fun." Shock coats the panda master's gaze for a few seconds until he feels her paw caressing his wood again. Giving Tigress a whole-hearted smile, he places one paw at the back of her head and gives her a passionate kiss, prompting her to let go of his member.

She spreads her legs, inviting his little friend in. As he prods his member at her entrance, they break the kiss as crackles of warmth swirl around their minds. Before long, he manages to slowly slip his wood inside, forcing a painful hiss out of his lover and eliciting a gasp from him. Once he finally pushes himself all the way in, jade orbs look to the tiger with concern, "Are you okay?"

A passionate smile forms on Tigress' face as she keeps her eyes closed, enjoying how the brief moment of pain morphs into a sea of undeniable bliss. "I'm fine, Po. Oh, I'm fine. Don't stop." She mutters with a husky tone quite foreign to her. Seeing his lover exhilarated beyond measure, he gently pulls back his member and thrust back in, bringing out another moan from his feline love. He does this again, and again, the pleasure clouding his mind only growing with each thrust.

As his hips build up a steady rhythm, Po looks deep within Tigress' fiery eyes, picking out the unbridled passion lying within, seeing the Goddess he had always hoped to be with one day. His dream had already come true when he came here, but now he had someone more. Someone he would cherish for his entire life. Suppressing a moan, the panda gives his tiger a kiss on the cheek as she passionately mewls to her panda's rhythm, "You're perfect, Tigress." He unleashes a flurry of kisses onto her neck, gaining a breathless giggle in response, "Ah, I'm in heaven."

This adorable whimper kisses Tigress' ear as she feels her panda's lips find their way over to her chest, her pleasure ascending to new heights as she feels the panda sucking on her supple breasts. "You're too good to me, Po." A chuff escapes her lips at the feeling of one of her panda's paws firmly grabbing her butt, "Oh Gods, what did I do to deserve, mmm, someone like you." Her eyes roll back, those crackles of passion now turning into an unstoppable storm of pleasure.

He continues thrusting into her, releasing more moans and whimpers from the both of them. Once again, Po sweetly kisses his tiger's neck, but this time Tigress reciprocates the action, licking his ear in the process of her loving treatment. Feeling something bubble up within him, the dragon warrior quickens his pace, forcing the tiger to bite her lip at her ever-increasing wave of pleasure. "Oh Gods, Po! Keep going! Don't stop making love to me! Please!" She screams out, drunk off her dragon warrior's love. Those words spark something within the panda, making him bite her shoulder as he goes even faster. With each accelerated pump, Tigress feels something building in her mind, something begging for more and more. She bites his ear whilst wrapping her legs around his hips in response to his loving treatment, never wanting to let go of him.

His thrusts only get faster and faster, both warriors losing themselves to their passions as they yearn for release. Jade orbs widen as Po feels himself drawing close to the finish. Desperately wanting to reach his climax now, the dragon warrior pins both of his tiger's paws to the floor as he continues to speed up his thrusts. "T-Tigress, I want to-

"Do it, Po! Make me yours! Ah! I want to be yours!" She yells out, already knowing what her panda wants to do as her pleasure comes so close to the end. At this, the panda embraces her and puts his forehead up to hers, thrusting as fast as he can until he feels himself reach the apex of his fiery passion. He passionately kisses his lover as he thrusts one final time, forcing both warriors to finally reach their climax. Blaring roars and moans are muffled by the lovers' kiss as Po releases his seed into his loving tiger, their clouded minds finally clearing out of their primal desires. An amorous smile finds its way onto Tigress' face, feeling her dragon warrior continuing to pump himself into her. They keep kissing, drowning themselves in their love as both warriors finally come out of their haze of passion.

After thirty seconds, they finally separate. Amber orbs widen at the sight of tears streaking down her panda's eyes. Before she can even ask what's wrong, he buries his face into her shoulder. "I love you so much, Tigress. I love you; I love you; I love you. Oh Gods, I love you. You drive me crazy, and I love it."

A gracious smile adorns Tigress' face as she tenderly strokes the back of Po's head, now realising he is crying tears of intense joy. To her surprise, she feels dampness on her cheeks, and it is safe to say it isn't sweat. Amber orbs gaze upon her loveable panda, not caring about who won the sparring match or anything else. All she will ever need is the man who she has given her heart to. No one else. After laying a gentle kiss on his ear, she whispers with a sweetness that Po has never heard before.

"I adore you, my sweet panda."

A Heated Exchange - Chapter 1 - ST_Necro (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.